Era New Aaron Keswick Ont Sept THE ERA Serving York County Since 1852 SKrm2vmsllMleiol Phone Newmarket Aurora lit By JOHN People not persuaded things can be changed Time for decision on Auroras second arena Wild Murk hut up Hint In Itself lot campaign Councillor Peter Miller is right when he says it is time or Aurora to stop pussyfooting around the question of when and where it is going to build a second arena The question has been coming before council consistently for several years and with each passing year more and more Aurora skaters are finding themselves dependent on ice facilities in I other towns This year according to Mr Miller who is Auroras recreation chairman there is an existing demand over supply for 47 hours per week of prime ice time alone at the towns only Some children playing on Aurora Minor Hockey Association teams this year will have to play their games before the sun is up in the morning AMHA director Bert Archibald has indicated to council childrens hockey is growing rapidly in Aurora and by next year will require over 50 hours of ice time compared with the it used last season With the soontobecompleted expansion of its sewage treatment plant Aurora is ready to grow again and so has an excellent op portunity now to ensure that new development pays for the new recreational facilities required the demand pay for the new facilities We would not as Mr Miller did term it shaking down the developers They arc creating a need and should help pay to provide a prefer ibly Sep Councils onvr rallies absurd while rightwaitty screams about freedom speech Newmarket in ahead f- ir ill retire and heir thing rim tympaih Tori sidewalks Governments cannot continue to pay for everything from sidewalks to sewers on he nevernever plan Interest rates and taxes are too high and future generations already heavily mortgaged Its time for a payasyougo policy and that means wherever possible charging developers and through them new homeowners for both the direct and indirect services they require Crucial meeting for York Region United Appeal After years of frustrations and abortive starts solid progress is finally being made In the organization of a York Region United Appeal Sponsors have called a meeting for Sept in Aurora All the community organizations which solicit charitable donations from the public and plan to join their efforts in the United Appeal have been invited to send represen- hope none of our charitable organizations opt for a waitandsee stance or withhold sup port because they feel they might do better Fund appeals have always faced three basic problems in York Region First because much of the Region is rural few organizations have been able to extend their canvasses beyond the large urban centres in many campaigns a large part of York is left untapped Secondly there are so many organizations soliciting funds these days that campaigns often overlap and more importantly they are finding A single united appeal in York overcome all three of these difficulties One appeal would have the volunteers to cover the entire region it could concentrate all its efforts on a single annual fund drive and organizers have been assured they can negotiate an equitable sharethe wealth agreement with the Metro United Appeal We therefore urge solid support for the York And third has been the problem of com muters who make their charitable donations through Metro United Appeal payroll deduction plans or other methods at their Metro place of work In the past this money has been lost to York Regionbased organizations going instead to fuel the budgets of charitable groups serving Metro residents We deserved better signs from CNR Newmarket motorists got a taste of what its on either side of the tracks about a week in ad- like to drive in a big city on Monday vance of the closure The Canadian National Railway closed off Thats fine Tor local residents who use Davis Davis Dr for the day to repair its tracks for Dr each day But what about truckers and about eight hours car drivers who knew nothing about the This caused monumental traffic chaos on the reconstruction most heavily travelled castwest regional artery Signs at and Davis Dr and at Don in York Mills and Davis Dr would have helped the The railway placed small signs on lampposts foulup many voters cither tlon care or have so cynical lint Ihey dont think the election will make any difference I 11 1111 lux I rni Ihi in- purl ml isstu faring in of Inflation No one party or provincial govern or federal can free us from its grip All oilier problems pale in its shadow So in York North the campaigns big moments have come during debates on peripheral issues BUI Hodgson admits what all knew he doesnt write his own newspaper column Bob Lewis says he doesnt know much about the Big Pipe and the proposal for Vaughan but hes against them anyway says she voted against the Big Pipe because she didnt