Karen Schefield champion in t gen art of judo Ihe young girl MELVILLE became involved Reporter about SIX a half i of Cedar resident Jim Wong This i I shes a neighborhood 11 ii i there no else thai the Karen Schefield centre tanked by siller Cathy and Steven All three have been studying Judo for over yean and between them they hold different awards rlbboni and medali Cathy has the with 18 by 12 year old Steve f competitions and shes cannot cla black belt one different I raining for the Jills JiKiu haven her sister Cathy Ibi hilt a gold medal a recent New sham wick To it she had fights in brother degrees St lull Karen hat won or placed in IS Judo Their mother eels at has been good the three id she believes that It is any other WINS CHAMPIONSHIP Braves lose out 9 just making Brave period tying the accompanied Karen a New Brunswick vulvetl by keeping up likes I the lithe matches her sow to the lop or ihiUhiii met a lot pi realty I II III I the years Mis ami just iiiiiiigh things Mr Wong wanted to kill cant say enough ings about Mr iiii t Dr S K Lee Paediatrics and Allergy Davis Dr Suite 204 Newmarket has now moved to Davis Dr Suite York Professional Building Newmarket 8982422 TOO GOOD TO STOP The takeoff took offl St Johns Catholic Church 414 Ontario Street Wednesday counterweight Why would you spend your lunch hour in a bank when Sterling has longer more convenient hours It just doesnt make sense STERLING CERTIFICA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK AUDITORS REPORT The Regional Municipality York TO The Council Inhabitants and Statement of Capital Fund Operations Ratepayers of The Regional Municipality of York For the year ended December t Consolidated Balance Sliopl continued The Regional Municipality ol York Statement Revenue and Expenditure For Year Ended December 3 a The Regional Muni lo Council Representatives Evelyn Buck Gladys Rolling The Regional Yoik Consolidated Bal Sheet As at Decembei up 551 36202 MtmtsimH HJlttUlll Or Georfle Burr Mayor I Councillor Councillor Mayor Twinney Councillor David Schiller Lai Rto Gordon Row Regional Whitchurch Gordon RatcliH Chairman Garfield E Wright Mayor Councillor Councillor AJ Kettle J Chief Officer Treasurer