Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), August 17, 1977, C08

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1 ft Ai I door brown paint Excellent condition Call Ml bucket will excellent condition til FORD 351 VI automatic gCTHIQAR good Hon phone after mint see to folate SOU art for SB Dart lan I cylinder good WOO a s Phone Trucks Sale needs engine worn In good condition Phone ton pickup long standard good certified Bargain 133 I960 GMCU truck Phone i V8 I condition uncertified 197 CHKVlVtoh pickup Traitors- tor Sale trailer many extras weeks Phone CHE Mesa hardtop as 4 years old way stove furnace sink eeps awning wide tires S1500 Phone NT TRAILER top canopy Phone LIONEL hardtop tent Her like new used curtains and cup- included hone Rl 33 corsair iralier 6 frig stove and Excellent condition 133 Mi CORSAIR trailer fully equipped toilet stove frig furnace sink tanks Phone AS motorcycles lor safe Don Wood Motorcycle Shop Alexander Road market Call If KAWASAKI excellent condition 1976 Kawasaki Enduro like new best offer phone -y- I SUZUKI very lew hours The Machine Suzuki- Sales Parts Service Repairs to all Holland East Next to Canadian Tire Bradford 1 hi CRIPPLED CATTLE Picked up Promptly call Long Distance and ask lor 70S Call anytime TRACTOR Ford 3 point hitch reconditioned Phone El BREAKING training and riding lessons available at your farm or ours oho blacksmith hot cotd and corrective shoeing Raymond or 473 526V REGISTERED Quarter horse gelding Western Part Quarter horse part Appolossa mare Western WOO Pony with saddle Phone BLACKSMITH Hot Cold Corrective FOR SALE well tempered quarter horse years old 152 HH English Pony mare age years trained 50 133 Building Trades Gelding years old Phone 133 FOR SALE Cattle cows with calves must sell moving Call Chestnut Gelding years 14 hands green well started Phone YOUNG HUNTER MARE for sale suitable lor man or wornanPhone 8933611 HORSES BOARDED monthly box stalls In dividual feed and care Dally turnout Phone 4732170 Tr CARPENTER New buildings additions alterations to homes cot and commercial buildings years ex perience For an estimate call Big or Small We Do Them Garages cleaned trash hauled away give us your cast Phone Between AM A PM Phone 195181 Crone Service -I- NEWMARKET CALL CARPET and Chesterfield steam cleaning York in- Dont Paint Your House 3 years experience Trained student painters year guarantee Student prices FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL NEWMARKET- AURORA 8958397 MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS To supply all your needs for Insulation Rooting Aluminum Products Carpentry Call Free Estimates Work guaranteed No Obligation CB Honda Many lras June Phone89S VyXM3 HONDA lor sale good Phone YAMAHA miles excellent condition Can be cor tilled Phone 133 Yamaha never raced excellent condition VIS CanAm new In 19741000 miles Phone HONDA CB crash oil cooler backrest parcel rack new tires new chain new battery WANTED TO BUY Old Tears bought lor scrap Highest prices paid Free pick up Arrow Towing fcSOW and Marine TRAILERS for rent 00 Phone CEDARSTRIP BOAT and Phone BLOWN INSULATION Reduce you Heating Costs Te Do Walls Free Estimates or 8955131 pager No if House wiring services and rooms Reasonable rates 7755136 Repair lo indulftal ROWLANDS RADIATOR SERVICE till Hour ti vSr Tempest 140 including power trim Ml convert top only brand new FIBERGLASS Tempest Elowrider delude lull covert top powered by John son electric in- controls and bat tery Ready logo New model 6833571 FOOT FIBRE BOAT and trailer with US Johnson also skis and other accessories Phone Farm Items FOR SALE SIX STOOJCER and bale ml Apply Farms Newmarket 6151- v tvn T1 IS ELITE CO Painting decorating and Carpentry In- and exterior Free estimates NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Aluminum Siding Soffit est rough Free Estimates year Guarantee L 4782092 TF10 FOR SALE wire cages with Apply Farms ACRES standing hay for Phone 31 in WEEKLY fc J Gardening Gardening TURF FARMS LTD NEWMARKET ONTARIO v J ir 1 To your Lawn Often and tint Weeds CaH WILLIE ToJay 8956845 Weed Spraying or Fertilizing Meats Produce for Meats Produce for Sale Sale WHOLESALE FREEZER ORDERS AT CUT RATE RED A SIDtS OF BEEF 87 Free Cut and Double Wrapped Budget Terms EX WE CARRY FULLLINE OF HEALTH FOOD DENNIS IS CUTTING Main St North Ntwmarfctt or tf NO I also size lor to price Don Thompson Cone north Holt SWEET CORN beets rhubarb Davis Drive East mile south on Cone Alan A Morion PICK your own Sweet Corn Phone Murray Crone NEW POTATOES now available at Willow Grove Farm Sharon Phone Dan Pets and Kennels REGISTERED puppies champion sired show and pet stock Phone LET US DO THE JOB FOR YOU INSiDE OR OUTSIDE 7278067 A COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE MARKS AUTO la to pm Monday