wfctt Kwwkt Oat Wei AM- Reglstei FIRM TO YOU PICK SHEET CORN have ready M Business Services Services Ittfa Safes Service St S Aurora Ml 3127 Franchise dealer for Sir vice Depot allmalm tree Small Sales Resistor gnuos AUCTION SALE Our first fall Tractor Farm Machinery ItomiAuctionwlllbeh iles Yard Highway Friday Sept 5 starts at id am If you have good useful equipment extra tractor you would like to turn Into cash consign it to this Machinery and Tractor Auction Tractors will be sold in order of number as consigned so consign early We are equipped to load and unload ail equipment Small items sale starts at AM sharp Discs and plows start at AM All equipment will be sold before oclock at office before sale Livestock sale every Wednesday Standard time sale starts PM Daylight time sale starts Lunch available Not responsible for a For information contact Harry Jensen Sales Manager Auctioneer Phone motor SsSrli sr cultivator plow narSi ALVIN I Too Late To Classify S Sii Si mo i pi JiW By Sales Register the ONE that throws nothing away Why worry about the HIGH COST OF BREAD SAVE 1 Make bread Total Jukes Hot soups a OEMOHSTHATHHt BY FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE THURS AUG 21st 230 SUPER 3600 STAINLESS STEEL VITA MIX BREADMAKER COOKS JUICES FREEZES ECEI COLLECTIONTLERK Experienced preferred hours SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD MM145 SEARS HAIRSTYLIST Experienced store benefits Good For appointment pfeace call 8982300 ext 212 REAL ESTATE BROKERS KESWICK enclosed porch all on a double lot Vendor will hold mortgage Priced to sell at Call or ACRES BALDWIN bedroom winterized home on well treed lot with pond Financed at per cent Sate Price Call 4763711 or HAVE RELOCATED Selling home and business a self sustaining country store with apartment East Minor Hockey Association HOCKEY REGISTRATION August 231975 Sharon Arena 1000 am 200 pm 1st Boy 2 boys 3 or more hoys 57 and Manager applicants now being THE ERA announces 24HOUR Telephone Service N0W24H0UR SERVICE TO HELP YOU Place a classified ad Place a display ad Ted us about a nevus story Arrange far delivery of The Era Anything you would do during regular business hours THROUGH THE FACIUTIES OF NEWMARKET ANSWERING SERVICE