Sikura buys Tigers Redmen deal may be off day today and tomorrow to meet met Mr Miller replied I do the conditions of the sale Mr Sikura admitted making up a letter of intention In affirming he is the new Tiger owner at a press con ference Monday at his Hill and Dale Thoroughbred farm here Mr Sikura also implied the purchase leaves the fate of the Newmarket Junior franchise in an uncertain light buy the but maintained that it was contingent upon Mr Miller meeting certain obligations He suggested that those obligations had not been met as of Monday morning and indicated there was little chance they would be met by the time the deal was to close Tuesday In the event that Miller did not meet the conditions of sale the deal would fall through leaving him holding the illfated club But Monday night Mr Miller though reticent was still confident the deal would go through Asked if he thought the conditions of the sale would be club by Tuesday night he answered Thats right Miller had not been in contact with Sikura for some time and when he heard about the purchase of the Tigers asked vaguely Did he an nounce buying any other clubs Briggs the man Mr named as general manager of the Aurora Tigers club admitted that Sikura and his associates had been in contact with Sport Newmarket the company that recently bought the Seneca Flyers Provincial A franchise They Sport Newmarket would be very wise to buy the be more likely to get ap proval to move the Seneca Flyers up to Newmarket They could ship the Junior team out would be their wisest John Cole spokesman for Sport Newmarket said Monday night that he in fact had not been approached by the group with the proposition to buy the but that Sikura had set up a meeting that day He said he wanted a meet with him said Mr Cole I have no idea what meeting will be about As far as I know the Redmen werent his to sell Mr Cole said that at this THEERA Since I VOL NO ONTARIO APRIL without his appendix Dr William Vail termed the Russian doctors operating technique hard to helleve in century is shown right with Sutton teacher Don Jimcsiti tour director SDHS student is glued back together after Russians operate TONY DREW Special to The Era ROCHES POINT They just glued me hack together again and sent to Canada Robert Have ill Roche and a grade 12 student at Sutton District High School was recoiling Inst week his recent surgery at a name hospital in I Russia lie was one of students from York Region who toured the Soviet Union dining the midterm school break The trip organized by the York Con ilj Board of Education cost each student and lasted nine busy days But Robs lour was interrupted in Leningrad when he was stricken with appendicitis while staying at the Soviet Hotel After a brief examination by one of four doctors who treated him Rob was rushed to hospital by ambulance Hospitals in that city are not named but numbered and Rob was too ill to get the number Once 1 got there I asked the doctor what was wrong Through an interpreter he told me had appendicitis 1 asked him what he was going to do He said operate I said when He said now and that was it Hob recalled Inst week Don head of the history and geography depart ment at Sutton High and tour director said his students ap pendix burst during the operation Hi 1 Id- Itii mi hi con I prevented any serious complications he said The surgery whs performed without problems but doctors did not use clamps or stitches to close up the incision The see NO STITCH page a The Crichton argument that the purchase of the would make the OHA more likely to approve the moving of the Seneca Flyers franchise into Newmarket was according to Mr Cole not a reasonable suggestion I am very confident that OHA approval Newmarket had received letter of welcome from all the owners of Provincial A teams The then are a team nobody wants But Wednesday J to be left holding them Mr Miller maintains it wont be him Mr Cole isnt interested and Mr Sikura who seems to be the protagonist in all of this ap pears to be playing both ends against the middle York tax increase dips to 20 after new grants Era News Editor NEWMARKET Calculating the tax increase for Yorks regional government is like playing a malhcri ideal game but one thing is I III Hi- I can breathe a bit easier this up paying about in taxes for regional operations according lonrk Treasurer John Thats about more than last year After the regions April budget meeting the tax hike stood about per cent Two reduces it to just over 20 per factors drove it down cent The provincial government Hl1 XL police budget as recommended by council is week the poll York will offset another portion of the increase A month ago regional of ficials warned of a HO per cent lax hike On April staff brought in a budget w ill a pet ml jump and council it to per cent Last weeks government grants dropped it In per The increased assessment Average school tax 300 in draft budget AURORA The owner of home assessed at will pay about in taxes for public education this year if York County Board of Educations draft budget is approved as presented Monti iy The first budget draft piopuses a lot use of million for board operations in 1U75 Thats an increase of per cent over last years budget Last year the owner of in assessed at paid back with QYR icutennntGovernor Friday night in a ceremony at Fort York Ar moury here The colors were purchased in 1923 from a descendant of John Graves first Lieutenant- Governor of Upper Canada who commanded the Queens Rangers during the American Revolutionary War and later in Upper Canada For story of the Rangers connection with Newmarket and Aurora see page 12 Education taxes amount to ilmiil half the total bill for local homeowners About per cent of the boards draft budget would go for instructional purposes teachers salaries and related expenses If approved the draft budget would imreise the gross salary