QUEENSVILLE Missionary from Brazil visits Baptist Church By IRENE THOMPSON Mn Dorta of Toronto a missionary for Brazil was the speaker years In She Mrs Toll Business Directors ACCOUNTANTS DAVIS DR SUITE NEWMARKET Suite Newmarket Plaza Telephone COSSAR HECTOR PAYNE and CO DAVIDA HUNTLEY Mil I JEWELIERY WATCH REPAIRS HEMPEN JEWELLERS MAIN ST NEWMARKET Grendys Jewellers GIFTS WATCHES RINGS REPAIRS MAIN ST duellers Glen RESTHOME PHARMACIST ROBINS PHARMACY Main St Phone 8952411 Monday to Friday am- Saturday pm REAL ESTATE APPRAISER THE in announces N0W24H0UR SERVICE TO HELP YOU Place a classified ad Place a display ad Tell us about a news story Arrange tor delivery of The Era Anything you would do during regular business hours THROUGH THE FACILITIES OF NEWMARKET ANSWERING SERVICE