Conservation Authority should pay taxes to town NEWMARKET South Conservation should pay a form of who won councils approval on his motion to write the Authority asking it to make a grant to the town in lieu of said the Metro To ronto Conservation Authority which has conservation a in Richmond Hill over 950000 in The SLSCA is tax exempt and I dont know where it gels the authority to be I cant find it anywhere said Mr Twinney He pointed out Newmarket pays a portion of York Regions grant to the Metro Authority and a portion of the Regions grant to the SLSCA but gets nothing back The municipalities each get grants in lieu of taxes back Let the whole Region of York work ways and pay in both places lie urged VOL NO Newmarket NEWMARKETAURORAKESW1CK ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8 1972 Move meters I outside with an outside was approved by Mown council Monday The program is eligible under the federal winter works scheme for a grant to cover the cost of labor The town will pay capital costs from its water conversion was sched uled for this winter in any case explained Mayor I WOTks program Regional said the cost of reading meters is very high Most met ers are in house basements He said outside meters will save both time and money Council candidate Peter Hall who was attending the meeting issued a press state ment later indicating if elected he would oppose the comer program Mr Hall an administrator In a municipal legal office claims some new homes in towns couldnt be converted to an outside reading device be cause of the way they are con structed He maintained the town should move to a twice-a- year meter reading program or Industrial assessment up in October Frank Powells town council showed Monday The new October assess- building and one plant addi tion The new building is a vet erinary clinic being built hj H on Eagle St It is valued according to the report addition Is a structure being added to the Wood Ltd plant on Kent Or Santa St pear Children You will never guess what Santa did well this will have to be just our secret Mrs Santa has been baking all kinds of fattening goodies for me to take on my trip until I will s off the NEW TO NEWMARKET Librarian is own best Lisa Lo customer NEWMARKET The 34yearold mother of two is the towns new li brarian and admits quite readily that when she isnt She ding of five books a month 1 that should she ever re turn to the routine of a nor mal housewife she would likely read a lot more For the time being Mrs is not Although she had had less than a week to settle i position Mrs self a censor While not ing that there is a need for censorship Mrs sees in tellectual freedom as the right of every adult While her own tastes ore restricted largely to modernday sellers she feels a duty as a librarian to keep abreast of new auth ors Mrs Lo plans to base tier hook selection for library on a series of lerla Among them arc ad vico from regional library officials and reviews of pro posed new volumes Requests for books that might not normally be con- i Mrs Lo states that more often than not she will likely find strong points on each side She emphasizes how ever that this does not nec essarily mean the Newmark et Library will follow the lead of Algoma College li brary where Playboy maga- collection Mrs who was as sistant to head li brarian prior to her arrival in Newmarket stresses that university and college libra ries carry a tradition in which there is little excite ment created over the addi tion of controversial books or magazines For Mrs Lo however the Playboy issue is not t Important Theres no brartes can offer She slates that there many other magazines a Playboy As she quotes figures prepared by previous libra rian Nina Mae Walsh one cant help but market Library totals 17000 including fiction nonfic tion and childrens books Mrs Lo cited circu lation figures which indi cate that 16000 volumes were borrowed a total of times an average of five times per book If people want to read books that badly we should have more she notes While agreeing that NEWMARKET CHIEF there is much to be done Mrs emphasises that changes come anybody of her job but a part of 1 life While in Sudbury she and her physicist husband established a near daily routine of slopping off at children now aged four and twoandahalf With even tho LISA LO yearold heading directly I and an MA degree in li brary sciences stumbled on her career by accident A native of and she arrived at the Univer sity of Michigan nine years See NEW LIBRARIAN Aurora roars back to edge Sweden 76 By JOHN Era News Editor AURORA It was Team Canada revisited for the 2200 fans who packed the Aurora Community Centre on Sunday afternoon An exaggeration you say Well dont say it to Barry Lum- ley who did a Paul Henderson foxtrot after scoring Auroras rung goal And dont say it among the standing the result Perhaps our team has learned key