thru Friday miles Nol on East Side Tune up brakes wheel alignment safety certificate Auctions 53 Personals si z AUTIFUL BORDER LINE German Shepherd good marking healthy In- for Asking Phone shots make excellent family dog Phone 133 BEAUTIFUL MALE RED setter monlhs old Has all shots needs a good country home Phone GERMAN SHEPHERD pups females Registered Sired by top German import 1100 Phone Keswick purebred beagles years LABBEAGLE pups tree to good home weeks 8811720 133 Miscellaneous COME TO for an old fashioned corn roast hay ride bonfire Private parties church groups and clubs etc For arrangements phone DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Starting Sept PM KENNELS Reg Personals FACED WITH A PROBLEM Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous or Family Group can help Phone or or 1337 Newmarket TROUBLED Want to talk Call or hours a day MABEL I Bought You The Paint Wallpaper Specials Hurry All Is Forgiven HARRY noble Guitar Laura mother ol PAUL NOBLE JR or anyone knowing her whereabouts please contact Mrs C Bishop In Toronto at between am 5 pm Tenders TOWNSHIP TENDERS FOR WINTER SAND Sealed Tenders clearly marked Sand Tender will be received by the un dersigned until noon FRIDAY SEPTEMBER To supply deliver treat with salt and stockpile proximately tons of course winter sand to be piled at Yards No and No 2 Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Office of the Pur- chasing Office at the Township of Georgina Civic Centre RR No Keswick Ontario Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac cepted Tom Appleby Purchasing Officer Canada Post Canada Tenders TENDERS FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Post Olfice Department invites public tenders for the transportation of mall be tween Toronto and Full particulars of tender specifications schedule of operation lender forms may be obtained from the postmasters Thornhlll Richmond Hill Aurora Newmarket They are also available from the Director Northern District Ontario Postal Region Street East North Bay Ontario Receiver General or Canada SKATE SHARPENING Tender forms now available from the undersigned Skate sharpening in Sutton and Keswick arenas Tenders close August at pm noon Steve Director of Community Services Township of Georgina Keswick Ontario Growers of No Merlon Mixed SPEEDY DELIVERY or field loaded for pick up orders Dont seed it SOD It for an Instant lawn Private Tuition MUSIC lessons guitar piano trumpet clarinet and accordion GIO VANELLI MUSIC CO TF30 MUSIC lessons In piano voice and theory Phone Mr Pickering FALL SWIM PROGRAMS Ladies children babies Slaters Pool Lessons begin Sept Mon- mornings Mrs Faudemer morn LESSONS in piano ac cordion clarinet sax flute trumpet and theory Teachers have bachelor Music degrees and successful leaching experience For information Newmarket PIANO A THEORY lessons still available experienced teacher Phone lore September 333 Business Services THOLIVER LTD for HEATING Gas oil electric Heat pumps r condition ing Refrigeration Electrical Sheet Metal Ventilation Phone Business Services THIS IS REPAIR ft ALTERATION TIME at Newmarket Cleaners Main St Zippers pockets hems small repairs All dry cleaning done on premises Phone 8957343 59 Lost arid Found LOST small pony very fine boned Chestnut color black mane and tall Last seen vicinity of Holl wearing blue nylon halter Childs pel Call LOST Short haired Ger man pointer mate sandy color answers to SANDY Phone LOST DOG black male Lab white marking oh chest Phone 7757014 Bradford Reward 133 LOST Approximately reward offered Phone lM ANTIQUE AND COLLECTORS AUCTION Tuesday Aug at pm lor Grampian An tiques at Victoria Square Community Hall Located lust west oil Don Mills Rd miles North of No at Victoria Square Partial listing Includes Large selection of Royal figurines and character Tobys discon tinued Royal collectors Royal Doulton King Geo Queen Mary Coronation pitcher old cranberry glass signed carnival and Jasper biscuit barrels vaseline and Mary Gregory glass PR Clolsonetle lamps washstands pine harvest table Pine Scotch dresser gallery plno dressers and chcsls pine blanket boxes music cabinet china cabinets carved hall table set of Benlwood chairs Chlffonler linger oil lamps pee toilet set copper ships lantern old advertising sign leaded glass windows 1883 sampler brass school bells brass Inkwell brass Icily pan brass chandelier gingerbread clocks Edwardian wall mantle clocks French domed clock pocket watches Including sterling silver chronograph watch crockery etc Over choice selected items Terms cash or good cheque No reserve Preview from 400 pm Auction Services or 98S Biol HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Aug at AM tor Joseph Davis West of Hwy No 37 on South Ficldgate lor signs arrows Complete contents House hold Furnishings