figure for elementary le tellers by 171 per cent The comparable figure for secon dary teachers and teachers of retarded pupils would rise 151 per cent assumed for all staff in the first draft J be budget assumes board will spend to the in iMinuin idlings allowed by the Ministry of In York that means for each elementary pupil and for each secondary pupil I be average education mill rate could increase by to per cent depending on hit hid four spending let ceding the board chooses councils court After another session with ins trusty calculator on rid iy Mi estimated that a mill rate of will be necessary to raise enough tax region this year per cent higher be cut by mended those figures will increase slightly Hut council will bold another budget- cutting session so a 2025 per cent increase seems likely at the Its impossible to predict what that will do to your total I in bill which combines levies for the region school board and local operations The biggest share of the bill about half goes to the school board which may he at a per cent In most municipalities the regions share of the lax bill is about per cent Santa to have new parade float next month million grants Tor police protection Queens Park hiked the per capita police grant from to giving York a total of million in that category Unfortunately for the police commission the il police grants are not applied directly to the polite budget They arc unconditional gr nils and are simply included as revenue in the total regional budget reduce the net lax levy Although other per capita grants remaned the same as picked up ad- It also gets general support grant amounting lo six per cent of last creased about per cent last year so that further cushions the impact on the homeowner So if council wants to soften the blow any more it has no option but to chop projects from the budget The provincial grants arc in and in hat area the picture is belter than ex pected The crunch could come lieu council decides what to do with a police budget that still stands at about million after the commission decided it simply couldnt live with the cut council ted Panorama opens Saturday at NEW MARKET Thirtyfive of Newmarkets leisure activity organizations will have displays In the Recreation Panorama Show tilts Saturday at Huron Heights Secondary School The show is designed to show Newmarket the wide range of recreational op portunities available to Us citizens according to Hill Andrews its organizer Andrews a parks department there will he productions at the show There is no admission fee and doors open pm Last year the shows first over people at tended This year there will he over participants he said Among them he listed participants In such active sports as basketball judo and karate as well as Hoy the Newmarket branch of Canadian Cancer Society and Master of ceremonies will be television newsman columnist Hoy in the lateNovember nil Clans and hes getting it the end of May Shop students at Huron Heights School under teacher have build the float An agreement with the i readied Weill night Mi told ihe Ian and in- l 1 i ii ii delivery of a stripped down inittees for review and possible automobile on which they will cuts The estimates will be re submitted the full board rage home assessed at The board referred the draft budget lo its slandiiij Scout robbed store to pay way to jamboree student sentenced month reformatory term last week robbed a local variety store of because he wanted She money lo go to a Hoy Scout jamboree in Norway behalf of Christopher Reed who had been convicted of robbery Iwo weeks earlier Mr Reed and a juvenile when it becomes Farmer charged with cruelty NEWMARKET Ronald of Newmarket was charged with cruelty animals and failing to dispose of dead animals Thursday after police found three Angus cattle dead of starvation Police confiscated 34 cattle and one pony after the in- One cow so weak from lack of food and water had to be destroyed police said Despite witnesses claims Dial Mr Reed was of good reputation Ihe community the judge said there is no question that it was a planned and premeditated offence The public must have faith in the judicial system and a judge should never loss sight of Ihe fact that he speaks for the community when sentencing Judge Morrison said Paul a scouting friend of Mr Reeds told the court that Mr Reed had been chosen to represenl his district at jamboree in Norway He described Mr Reed as outgoing and involved with Rev Bruce Suitor of 1 unity United Church testified that he hit known Mr Reed for two years through scouting I have deep respect for him was surprised to see him in trouble the minister said Rev Suitor said he had had long discussion with the youth and in the process learned it ihe stolen money was intended for the trip to Norway Newmarket High School teacher Don Lewis said he had tight Mr Reed for two years occasions and I would have no hesitation in rehiring him The youths father John said Ins son had an allowance and also worked II father felt Ihe youth would have earned enough money to make the trip to Norway be found bun operative Id irusl my son with him Mr Lewis said Tom Taylor a testified that In hid employed Mr Reed on several isolated offence which would not be repeated But Crown Attorney JD I said the robbery was a well thought out offence and em Judge Morrison Ilia it goes Wit out tint the offence of robbery is one of the most serious offences in our system Judge Morris said Towns biggest house vandalized charge Newmarket juveniles willful damage after the Park Ave home of John Brown founder of was vandalized Police said the youths ranging in age from 12 to 15 caused damage to estate home from December through April They damaged the windows light fixtures walls and ban nister of the largest house in Newmarket The house was closed at the time The Brown home was originally owned by E J Davis