Pioneers on the prairie used buffalo chips for fuel wander chips These were used as fuel in the elegant I Comfort iron cookstove There were very few ti The Is by w and an Avenue each morning in the we Durnea soft coal that Dad had hauled from the mines at 15 miles away- The men dug f thelrown coal loaded it on the bobsleighs and hauled it w m u pioneer home steaders on the prairie winner got a nickel At supper lime white linen When this happened there was always much con- tablecloths billowed In the breeze but were soon an- trbversy when the wash was brought into the kit- down with plates of sandwiches cakes and cookies During the afternoon some of the men had Education was of major concern to the pioneers taken CTank icc The first school that my sisters and brothers attended that ice cream was made with cream and plenty was located three miles south east of the homestead was ladled from a huge barrel After supper there was a baseball game while the our home and that is where my education began in ttomcn gathered the dishes and packed them crat August My first teacher Miss Carrie Moffet was admired and greatly respected by all her pupils I rea on a nail would sit with my chin cupped in my hands with my P ceiling loaded it elbows on the desk and marvel at her knowledge I Aboard with alternative layers nudge my desk mate Fern and whispered and gunpowder tamped down hard a Boy is she ever toll so much Whispering got me into trouble THE IING PIT RESTAURANT Davis Dr Newmarket NOW OPEN AT AMJ motion over the shoulder pounding kernels of grain l meal in the hollow of a flat stone One of these stone amber black or white Sometimes four of bareback on our faithful of licking the white alkali patches along the trail and prized possessions They were through the pasture about a mile shaped flights and settle in the wheat field tofced she lowered her head to take a lick Two of us would Hasty pudding was another delicacy As our cow the ground wait until she had her gave birth to a calf the second milking was flavored house Suckers writhe only fish that school Some of the teachers who with nutmeg and sugar poured into a largo pan and AM to AM Except Sunday when were open WE SERVE SUNDAY DINNERS Chicken Steaks Fish Chips Hast take out service Telephone AVIS North York- anchored to a spot where the Open Slats was uiuimcu a splashed over a pile of stones In the spring of the year when the spawning from Ontario baked until the consistency of thick custard Once a dessert appetite was appeased to its fullest Third in a Series only during the summer months be persuaded to face the long cold Mother winters We had y particular a of holidays In July CITY being released to swim merrily on their way oti can wait bra out and j Klng wi were cult palace but a honey mass that we SwfoKing Sd branch Canadian Cancer prairie with a blanket of pate mauve crocuses These willing help from his Society family child was allotted the chore of pulling weeds the garden to spend at ha picnic The Admission SI and barefoot races were the main attraction No doubt it all proceeds go to the was because each participant got a slick of gum the Society lovely flowers wore picked by available container was filled to overflowing Their exotic perfume reached to every corner of Ihe house- Mayflowers cowslips bluebells and many various luscious fruit In later years saskatoons blueberries grew In abundance on high bushes along bated breath but to out amazement it flew a was the first bat had ever seen Gophers ran wild In profusion and nil I The tiny burrowing a SAT APRIL 18 DEATH WISH CHARLES LEE MARVIN RICHARD BURTON SUNDAY APRIL 20 ONLY RIFLE BILL FANNY Hill SEDUCTION OF INGA SAVAGE ABDUCTION the top and whistle at us as they stood haunches Many of these animals I destroyed with the aid of my brothers rifle In Inter years the govern- ment paid a bounty for each gopher exterminated Traps were set at each hole and as the gopher was caught and killed the tail was cut off lo be saved as proof for the lounly Hath night was an event in Die Shepherd home galvanized tub was placed on the kitchen floor and filled with water that had been heated in the wash boiler on the kitchen stove The three younger boys bathed Tub emptied a the older girls Water contained plenty of fertilizer In melted for Hie bath in the summer from Hit well unless here was a surj had splashed J MILLS PHONE A in honor of A A Mackenzie Bean IPS i hi inisH hoi si Miles East Of Jacksons Point By The Lake NOW FULLY LICENCED UNDER DK DINING DOOM MOM MflAND THURSFRISAT APRIL 7th8th9th JOEMcGREAVEY TRIO COMING APRIL A GROUP MOM DUBUH IRELAND GIRLS WOT MISS THIS SHOW WE AH OHM PATS A WEEK I Woods to honor Mackenzie loiifi time for York North Ma Mackenzies name is among six being Authority persons win have made contributions Authority headquarters Downs view being honored at this years ceremony NEWMARKET 8954641 GREAT DANCING REMEMBERING THE CLIMAX JAZZ BAND TrKDUKCCUINGTON THE CLIMAX JAZZ BAND ORCHESTRA IMC TOMMY oecMtsim T SIMPSONS INTERNATIONAL Business I MEET A GOOD NEIGHBOR OF YOURS DAVIS DR SUITE NEWMARKET Ronald H Suite Newmarket Plaza Telephone 8952972 DAVID A HUNTLEY WATCH REPAIRS SEE HEMPEN JEWELLERS Grendys Jewellers GIFTS WATCHES RINGS REPAIRS Newmarket 69sfi673 JRunppttt Leonard Rosenberg Associates Aurora Ontario REST HOMES Forest Glen RESTHOME INQUIRIES 8959353 Benjamin H OptomSAICFOAS PAVING CONTRACTORS R M C0PELAND and Sons Incorporated ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTORS CONSULTANTS Recreational Business lots 416 2213958 C1MKGK Clare Salisbury PHARMACIST ROBINS PHARMACY Main Si Phone 8952411 Monday lo Friday am- 9 Soluiday 9 pm REAL ESTATE APPRAISER DINING GRANADA RESTAURANT and TAVERN NEWMARKET PHONE 8956073 PETES AUTO SUPPLY 8956918