pllances Old Antique consisting of a Double Duncan Ex Table China Cabinet Bed Chester- field Variety of Mantle Clocks old new day clock Toilet Set yr old Wooden dock with open face Brass Numbers Kettles 8 Boilers Trunks Mustache Oil Lamps iron Pols Variety of China Pineapple Set Apple Peeler Copperione Stove I Color TV Stereo Electric Sewing Machine Hand Carved Tables Picture Frames Wilh many treasures from the storeroom Of interest lo Collector Antique Enthusiast Wilh items lor home cottage Moped good condition Allen Horner Auctioneer 458 4589 SATURDAY AUG Auction sale of household furniture etc For Harry Austin no 8 North Richmond Hill west on Centre St to Bridgeford then north Sale includes walnut Dining room suite extension table chairs front China Cabinet low bulfet in extra nice condition Rock Maple bedroom suite Book case with glass door Loop back arm chair Windsor rocker high back wooden babys chair old bedroom and Nursing rocker reed seats Chesterfield and Chair sewing Cabinet China porcelain on Matching stand Very old Crystal glass China including Nippon dematase set of and tug Misc linens pots and pans garden tools Genllemans arm Chair old Cabinet radio A number of old items Terms Cash Gord Orr Auctioneer EVENING AUCTION SALE Friday August 1977 AT PM ForMrj Elsie Nichols In village of Beeton 33 Church St north from Main St Ihe Anglican church to sale Sate of old and antique fur niture and articles Including round oak extension table legs matching pressed back chairs cane seats and others rocking chairs odd chairs metal beds with brass knobs parlor table washstands and dressers china glass tobacco tins wilh unknown treasurers from the storeroom 4 ton of nut coal 3 wheel garden tractor with plow and mower Many useful items for home and cottage Terms cash day sate Cheques accepted wilh iD Allan Horner Auctioneer R R3 Bradford 4389 Friday August AUCTION SALE of Household furnishings Choice suites antiques collectibles electric ap- pllances silverwares cutlery various miscellaneous home effects etc part Lot Cone Whitchurch on Vivian Cedar Valley ap proximately miles east Newmarket Property of the late VIRGINIA GREY estate and HERBERT Sale at pm Ter cash no reserve property sold See posters Cdntacl Clarke Prentice FAI Auctioneer do Auctions AUCTION SALE SAT 397 pm OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS lor Mr Whit 145 Church St Keswick Round Oak Table extra leaves mint condition highboy dressers hall tables end tables China Cabinets Oak com bination table and desk matched Pine Plank seat chairs 45 old Oak hall mirror Chesterfields and chairs ridge stove tools dishes pictures finger lamp desk bookcase bed old At water Kent radio working drop leaf table step and extension ladders clock and other Items too numerous to mention This Is a sate of exceptionally good Walnut Mahogany and Oak No Reserve Cobden R R Aurora 133 Complete Auction service by licensed auclloneer 416-775- Bradford TF Evening Farm Machinery Auction Sale Wed Aug- For Lot Con 9 West Twp rilles norlh Bradford on No 11 to Con 9 west to sale Sale includes small Tractors Deluxe Gas with Loader Int Diesel Ford Case Model Baler good Wagons with Hay Racks Tillage Hay Equipment Misc Hems Farm Equipment inclusions Invited Auct or Terms Cash Cheques Allen Horner Auclloneer 70S want stores near SHARON Most residents of the East GwilHmbury Hills sub division near here favor construclion of a small group of stores In their development Bill Gor don a residents spokes man told town council here Monday At an earlier meeting residents living near the site of the proposed plaza objected to the setbacks being sought for the stores Mayor Angus Morton told Mr Gordon the plaza will be built and he ex plained the trouble arose when the developer wanted to reduce the setbacks from to feet The developer and the town have now compromised on a 35foot setback Owners backing on the project were given an extra 20 feet on their lots but this has never been properly explained to them claimed the mayor He said the developer must show area residents his plans before buildings i ti It 1- AUCTION SALE Saturday August Household furniture and The property of Mrs Briscoe In village of Dining room table dining room chairs Victorian chairs old clock antique kitchen cupboard Boston rocker wicker rocker oak dressers wash stands coal oil lamps electric slove fridge a number of pictures dishes pots and pans bedding garden tools numerous other articles Terms cash no reserve Property sold Sale you should attend Earl Gauslin Auclloneer SATURDAY AUGUST Important extensive auction sale of exceptionally good household furniture in early Canadlana along with very rare collectibles real an tiques memorial pieces appliances very large quantity inlerlor and exterior items including In ternational tractor on original