Era Newmarket DECISION TO EMIGRATE IS MADE First prairie home was built of sod by todays standards living quarters available to anyone willing to work firm The government loan years The words tumbled far into the night very carefully as they knew this step could never be retraced Before they slept they had reached a decision and by the dawn they were determined that nothing could alter that decison to enter Into an entirely new life across the Atlantic Within a few weeks the final arrangements were completed After a tearful farewell to relatives and friends they sailed from Liverpool England and arrived some weeks later at Halifax then on by train to Peterborough Dad very soon is what they This particular day was Sunday and a day of rest for the western folk It was spent exploring the prairie and chatting about the land that dad is many miles away Under his arm he carried a gunny sack wrapped in a blanket containing three battles of tea and two loaves of bread given to him by one of the homestead ladies Sleeping by the trailside by night he arrived at his destination by noon Wednesday There were many footsore weary travellers waiting In line for their turn to file a claim By 3 pm he had signed the necessary papers and paid the With the available bunk hard as there were no boards available for flooring i- As he stood in bewilderment among the and bread replenished he was on his way back to Alameda feeling he owned the world As luck would have It the quarter section was just six miles north of Alameda Sec 5 Range W 2nd After a Sundays rest Dad was up at weak concoction of green tea without sugar a drink he could not tolerate By the spring of they had saved a few dollars and were also blessed with two healthy sons Dad felt the time had come to venture forth on his own He had 1 heard of many young men who had gone west to The unexpected but greatly appreciated The two men loaded the heavy crates onto the open wagon and with a cheery get up they were on their way over the dusty trail The tumble weed recently released from the frozen ground was playing leapfrog across the trail while the horses shied progressed doors and window fi I their peered from tl upward to avoid them Gophers then scurried through the dry the first homes built by settlers This section of land for three years and the land Mother and Dad gave this prospect great bis i light grey velvety leaves As the horses were pulled to a stop In front of the sod shanty a shaggy dog rushed out with a lively greeting The horses Dad loaded most of their possessions into a boxcar climbed aboard and headed west to Alameda Mother with the four children remained in Ontario with the assurance they or as soon as a home could be established in that great northwest many days and nights were long and noisy a at of the Manitoba border Dad eased his lank sixfoot form to the station platform to find the town consisted of a station one howls of a coyote in the sun popped up above i definition of Alameda is a shaded ORDER YOUR BEAVER HOME NOW AND SAVE UP TO ON EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNTS NOW Mall to BEAVER HOMES Harrop Dr Milton L9T 2X9 NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE See us for a wide selection of braces and support garments properly fitted by qualified male or female personnel Featuring CfAP Products hall Convalescent Aid Centre at Wellington St AURORA 7272122 8899622 the bank where people make the difference Pantyhose Sale Treat your legstoagreat buy More than the price is right