KEN STIFF FURS TwentySixth ANNUAL AUGUST SALE We offer a fine selection of fur Coats Jackets Stoles also many outstanding Furs and Leathers August the selection Is large August the price is right August gives time for made toorder August Mink selection all shades August many novelty Furs Leathers We specialize in Mink Custom made also large variety of stock Buy Now and Save to 20 NDPS BOB LEWIS Need police to preserve Yorks rural character the bedroom highway and garbage dump preserve problems in isolation He indicated thai an Bob government would warned this week establish such a prehensive policy not At present the Metropolitan policies of various fringe but for the incial agencies are in conflict creating a solutions Party merely being g The plan to establish population pressure Metro is unreal because residents still have to the city for work is fast engulfing it the NDP candidate said The North Pickering will eat up 17000 acres of Class I and Class II land cast of Slouftville he noted departments and between all York city easy created is traffic chaos Ministry of Agriculture Mr Lewis he said Residents of food coordinate all King and Aurora among landuse planning for cry farmland cooperative COOKE CARTAGES STORAGE LTD FREE DIRECT DIALING DIRECT T0RQN10 LINE 4163647030