understand what it was all about but when Aurora Mayor Evelyn Buck challenges her the subject Britnell tells Buck to shut up Exciting stuff The biggest thing to happen in the Liberal campaign A news release on education in which the word grammar was misspelled it was a typists error and the local Grits called the media the same day to correct the mistake But some papers still thought it was a hilarious gaffe and rationalized it all away by saying it proved her point about Ontarios school system producing semiliterate writers and York Regional Council gets into the act making grandiose threats to put Britnell in jail for criticizing the regions department heads Chairman Garfield Wright a Tory blusters and rants about putting in front ited Bill Hodgson Hodgson is asked how the province will rrpiif wafer from th Holland River by the and idl hopes it rains a lot says she was milled by engineer info voting for the St widening and wn Know Ontarios trained and get in her Kid m school Bullet sfjiyrd he in hours Meanwhile and living caves continue to rise Inflation pushes of deprSMMi villi without capital We cannot government alone for inflation We must blame ourselves 00 for coveting hordes of material goods and luxuries into needs and cynical lures of advertising n 11 all now and pay for it all later much later And the better our technology gets the products last The cynicism he rich and the powerful finally has iff on he ordinary citizen More and more people are no ireri v the whole Catch22 process to he anymore So they say what vdl he No politician ir pur- has convinced they can reverse that trend guess one should admire them lor the guts to try But they havent persuaded people an election will make any difference By ROY GREEN Letters to the editor Chairman lightsflashing cars the designing scooting hornsblaring Hodgson will win again in York North answers Editor note In the wing letter York Regional vr letter from G of published In 1 Garfield Wright responds to on open letter Springer of Thru Era Mr Springer 1 ii iijtriii at the urgent request of Discussions regar ding the future of Wellington Si through a regional road and the picture i 1 Im I rkrli the original idea and letter rime from Leslie I tuck well and I still wn dogs to be on the job consideration A a burst expense 1 thought with i around Canadian stop lights Why not license cats The majority of people reading your probably whole- lie ever considered the variety of services the canine control and Hum incSucidy provide III Hi I I ground level a if in control service through their taxes Docs this mean we should only pay taxes for services we directly use Then people Consider a worship as the vehicle minis salvation In perhaps the Stale dividual Are the Conservatives running scared this election campaign It winds down today and by Thursday night the results will be in and sumo people It says here feel that the long reign of the provincial Progressive Conservatives 3 in danger 1 havent followed this election all that closely but 1 do note thai YorkNorths in cumbent Bill Hodgson is working a lot harder Ill in- In- I 1 I 1 dont personally reel BUI is in that much danger in this riding but the Conservatives across the province seem to be running without the confidence and poise Many people dismayed with rising prices unemployment and a variety of other ills No provincial government of course can take the hi of responsibility for all that lint many of the people who wilt will carry a sense of uncase into the polls It is natural to want to place the blame somewhere anil tin obvious target is the party 111 power whether be federal or provincial It just happens that tomorrows election is provincial and there could be sonic very interesting changes in the makeup of the next Ontario Legislature Based upon my tune round they are working much hanks than they did in and the big reason for thai is their candidate Margaret has been on the attack since the beginning and has been much vocal than George Tunpson the 1971 hopeful think manj I gave up early in impugn in IJVl and others hive a lot liithiiii as a standardbearer As a result the NOP was runnerup That woil this lime Add to this the unrest among the masse which should account for some switching frOn the Conservative voting ranks Some of it iiuistgoiotlieNDl happen to think th Liberals will the in of The no matter how many times wt wise is still associated with in the minds of many people Bob Le fi11 il 11 1 11 ti ibviievctilni In truth tin I lis have gone further ii those directions than the but sears prejudice t die all that The stronger over the past few years that ina also be part ef their problem For while more nut more people I talk see the NOP a changing light thai When Stv a leal til Mil gtttmg elected that of faint of heart anil their dissatisfaction with th v iM-rviliU- winds up a latitat vote In Hill ILkIh will win