Not ready for community school library program chief librarian Stiff Reporter local interested in using NEWMARKET Neither ready for a libraries community school library I program Newmarket they a librarian Lisa Lo said public Friday And facilities for use by school children the librarian What is needed Mrs library school teacher and the llbrar I donl urged they dont Grant will hire community school NEWMARKET A Use of the assigned to will he aid aid When the kids operating school the community and will grant facilities will be hired by ensure tl recreation department with Us recently prepare she said mliiloner Dan Shannon use of schools pointed out that although end of the school year tn h that such he has been advised by j that time I t machine shop board that the In the Secondary School for economics I coming he has Instance periods when library delinite should be set up j gymnasium Is now available for community confirmation The grant to continue the program ma programs expected to be between on lis own available without per Eventually night and for a specirie permets to members of school and community He said the grant example of how the the community for work school will be one and the libraries for their New mi could start Jan program would work he outs same he said projects Mrs said Library should open hours so students OHC MAKES APARTMENT PROPOSAL Aurora council balks at accepting itsneighborslowincomefamilies they dont bother with applying To date the only geared- to income pro grams in York Region THE CLOTH IS F0R4DAYS0HLY159 Upper Canada Mall