New float for Santa in Saturday parade NEWMARKET Santa Claus will ride on a brand new float and be accompanied by seven bands and two majorette corps in Saturdays Santa Claus parade The parade will leave the intersection of WUstead and Davis drives at 11 am Saturday morning move east on Davis Dr to Main St and south on Main to Water St Between and 30 floats are expected to participate Newmarket Citizens Band The Sandra Purdy said Mr Tough applications to enter floats will be accepted at either Royal Bank branch until Thursday Mr Tough said this years parade will cost over to stage but he feels the com mittee will finish Its season in The new Santa float was built for the committee by a group of Huron Heights Secondary School students and features a real antique cutter for Santa and animated reindeer instead of plywood cutouts MONEY TO AID MENTALLY RETARDED Young fundraisers plan paper drive Bill and his daughter Linda were hard at work Sunday putting the final touches on the new Santa Claus float scheduled to make Its debut in Saturdays parade The float was constructed by Huron Heights Secondary School students NEWMARKET A group of Newmarket youngsters who raised over the past two years for the Newmarket and District Association for the Mentally Retarded are sponsoring a paper drive Nov 20 Shawn Reynolds and members of his committee are asking Newmarket residents to save their newspapers for pickup that day Residents of Aurora Bradford and Holland Landing who would like to donate their newspapers to the cause are asked to phone to arrange for special pickup The students will canvass every Newmarket home on Nov 29 collecting papers which have been left at the end of the driveway Shawn said Monday Last year the students held two telethons on 10 a and a paper drive which brought them up to A third telethon Is planned this March Other students the paper drive are Paul Dowselt chairman of the committee Jamie public relations Mario advertising and Doug Irwin solicitation Blood donor clinic Monday NEWMARKET The Newmarket Red Cross will hold a blood donor clinic at the Legion Hall next Monday Nov The clinic will operate from pm transport lion call Gordon THE ERA Sine VOL NO NEWMARKET- KESWICK ONTARIO NOVEMBER NEWMARKETS Animal shelter probe may result in charges businessman Harry Region public school hoard during byelection Monday Mr polled votes to for university student v Lei whether to lay charge against the Ontario Humane Society as a result of complaints A government source confirmed Monday that OHS records at the Aurora shelter have been seized for an in vestigation by the Veterinary Services Branch Ministry of Agriculture and Pood Following a closed meeting here Monday involving Newmarket Council and provincial officials Councillor Peter Hall said he felt the government investigation was almost complete and a decision from Queens Park was imminent Councillor Hall said he had asked the ministry to launch an investigation into the Aurora operation Government officials have been in the area for the past two weeks interviewing persons with complaints he The ministry also took records of John Animal Control Services which provides animal control or Jennie and John f or Colin Barrett tt trustee who was forced I his seal when he YCH opening is Dec County Hospital has been rescheduled for Dec to after construction delays forced postponement for more than a School tax ceiling set at 0 GwUHmbury contract They asked for them and 1 voluntarily turned them logs and all delivery slips Mr said No financial records were seized he said Ministry officials gave no explanation just hat they inducting Ice machine quits NEWMARKET The major plant compressor at Newmarket Community Arena broke down Monday afternoon and the arena could be without Ice until tonight or tomorrow said Commissioner Dan Shannon A repair crew Is working of the s said The arena season will he extended a week to ac commodate minor hockey and figure skating club schedules and If Thursdays Jr A Flyers game is cancelled It will be rescheduled AURORA York trustees will to adopt a revolutionary approach to the 1976 budget as it result of the weekend news that provincial aid to school boards will be limited to five or six per cent chairman Joy llorlon predicted Monday comments before Monday nights public school board meeting where trustees unanimously decided try to restrict next years tax increase to per cent If the new provincial restrictions become reality the York bomi will faced with a difficult task in its attempt to limit the tax hike to per cent Mrs said in an predicted a skeletal budget that could reduce ser vices and cut staff Those prospects she said are Its going to create a revolutionary change in our approach Mrs said In my opinion we must resort to the basics mendntlon which would have suggested a 10 per cent limit on the budget increase Mrs said the committee decided to recom mend the per cent limit on the mill rale rather lhan the budget total because fundamentally on concern Is what it is going to cost the local taxpayer The board guideline ap proved Monday night could still result in the tax hike exceeding 10 per cent Trustees decided to exempt from the guideline any cost of he community use of schools program Education Director Snm see TAX page 2 Won case against police he wants another 213 vests gal ion Mr said in an interview Dr Jim Ashman a veterinarian in the Regulatory Branch confirmed the investigation in an interview Monday but refused to say at the moment is that v received a complaint and were investigating the complaint Dr Ashman said His branch will issue a statement when the in vestigation is complete ho told NEWMARKET A Newmarket man awarded In small claims court after a police cruiser sldeswiped his version of the mishap was not accurate told the commission last week that the court set tlement failed to cover his car repair and legal expenses Judge William Lyon chairman of the commission said Mr bad received the maximum settlement that con be ordered in small claims Mr abandoned any further claim by accepting the settlement Judge Lyon said You could have gone to county court and sought a higher settlement the chairman Limbert president of reminded Mr Sud The Newmarket man who had taken his appeal to the commission on several previous occasions replied that he could not afford the expense of taking the case to county court Car repairs cost him and he also had to pay for a student lawyer to represent him Mr said Before took the matter to court I tried my utmost to settle it but I was told the police report read that I was at fault Mr told the commission I was even summoned for bad driving Jan the driver of the cruiser see POLICE page York branch of OHS firmed that the ministry had see ANIMAL SHELTER page 2 Driver dies at wheel in St traffic NEWMARKET An autopsy confirmed a 69-year- old man died of a heart attack while driving on Hwy near the Upper Canada Mall Saturday Charles A of Newmarket was dead on arrival York County Hospital after skidded Into field Witnesses said Mr Peelar slumped over the cars steering Police cant match pace in traffic tickets NEWMARKET Traffic charges in York Region ore down considerably compared to last years record total but not because regional police arc deliberately easing their en forcement Chief Bruce Crawford claims he simply doesnt have enough policemen to continue the trend established last year when traffic and parking charges were laid by the regional force His officers have to spend There is an increase in demand from the citizens that prohibits us from spending the time on traffic that we spent last year Chief Crawford said Traffic enforcement by the York force has provoked con tinuing controversy over the past two years Some have claimed police have been in laying traffic charges The regional force published its annual report last week and It showed traffic and parking violations Increased by per cent in Chief Crawford said a shortage of staff and printing problems had delayed publication of the annual report He said he had not compiled 10- month statistics on traffic charges for I can tell you that traffic charges are down considerably over last year he said The regions overall crime rate is down nine per cent compared to the first months of Chief Crawford said But he lamented the fact thai his force operated through most of 1975 without a staff increase at the same time public demand for police service was increasing Regional council authorized enough funds to hire new officers this year The last five were sworn in last Wednesday night and all will be lost to the force tor the rest of the year because they will be in police college Chief Crawford said The demand has gone up Twentyone community groups ranging from figure skating dubs an Society Joined In a giant fund raising charily bazaar last Thursday Friday and Saturday at Upper Canada Mall Above Mrs Kathleen and son Elliott of Newmarket shop at the SI Johns Catholic Womens League it Figure Skating Club sold the clubs projects Above from left Jackson Shirley Mitchell RuthMary Pills and from the 1st East Heights Cub Pack sell autograph bananas and salts From left they are Nevin Macgregor Paul Simmons and Darren Matthews Phillip Hart of the 1st East Venturer Group displays the bird houses he made from fence slats It took Phillip tour hours to build each one and he sold them tor