something from your boys to- crow day to fight right to the end noon It was the first interna- Us si Canada involving a European learn team and Hie SwedenCanada pm matchup couldnt have had a summarized after the game play of excellent ill a See AURORA pane 15 Rick the rolypoly chocolate fudge iv dears just think they put weeks unlit the have a calendar and every night during the last five minutes The delirious fans can be forgiven the hyperbole when i the Team Canada Down early in the third period the Aurora club stormed back with four unanswered goals to defeat Swedens Bantams 76 and set off pandemonium NEWMARKET No deci sion has been made on whether Ontario Hydros second major wholesale power price increase to municipal utilities in the past six months will he passed on to Newmarket residents this Janu ary said Newmarket Hydro man ager Jim Monday week Ontario Hydro announced an average eight per also eight per per cent hike per cent lial urban a industrial average All of I dros retail service as are Regions rural and cottage a Hydros wholesale price should he passed on lo the Ioimi users lie said the study wont be completed until sometime in December and if Commuter catching on figures show NEWMARKET There has been a slow but steady increase in the number of people taking the fiveweek experimental com- and Toronto The run be gan last Wednesday Mount Albert lawyer John says he is very pleased with the response voted in YorkSimcoe of The official count showed Progressive Conservative Sin clair Stevens with votes Liberal John Roberts and New Democrat Watty Almost per cent of 61884 eligible voters voted dur ing last weeks federal election Returning officer Rex Smith 8046 the obstacles that the service Wednesday morning people rode the train on the inaugural run from stop ping at Newmarket Aurora and Maple There were passen gers on the evening trip back Thursday the train carried southbound and 120 north bound Friday the figures were and 124 Monday of this week saw a dramatic upswing as 147 people took the morning run and 138 dual increase is coming from Wednesday morning 34 peo ple got on at Newmarket and at Aurora Thursday the figures showed 43 at Newmarket and it Aurora lridaN was compar able at and 11 respectively Monday both towns jumped Sixty commuters rode from Newmarket 1 contribution Council unanimously a grant to offset its property taxes and to ask York Region to study the possibility of the Authority doing the same in other northern muniupalitic where Queen St bridge could use whole 73 roads subsidy provincial roads program subsidy If Hie lal from Mayor Rob Sunday closes lour against Study hydro rate hike for Newmarket whole 1973 gnvci lain lln I Mile Ii regular road building subsidy Forhan Twinney appear headed for acclamation 5 in council race NEWMARKET The Hob and Ray show an acclamation Mayor Rob and Regional Count whom have been busy organizing to fight commuter train last week ion Bernards story on page i John letter anpears lo be headed for the Doe At the councillor level however the se whom are seeking re- el oil ion Ime eh illcitgi already Slid several nunc possibilities in the nigs Peter Hall a Ninth borough and part time New marketarea disc jockey lives on Hot run Hill Il Suit Seasons Dr an oil company employee mid Unite Mutliollaiid Hill ltd an eminent manager win Ms been active in civic affairs all declared their candid les two weeks ago John Hansen a I in linger and town resident announced Monday he will inn as did lit a of Cr a transportation consultant In announcing his candidal Mr Iiavlov a of three run said lie feels present councillors have been a silent body Willi nine council then- I nu tnte- said He also called for system Three possible candidates an Mil on mult tided former lorn Taylor who ran against Mi in 1H70 is con sidering lining for count il I truce deputy reeve in li- lKif Peter Lawren id he has aint decided whethe Mai A twoway race is shaping up for lily County school board Veteran truster lack will I reelection and lo date his only deflated i- I at Si Andrew I icsbyienan Mr I polled 1489 ud Monday he l decided whether Mayoralty candidates waiting game in EG lownshin likely candidate for i iiing inline line second possible hopeful promises no decision until final nomination day Monday Real estate salesman Char les is awaiting word from the lletistrar of Real INiale and He told The is most likely a only if there an opposing Gladys Rolling three or more He expressed orally race wit i then is Buck back in Aurora council race who in ijtiired but last to be and all four Mrs Rolling mbers of tho Ross Chau- Jack Rye week that shell i Patrick also is in the running ion and George Timpsdn announced this week bringing to 15 the number of candidate for the eight council seats So far Mayor Dick worth is unopposed for re clerk Jack a township reprcseii- York County Board close Monday at