Excellent shinny show by Swedish AURORA There old timers games but puck the game was far from the cup placed Swedish squad limply outclassed purpose of having fun an team from put back Into it give Point Claire Quebec on And it was fun for the Swedish most Saturday evening in an players You could tell by were brought Into the fur international hockey the smile that seemed to limelight efforts named he Point match at the Aurora be painted on Allen The Swedes ore lop player for his Community Centre face as he graceful skaters and Point Claires club between I he pipes Jack jackets from the Carling kith OKcefe Breweries ell- Special Representative Stan Itankln The brewers lie and the Aurora Church Dodgers will heat the Mora Club The Swedes will insure another great per- goad formance at the Aurora tread Church Dodger Everyone talking deadlocked at ndied Court of Kings showing of com and excellent hockey that thrilled the more than 600 fans who Mara yean kicked oat Petal Claire style of a year aid He will up pots two SHARON Bob and Wally the Flamingo Homos mad wizard with a beer belly Fernstrom seemed the only King drops two while hosting tourney KING C1TY Kin sa City Secondary School Swedish players that lost both its games while appeared to be mil of hosting the Court of Kings dumped later Dial afternoon opening Steve mints and Sieve Stilton King key Saturday with 12 were King Citys ml ran and collected points apiece firm cm struck on sonic Su squad lfl long from above the while Sulton potted of the tourneys nil- iriiii a fourpoint had t country and College Oak lands who look a ic year old became the loiiriiimcnl in the second Inll champions by defeating eliminate Die Lions the chain- in mill Secondary School N TOTS LEATHER Ml THE CANADIAN CRAFT SH0W Promts a CHRISTMAS SALE CANUUN SIFTS Queen Elizabeth Building S Exhibition Grounds a Monday December 5th through Sunday December it a 1100am to FREE ADMISSION I The gift hat cumulates A Christmas money gift that brings its recipient on the principal I and interest year after year thats a Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certificate Arrange it today at Victoria and Grey I Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation GREY Hockey midget Lees leans Cords COMPARE AT tit M HURRY WHILE STOCK THE PANTIN Mai St ASH PLYWOOD LUMBER WE HAVE GREAT GIFTS AT THE RIGHT PRICE A Ping Pong Table i Heres another Idea tor tile whole family from 49 I gift for loud Carry Our tun ijj table has the feature allium you tit It aWfAPB fir lumih iliintgt Smooth rolling matte 11 tuny for you move is thick mid In standard a Orbital Sander b 38 Power Drill 88 EACH in dm inns popular ias to use jig saw features si trill Drills must oukkly tlin shoe bevel cuts anil urnlrlv and instruction Model I I II I we accept Charge and Matter Charge Wed 8 pm ThursFri 8 am9 pmSat 830 am pm Sorry Closed Boxing Day cash carry 8951203 Davis Dr