It km Wa TIM Global Perspective Maarl Library Network pulls in grants with Grade 11 heir people the d undine lor hc monies the with cost saving and one of libraries in the orl Public Libraries work The citizen of Toronio are more fortunate than the citizens o ami Aurora in a macabre son of for most of Toron citizens i will take onh millionth of a second white m ft Ml take primp weeks of nausea hemorrhaging and pain The difference between and radiation potoninfi target ted with nuclear capon von have dismissed alarmist Welt vol are Now alio mr the opportunity ex plain v am emotional alarmtt am delusions surviving a nuclear war Scientists now ajmer tha- ever i limited nuclea- Hal wit changes referred to as W precipitate the end lite or planet So if are un to survive the immediate effect heat adtatiori vol can look for il week poisoning we hove nothing rear because norm leade would launch an unpovokec Possible no lo ot now the there be t3 nuclear powers including I vbta Pakistan vol lee knowing tha the leaders mean dangc a There approximated one alarm in eve- tour davs A thrpesen the initial date although have beer some calls for example a v a- games tape accident NOR AD compute warned attack in States forces a high of readiness Siic hue ther it the launch mechanism- D armed with weapon- were airborne The had been contacted and we wer wurur minute- Ml the was caught S and S5R are now car reach target- longer be possible ir making process which pogammed com sides have threatened tr this launch or warning mechanism e pond to these new weapons decide the rate of the earth Scientts- predict these developments makes nuclea- mm inevitable A this pom mar asking Russian w car nun Grade their people in the use of funding or less The peience on the job automated candidate mus also According to towards the five have been libraries automation and has unemployed to- some Librarian Lisa project secures time anc have the op- the ork libraries Since lasi Public ts reaping the benefits training and improve grants govern iding -ml- purchase a stem compute to communo date The I has brer of lihrario creating Vutting in no improve job- stimulating A the p- honk or these the Am ftu becoming better tntomed vol be vol fit or beliefs Act peace miiii ice goup influencing vol can join the North Peace Group teal me a to iniomamr group vol car Dismantle t one a related groups influence Point tr respond it puPiii vou- of ftdBBa and hope vol wil u- Dal am ee opinion Take and the So A Progam oping mm ing the A Dialogue With Pair and discussion a social third show quack am the B DM ate it the nanagemen a- total ft the topic YORK TUTORIAL SERVICES nat iib STUDENT READING CHECK CAN YOUR CHILD READ THIS STORY WITHOUT ERRlKS IN 30 SECONDS The Con Man A mar sons tthr it- tramp saia wit car it iff rate was cone lit lome to rot loooec ti- oate- came tie trami wan- to r mar A Tie tram saw lib robe I taKe tia- fits me He tie robe or wei its lome bee mar sac tie tramp PARENTS YORK TUTORIAL SERVICES Dial 8986894 416 SPRUCE STUDS ECONOMY yC TILES STUD Hurry Now Wmlmr Wontcchop Salt January IMS 3is ALUS North Yongc Oak HOURS AM Um TIL YOU CAN DEPEND ON US SB