Refuse action on Pumphouse Rd until residents gather petition KING TOWNSHIP Township Council here is maintaining a handsoff policy after posting Pump House Road in the plaining of deplorable legally use the present and one or two to thrash parents are still refusing have fallen meetings with residents townships refusal contribute any further to the upkeep by grading Since residents could legalities fle where major repairs will soon be necessary Marsh Township Clerk Cam are still using the bring a collective petition of all the residents to township for road council decided last May 30 to post the road as a private road Without the land for widening council people have been to s him to enquire getting the road op share In the upkeep of the Residents of Pump road THE REAL ALTERNATIVE IN YORK NORTH Bob NDP Lewis reconsider ho nobody has approached Councillor Bill Long Town wants registry office deeding the historic yearold North York Registry Office building any inld Were talked Warming up for the change of heart hers of the Newmarket Figure Skating Club Ann the Pump House toad Dr top on left Sherry Lee -i- Grace St bottom left Linda Hill it I right and Constable 12 Queens FIGURE SKATERS WARM UP FOR NEW SEASON registration is being held this Thursday Friday and House Road residents and Councillor Jack u staled flatly that willina to that the building be acquired by the town for a Saturday at Hoi lings Arena And or time The The old building has club has embarked on a program for adults wishing to modern document skate Club activities begin Oct storage facilities behind Seven trees to go in Wellingtons second phase the Ontario licints thought it still did Good Government Deserves your Support Newman PC Durham North For Information or Assistance Call These Bill Newman Committee Rooms KESWICK 4764324 4267749 timothy St bridge Downstream of Timothy S proposed a dyke and suggested one model could be used as road between Timothy and Wellington Streets However he pointed out the ljkt would only protect the former Office Specialty building ami might not be eligible fur Ontario Natural per cent 1 can see no scheme llui downstream to reduce the flood pi nil but flood proofing he told council Hie major Howl the backup caused by the lock would be negligible ltcniDvnl of the lock and dam dry river bed sunlit of Davis Dr Mr said in three weeks he will know how much it will cost to improve existing conditions between Fairy Lake It might be very expensive it would be best to fill in the old river bed and built the culvert Then you would have to start battling to get the ministry to allow use of the old storm criteria said Mr chat Newmarket member of the said the IOTS includes to start work on the area and the job could begin this fall The meeting will reconvene on Oct 1 and attempt to make a decision on which alternative to DURHAM NORTH RIDING SUTTON PORT PERRY 9853701 8523316 Four powerful ways to pocket ft in cash