estates crown granted property for the late MINNIE JOHNSTON part Lot 33 Cone Twp of Georgina Main St E ferlaw Sale al am terms cash no reserves property 500 Hems here from original room dwelling This sale very worthy attending For further particulars see posters Contact Clarke Prentice Auctioneer SATURDAY AUG AUCTION SALE 12 NOON Household Furniture and antiques Hclnlzman Piano good condition Pott Belly Stove large good Desk and chair Radio cabinet Dryer School Desk bells small stoves antique beams and barn siding 3 space healers Several kinds of Different Size wheels antique Lawn ornaments Flower Pots carpenter tools pictures lumber of parts or Volvo car doors quanity of Plywood all sizes Dog Houses antique fire place shelf and mirrlor Chester- field chair clocks speed bicycle Indian Brass cedar Chest all kinds of small articles at Lot Con IVi Mile no Highway at or Leslie St Property of Frank Tucker Property sold Terms Cash Auct Alvin S Farmer Sale al 12 noon Phone AUCTION SALE FOR MRS MARY SUTTON NEXT TO TAYLORS FUNERAL HOME On Saturday Aug 3D at 100 pm auction sale household effects including set of oak chairs walnut dining room table singer sewing machine Admiral fridge wringer washing machine pressback chairs TV oak wardrobe odd tables Iron bed oak sideboard with large mirror couch and chair Copper boiler smoke stand side table lawnmower tools fencing garden tools crown ars crocks and many items A Auctions Bert Vanderdonk Auclloneer Bradford ADVERTISE WEEKLY L finds a little body helps her over the hurdles In the English Good Neiqhborsl Working Hunter class of Inst Sundays annual Whitchurch Equestrian Club Horse Show The show held at Acres on the Vandorf Side drew entries for the oneday event hi both English and Western competitions AURORA Canadas Birthday Town would also appear to be the Town of Good Neigh bors Town council agreed Monday to donate 500 to the Fire Disaster fund for the Town of Cobalt which was destroyed by fire May For each dollar given to the fund by a municipality the province donates a fur ther four dollars making Auroras donation worth to Cobalt The northern town was declared a disaster by the province following the fire TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TRUCK CAMPER or camper separately Amerigo camper fully equipped air conditioning sleeps Al shape Ford ton Ranger XLT camper special lust over miles Call Bradford GARAGE SALE Sunday August pm fruit stand across from Tobys Restaurant Bradford wood and Iron dresser lawn mowers plants FOR SALE Convertible lop doors lor CJ5 Jeep Hunter Iwding rifle Phone alter 3 ROOM AND BOARD available In private home working girl preferred Phone 233 JIGGER land and water vehicle good condition deluxe heavy duty washer as new condition and white console TV Phono 98 com VANDORF Ninety- eight equestrians entered competitions at the an nual Whitchurch Equestrian Club com bined English and Western Horse Show held near here Sunday First place winners were Open line class Cathy horse Sara Lynn Junior trail Wendy horse Brannlgan Senior trail horse Maverick Junior pleasure Carolyn Janes Poco Champ Senior pleasure Malcolm King Red Pine Fury years and under Goodwin Sam Spade Junior Harrison Senior barrels Annette Peacock Farmers Legg- Lee JOnlor poles Harrison Senior poles Donna Dick Dial Junior Flag Don Lon dry Chief Senior flag Randy Wilson Todds Dreams Junior pickup Led Harrison Don Londry Chief Senior pickup Randy Wilson Pat Todds Dream Pony Express Don and Dan Londry Chid and King Surprise Class T Kalnins Miss Hunter Hack Leslie Smith Popcorn Hunter Pall Thomson Working Hunter Belh Underbill- Renaissance Handy Working Hunter Leslie Woodcock Time To Go Junior Jumper Sharon Pilgrim Open Jumper Carcone Yankee Bull Stake Your Own Line Beth Underbill Comets Thunder I They Have To Be Reliable HAVE HAIRDRESSER Bradford Wanted HOUSE Excellent cleaning done references Call BLAZER 4X4 Cheynne hydraulic plow in loaded Selling firm 895 FT PROWLER with roll up awning Call 6030 YAMAHA CC condition miles Phone 5419 FOR SALE Tractor Pony excellent condition Phone 4767638 evenings WANTED or dying old fumances Reward Discount prices on new furnaces 727- Dave Lees Heating Your Consumers Gas Dealer FOR SALE IB Star- American with complete top and many extras included D45018A tandem trailer Executive demon strator Less than hours running time like new Full warranty Phone 473 3046 SITTER for 2 children alter school only Maple Leaf School area l 33 FOR SALE 1974 Pinto Call alter 6 pm ALL HECKED OFF ON PARTS LABOUR CARS ONLY OFFER EXPIRES AUG NEWMARKET Toronto line WELCOME HOME l We hope that you and your family had a safe and fun filled summer To restart delivery of The Ira be sure to contact or call The Era at THE A PLEASURE TO COME HOME TO

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