YORK REGION BUDGET Day care expansion cut fees may go up NEWMARKET In an effort to hold the tine on brooming coats for York Regions day care litres the health and committee last deleted by default a item for to day care centre a per cent rite in day care budgets A proposal by Councillor Ron Moran to approve for day program lost when com chairman Evelyn Buck mayor of Aurora treated a Meskan standoff Councillor Moran and Gordon of Whit voted in favor and Mayor Margaret of King Township voted against I Although regional committee chairmen rarely vote except to break a tie Mayor Buck cast the tying vote creating a Mayor BritneU that the time be deleted You have to stop somewhere along the line the mayor said We can teough that with the She said she wouldnt be surprised if a family irate parents he said If you that its up to you down for lack of space Then there is the approved recently for Family Life Centres Mayor Buck said How many day care place would that have paid for You cant have it all she said Thai a what Im The day care budget presented at the meeting a Jump in gross to a Dayc e centres received regional subsidy in a jump of This is due in part to the addition of a new day care centre in Thornhlll and the transfer of the Aurora centre to Dr G Williams Secondary School Mayor Buck recommended fees be Increased to reflect the actual cost of operating the centres Fees are not keeping pace with increased costs and I think they haw to she said The decision to prepare the original budget based on a fee was an arbitrary decision considering other day care charges said Dr Owen Sllngerland slated per cent However that amount is only greater than the estimate of Costs at the Aurora Day Care Centre would In crease by per cent over the 1974 estimate and per cent over the 1974 actual expenditures due The an ticipated transfer to Dr W Williams Secondary School would incur an additions cost of added to the operating expenditure of The regular operating expenses of the centre are up cent over the 1974 estimates and 10 per cent over the 1974 actual costs the Newmarket Bando to head York department pointed Wayne Bando expenditures of i The budget will be revised based on fees of However the actual decision of fees will be made at a future meeting the committee decided n Era Agree wait til you see ALL NEW REALLY NEW R0XITE HERITAGE GROUP Heritage IN STORE DEMONSTRATION SAT APRIL 5th DAVIS DRIVE NEWMMMT ONT MISIT m dull Ihi only takes a mlnule to get a better dial of the year where It only takes a minute to get a better deal Easiest terns the year where It only takes a minute to set a better deal AURORA FOR ALL YOUR NEWMARKET RENTALS 180 DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET telephone 8952345 If TORONTO LINE 3644437 WE RENT POST HOLE AUGERS ROTO TILLERS SPREADERS LAWN ROLLERS NEW LAWN I GARDEN EQUIPMENT MOWERS WEED SPRAYERS SCYTHES TELEPHONE 8952345 Prices in effect 930 am Apr While quantities last one day airtomotive specials some outstanding auto values you get set for Hurry prices in effect for one aay Wheel alignment lires Hurry 8 99 Free lubrication Bring your car in for an oil change and oil filter replacement and have lubricated for free g Oil change oil filter re- 10 off exhaust parts Replace faulty or old ex haust system parts now while the price is low Example Chevand Pontiac 10 Pump Island special Windshield washer sol vent Protects to 35 Slock up now for sloppy driving conditions and While shopping for these specials remember to come and fill up with regular nonleaded or super gas 12 pumps for fast efficient service SimpsonsSears Ltd- Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account Al SimpsonsSears you gel Iho finest Satisfaction or money refunded Soars Newmarket Upper Canada Mall and Store Hours Sat Wed Fit a