NOTICE TO WASTE DISPOSAL COMPANIES Tender Number 6756 Suppliers are invited to bid on the removal garbage trash etc from ap proximately if locations throughout the Toronto District yard containers at be disposed at a site licensed forms supplied by the until 12 oclock i MONDAY APRIL 28 Specifications tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office In the West Building Ontario Mr J Bialr District Supply Supervisor The lowest or any Tender not necessarily Ministry of Transportation a Communication HE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PAINTING CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders will be received until pm LOCAL time on TUESDAY MAY 1975 for externa and Internal painting of various schools of The YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Specifications and Tender Form may be obtained from the Purchasing Department Church Street Aurora ROADMATERIALS St Business Services INCOME TAX St Schools Colleges Private Tuition Lost Found Sate Auctions s Register Charge fishing line used to snag 155 AURORA A man hook to get a money bag under week after cafeteria charged 100 last stolen from had the key to the arena took about in cash charged from the board room at of the centre Police said Victoria St thieves sawed through Police said a man the lock on the board a fishing line and room safe Asked to cut 500000 by region police board trims 1 02000 58 Business Services Business Services CUSTOMIZED FILLER TO CUSTOMER SPEW IMTHIIS leslie Appliance Safe Service it St S Aurora 7174311 Franchise dealer for Service Depot for Repairs to all makes Large Small LICENSED Auctioneer Sales Register 60 Sales Register AUCTION SALE Sat April 19th 1975 am At Gainsborough St S Complete days Thursday NEWMARKET York Regions police com mission decided Thursday to cut from its proposed budget and take its chances with regional council Council has asked the million estimates by told council the request hid fallen on deaf council slicks by its demand for a cutback I lie could appeal to the Ontario The chief did submit a new budget in which he cut but in my view these reductions simply not realistic he said He called the decrease cutting throu the bone to the marrow he did suggest and the expenses pension plan costs work- lion criminal investigation expenses public relations and safety bureau operations ana raining costs the chief said I honestly think 1 could live with it Chief Crawford warned cannot therefore recommend that the budget I have outlined should be adopted that could be cut by reducing his new man power request from lfi to 16 officers by eliminating a proposed community relations bureau and by cutting the chief said I suggest that there can be no argument with the v that so long as the demand for police service said of councils reaction to his warnings Commissioner Rumble wondered why the extra 11 million new police grants to York would not relieve the problem Mr Twinncy replied that the per capita grants for police are uncondit mil ire mil applied directly to the police budget They the region could spend the money on Trails if they wanted lie But Gordon Cook said he had spoken to provincial officials anil hid been advised the grants were specif inl for police The regional council must realize that another 11 II lf 11 provide to the community this pot bet Chief Crawford wanted to know whether regional the reduction Council library board clash caused by poor communications By CAROL contra Era Staff Reporter AURORA Con- fusion and innuendo surrounding the addition to the public library here authorizing Mr in to complete the the building Shadows of suspicion meeting held last Wed nesday night as grilled the presented his design woi Bowman to the town complete the librar Mr Bowmans which authorized him i do the design work on th irk which lie knew was not authorized by council Where did you gel the idea that money was Simmons asked He said he was surprised Mr Bowman went to tenders without authorization You only go to tenders if money is Simmons said Tendered prices are guaranteed for only days However Mr Bowman said it was tender several times on a I Li tractor John or Model I lit question if Mr Bowman Councillor said unanimously supported Mi apparent that the con troversy left its scars on Mr Bowman as well as the volunteer committee want I quit Mr Hitch said the bill was sent to town solicitor Dick Thomson for a legal opinion Del dealings with the spot and now paid people integrity Councillor igrecd he should Stewart said There no Hie working drawings doubt nit Mr Bowman in tin integrity only question existing structure it tin of who authorized the time work Although the work He said council was the old section of if lie Inst September be builder to lende Mr Bowman tendered to get the i costs for council Am Bowman pointed out that a higher Bowman offered to withhold ins bill for those services until the work is said he the exact council And Mr in poiti ie billed i hilling council merely wanted The more information before Mr date and approved his recommendations for completion of this stage k which might His d be higher if it the this saving money Id tract giving Mr Bowman prerogative to complete limitation and have part based on tenders call opinion of one memlxir of building in usable is coming Councillor of council recommendation thai i Councillor Timpson second floor be mad said he didnt control the first left a George Timpson budget the construed as and Norm Stewart w are also members councillors said by council on the His figure for the completion of the addition volunteer TO CANVASS FOR PLEDGES Scouts hope to plant 1 0000 trees Boy Scouts will plant a i money for small percentages will go Charge two boys robbed mail box their troop The mass tree planting is pari of the Trees for Canada project designed give all Scouts the opportunity to demonstrate through i national provincial headquarters said district vi president Balfour Hart Close and called the post box at the rear of the Denis Carrier Police have charged post office last week program for the first time affirmed that the South Lake Simeoe trees for plant Target date for the planting ceremony is May of Michael John I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY walkathon Saturday NEWMARKET lo raise money for the Political leaders and Ontario Society for celebrities are expected Crippled Children Last to participate in the third year it raised annual Newmarket Lions The walkathon starts spring this at am from the Am- Saturday phithealre in Lions Park He staled that federal advertising d with a newspaper whose incompatible with those of for the government to give advertising to the media would lie to inform the public about matters of national concern such as government policy new laws and regulations To withhold the readers of their right to such in formation It is a bad precedent Once established it will for the government fair line between acceptable news media and those who a would it be allowed lactic to influence the free expression of opinion Responses given Corporate Affairs Minister Andre when he appeared before the Finance Committee last week gave newsmen further cause for concern when he was questioned on certain measures in the proposed Combines Bill The Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association had asked for changes in the Bill lo ensure freedom of the press They pointed out in their brief unless the Act is their advertising generally or in of a particular illegal Mr appeared unsympathetic In committee slated that given the LeJour incident and Ihe governments apparent firm advertising heightened by Norman Riding w ho chose this secretary He said As soon as an election writ is issued you get a visit from all the advertising people from each of Ihe newspapers and some of ess overtly- less overtly thai they would like erlise with them von will not get coverage I have found that the impression hat that is true usually substantiated in fact I have found that Newspaper appearing on behalf of the lail What is your view publishers who own a number of small newspapers who in fact would have exactly the same editorial go out from all of ihem in respect of a very sensitive subject when in fact those local newspapers carry the banner and create the appearance of being locally oriented newspapers but they are really centrally con- would you do about it Mr St Clair Balfour President of Southam Press replied It would Mr John J counsel for the Daily Newspaper Association added in jest we are Ihe good guys Mr concluded we make a distinction between he good guys and reluctance to give the news media the protection afforded to others and Mr good guys concept one can see thai if govern ment is given the power freedom of the press may indeed be fragile In their brief the Daily Newspaper Publishers Association slated no prorate group with economic power should be able to either prevent or lessen significantly com petition in the purchase of advertising The right a direct real I and to a democratic Amen But even the freedom of the press ore so such a right used