that or people were Its nothing patients Hospital have Hospital for many Adventure playground planned at Rogers PS from IGianilil friends Mrs aiII to in January to hep celebrate her wedding Mary made Hl last ai that hire liar joint Ian are underway for of an ad nture playground jHihliiiliiM lite Bradford has named president of the Nrwsriiri Wallace editor School of liic get Involved in helping playground In plan construct or raise letter loparcttls litis week funds for Hie adventure it Ill iii Ic I i Iffin the project war considered last to si principal Keith Wink I is going to lie information night Jan at all at the than llial list wishing lo set for tin project lit As soon as we get parents together I Mr or ijip account for the More than raised during month lie deposited iiiadai l t IheuilUgc Were Imping to get varieties lit however and by the tin first result of round of dlS holds adow Travelux factory is back in business i in pick tin people i r endow brook lie litis weeks teller parents i1UhiiiuIi ippnl til Carpet fined for false advertising NEWMARKET A conviction was handed down in market court lasl week a carpel piiny pleaded to a charge of false ad vertising Underwood loom Mills of was charged Jm CHWM Mills of January company had lie liushessv doors of the Kent 1lnlips jiuI the iduiilurt Mr cm hi out new of iridfrs Hid the former pprn ils Bit goes up on bridge at Albert pitied for reveled that Hie final contact charges If JEWELLERS 193 MAM ST NEWMARKET ONT 4W3 Shop and Save Sterling Charms Only 2 Prices Large All Other Merchandise 10 OPEN EVERY NITE AS OF DEC 15 193 MAIN ST 8956623 MP LET IT HANG AND GROW HANGING PLANTS THE GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS COMPLETE FROM 395 WALK INTO A TROPICAL WORLD OUR GREENHOUSES ARE FULL WITH PLANTS TOR CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS WITH CHRISTMAS TREES FROM 5 to 6 BLOOMS FROM CYCLAMEN 595 THE NURSERY PEOPLE WE ARE OPEN ALL WINTER NEWMARKET GARDEN CENTRE Sutton NEWMARKET OPEN 1 DAYS A amto pm OPEN SUNDAY AM TO PM CLOSED DEC TO JAN SAVINGS BY THE FISTFULL The Carpet Men From The Stoullvillo Sales Barn Have Expanded To Their New Warehouse Facilities We Are Still Prepared To Oiler You Sales Barn Savings Great Savings On 1 2 Sculptured Carpet Drop In We Hove I REMNANTS I CARPETING Anything In Slock AVAIL ABIE ALSO CARRY A GOOD GIRARDS CARPET SALES 47 1 BLOCK EAST OF HWY 6405170 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 AM 9 PM SATURDAYS 9 AM PM