The Era Newmarket Avars Knwka Oat Wei Apr im HUMBER COLLEGE Lecture by King herb expert ighlights gardening seminar sized greenhouses made of industrial plastic oneday gardening Humber College audience with the historic tarragon little dragon rosemary Marina or near the sea as well as with ir histories Still exactly as they were in herbs have always been todays trend back there is a growing interest in them she said ichsen Brown who is publishing a cookbook on Ontario herbs docs not use in secticides and grows her many varieties on an old building foundation where rubble gives good drainage and loam and peat have been added But they will grow almost anywhere and do not require fertilizing she sail The Greeks used mint as a deodorant hut mint tea can be used for helping digestion The speaker passed around samples of many of the fragrant herbs which used with honey make healthful drinks or used in cooking she ex plained can make even the cheaper hamburger taste heavenly An old custom is being revived that of taking a small jar of crushed herbs when going out to lunch as our grandmothers did I On the practical gardening side George of Superintendent of the Horticulture Building at CNE and executive director of the Civic Garden Centre suggested growing peas at a depth of two inches but in a band the width of the spade and scattered rather than in straight lines The reason for this he said is that they branch out much better and even fool some of the insects like cutworm that are out to fell them He suggested methylated IN fuel diluted with a small quantity of kerosene or moth balls camphor will keep slugs and other undesirable insects out of your vegetable patch varieties of tomato according to Stokes Seeds Producers it was hard lo recommend Two lesser known vegetables the speaker mentioned were Windsor Broad Beans and Giant Leaks I Sydney Page lecturer at the Botany Department of he University of Toronto delighted his audience with the quaint thumb experimenters but experienced nor found something to learn If it was only why their geranium cuttings seem often to dry out Wrapped in damp sphagnum moss rolled in a strip of plastic and the bunch set in an empty pot they will start off well to becoming a favorite flowering plant I of millions of dollars Typical of this seminar which explores a variety of gardeners interests and problems Dr Rice recognised the small grower as having personnel to address those present kitchen funnel plastic piping and curvey e added mental notes to try a similar Members of Newmarket and Mount Albert Horticultural Societies attended the sessions The seminar sponsored by District 15 of the Ontario Horticultural Association in co operation with College has become so popular others are planned Scarborough College will feature a similar occasion In November when appropriately such items as growing under lights will be featured We have been warned are the chemical breakdowns ecologically safe was the question posed by Dr Peter Rice at the oneday seminar Dr Rice who is a pathologist with the Royal Botanical Gardens and instructor at College is an authority on disease insect and pesticides In a summation of the problems mankind is facing since we have been married to technology Dr Rice stated we are at last reaching an age of conservatism away from the concept of war with nature Farm Report Valk on Vegetables By Matthew ifully One variety this lucrative market called little Finger grower produced tons per acre Quebec has looked to his you will recently and or finger size inches long and acreage Inches in as You may have seen and Inch well Grower and diameter at our Station processor interest In this last year Another crop Is increasing local chain varlcty tremendously Lost week if figures out to be cents produced 16 tons Ontario Baby sold in laeknges habit of per pound or per she Committee was formed St Newmarket GEARED UP JUST FOR YOUR SERVICE CALL from Ontario or Canadian You may say why Last years Canada does the housewife buy imported million these carrots or worth of this product prices mainly from the UK who knows is it eye- Holland and Belgium appeal or a prestige Why dont we whatever it is this produce them here product is coming into the Import replacement is and we should be growing ourselves Three work at muck into Canada by Research Station has replaced all the imported about million pounds UPPER CANADA MALL NEW STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE MONDAY APRIL 7th MONDAY and SATURDAY TUESDAY to FRIDAY am to pm 930 am to 930 pm J lllpper Canada Mall ST ANNUAL KING CITY King City Figure Skating Club annual ice review will be held April at the King City Community the COOP store SPRING white ONE HOUR nitrogen put on early in the first few w while the soil is wet and cold Wheal is hungry for nitrogen and lbs for fields manured last Only a small percentage herds are being increased expenses roads or fences his situation livestock can be added to equal to the loss and the advantage is li The livestock inventory provision could be anyone in the last five years before rement Income could be adjusted through lo gel potential from the Canada Pension Plan Full happen where things like drainage dh Township of Georgina Public Hearing on interim statement ff development policies North In Keswick Sutton West Thursday April 3 Wednesday April To receive public opinion lor establishing policies provide snort development guidelines lor Township Georgina until by Township official plan Copies of policy paper will bo available at civic centre and at lite locations of the Wirings Mrs E M Is your phone book listing correct Please tell us now before we print your new direc tory Look up your listing in the current directory and if you wish to have it changed give us a call at before MAY 8th Bell Canada Canada STANDARD LAWN SEED Ota screo TURF FERTILIZER HAUGHS BIG 88 WORK JACKET Heavy twill cotton Preshrunk zip front two slash pockets snug elastic Green Chests 3644 HAUGHS BIG 88 PANTS 100 cotton will with double rein- front pockets reinforced crotch lullcut styling and rugged 7 CUPPER 12 HP MOWER CAT FOOD HIBOY DOG FOOD HIBOY CHUNKS I HIBOY CHEWS 63 CO OP CANNED DOR FOOD like know our customers nice io byname UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO