Board asked to move to joint talks Cribar AURORA During recent teacher salary negotiations York legion public school board was asked by at least five other boards to par- in joint contract laiks Newmarket trustee major step that possible policy from the said Mr Cribar I think we have have help from the outside Someone reading have the a Ontario School Trustees reading a report Involvement teachers salary direction Monday night guidelines agreements will affect accepting Tor study both the board budget and administration the board in 1975 and 1976 he Parents guidelines calling for would be filled versed salary negotiations study of the direction the board should take In its 1976 negotiations membership numbering fixed whenever possible participant voted to consider Quirk opens nonmeeting agenda items fit a contra of regional press meeting that was the York County of order in that it did not Education I ii ill lie 1 ill The in be introduced with proper scheduled last discuss items Sng Launch from salary ti ilions salary Speaking on talks trustee Quirk questioned the re case of Region public school proposed session to the iiks with senior county press not trustees decided would null the meeting ill under oininiltce Willi named Sept scheduled the meeting dtsiritwil tin IS in Scheduled the The Ma nut 1 i i- nli ill chairman IISI York cuts he cancelled sea Georgina lh lit It tin day care The county press time out DAVIS DR STORES SINGLED OUT Need redevelopment mayor DR HENDERSON RETIRES During his retirement parly Friday Dr J Henderson Aurora found out what its like on the other end of the dentists equip ment when secretary Jones mall applications for most active civic leaders He Is a former and Richmond mayor councillor school board chairman Hill- and participated In many community Aurora projects Many friends dropped by his I W wish him well Treenapper hits SLSCA t category with the William of Jacksons is charged with assault police obstruct police assault police to resist from police cruiser and possession of a weapon Mr was arrested after he came the police station A for his Skatein scheduled for September 5 Willow Beach Con- acquired by the authority According to Ken on litigj Sliver a Newmarket lawyer who is handling strong letter of to thft Ministry of f- fairs The letter will cite Two officer the fact that Aurora assaulted and Senor citizens seek Mrwmnor I incorrectly Georqma dropin centre I in on Aurora cuts cab service use as in about AtmoilA Auroras cannot Him- their said Councillor Norm Stewart as lie trial basis the and Minnlay night town 1ituiuil to make the trial policy drew III iln HI no complaints ho said force people to keep hours of business that portation during the Corn roast set Saturday greased pig contest a dog show a dunking board and lU the corn you can eat organizers said SINCLAIR STEVENS OTTAWA REPORT Seniors display initiative in New Horizon projects iiliap tin leading country in the world i mi li nations I a fntiril a choir lulling mil v hope to photograph historical hum artifacts of the period Newmarket Valleyview of Canadian fiiu i National Product from suggested a suitable goal by almost onefifth official aid has gone out program is a Feasibility a 30 year repayment plan The third program includes grants fo o help recipient nations projects Food the balance in the The main objective of these three new forms of assistance is to provide flexibility and speed tor the utilization of Canadian resources and at the same time lessen administrative burden on the Canadian International Development Agency known as activities have been under an in creasing amount of criticism and it is likely that there will be an extensive review of their management and programs in this Parliament