En Newmarket Aurora Keswick Wed November 1 1171 THE ERA Serving York County Sine DAVID HASKELL IS Senior citizens home for downtown Ontario Housing Corporation the provincial government body charged with providing limited- rent senior citizens apartments in Ontario is a site for a third senior citizens build- tag in Newmarket Mayor Bob revealed this week Last Thursday Mayor persuaded York regional council to consider establishing regionwide program to determine the need for senior citizens accommodation He pointed out later that an OHC survey of Newmarket proper showed a need for another 24 units If the need for accommodation for sen ior citizens now living in the towns fringe areas were to be included a building two or three that size would be needed Such a major senior citizens facility would be best located in the downtown area and close to the existing similar buildings on Eagle St One location which should be carefully con sidered The Era feels is the old market square obvious that it lias outlived its usefulness The expense of restoring the 88yearold market to a useful function seems to be an insurmount able obstacle to its survival The market square area still holds the key would stimulate a new look for the whole west side of Main St When this happens a new criminal court facility will be needed to replace the auditorium now used in the town hall The obvious place for d be the St farm owned by the Region of York The courthouse would be an ideal first step in the development of a regional government complex on the St location Community richer Ttiey a i Jack Malcolm and Fred Curran- Mr Malcolm an executive with Office Spec ialty Ltd has been transferred by his firm to Brampton Mr Malcolm was active in Newmarkets busi ness and quasipolitical life as well as being a spearhead In the formation and operation of the Newmarket and District Association for the Men tally Retarded He was a councillor in 1958 and 1950 and later served on the towns planning hoard for years five as chairman Along with his wife Mr Malcolm helped form the Association and both were instrument al in starting the first classroom for mentally handicapped children in the town Mr came master in 1950 and will officially that position at the end of I that During his more than 22 acting job he has been responsible for the New market post offices greatest period of growth In his early years as postmaster Newmarket had a population of about Today it Is near ly In the Newmarket residents pick ed their mail up at the post office Now it Is delivered to their homes by IB carriers with the help of an office staff of 14 The efficiency of Newmarkets postal ser vices must be credited to Mr Bernard NEWSROOM NOTES Real advantages of reporting newspaper reporte is being able to shapes real advantages to being a One of the greatest of them t and talk to people of var- sizes and abilities What LOVE Not infatuation not physical attrac- not dependence not possession but real for people both in general and in par- the remarkable diversity and iqueness that each of these people has The the individual is a miracle of sorts man does live in a vacuum Just as i t find fulfilment relating to people only on the superficial level of my job there must be an involvement and commitment with other people have a responsibility to those who we day They are our brothers means to 1 pie arc getting further away from true fulfil ment with the currently fashionable do your thing philosophy and many young people re starting to realize that fact True fulfilment not developing your own potential regardless f other people No True fulfilment comes only hen a person gives of himself to those around much overworked and misunderstood den from me for them to a said in a Peanuts c people cant stand r I II And yet man is empty personal involvement Well what i gelling here The problem stems from two basic failings of our culture One is a firm definition of what love is and the other is supplying the means for putting the definition into practice things are lacking in the family in the school system and in the society in general Well you say can this fellow have some kind of magic answer to this dilemma I do have an answer but it is quite the opposite of being magic Yet it requires and demands an extra di mension of human existence and a greater de velopment of human potential Love is patient and kind love is not jeal ous or conceited or proud love is not ill-man- GUY SILVERMAN Car provides vital link Okay now for the crumb How many people do yon know thai live up to nil those valid aspects of love 1 cannot say I know any one thai lives up to them all Yet there is a way to release the power of love and have it work in practical down to earth ways I happen to believe that real love can ho expressed as in Corinthians but man is woo futh inadequate In himself in this rather world Only God can give love Only He can teach a human being how to love not as the world knows love but as only God can express It just so happens that this week is the first anniversary of my rebirth It was a year ago know Gods love working and physical And that indeed goes If Im laden at all Im la If only we had a fairy god mother who could turn a pumpkin into a car My wife doesnt need the handsome Prince and unfortunately Cind erella is taken but the car we do need That is one of the first things we found out living on neither are sex symbols or demonstration of status they are four wheels without which jobs shopping living becomes almost impossible It Is a slight exaggeration to say that a car could mean the difference between life and death but the exaggeration is not that great The day we on a pile of stamped tin anchored onto a frame supported by rubber and propelled by a device which is slowly ruining the environment When we lived in the high rises taxies were ready at hand and stores were a subway ride away friends a few blacks Need cigarettes last it out with these two wrecks or when one day the Rambler breathed its died Fortunately il was across from discovered a funny thing about with with the gladness of love for we go His welfare is my he lo bear Well get there Old Ontario St Johns Anglican Church has been a landmark in Hotwood since The building underwent extensive alterations In high lighted by the addition a new belfry and abutments Canadas THE Readers ERA and drawings of the Era Ploosi All as and Era report lliu schools the tax- The fa duality of your reporting will greatly as sist In gaining the co-op- of schools This has Sheepdog trials earned The Canadian Open or selfish or irntahk hue does not kce a record of wrongs love is not happy with but is happy with truth never gives iq its faith hope and patience never fail I did not have to look far for doHljHlo of love It is found in the New Testament In Corinthians 13 Men are searching for new kinds lie paint applied be made into J Is downtown BILL GAMBLE The forgotten middle age group Upon reading recently in the newspapers that if you are age or over Metro Toronto will shovel the snow from your sidewalk occurred lo me that I am in that forgotten category known as the Excluded Middle So much em phasis is now placed upon the Care of the Young and the Care of the Old that the very existence of those who are neither the one nor the other is in danger being forgotten or at best ignored For every hundred books pamphlets and articles dealing with Babyhood The Growing Boy Teenage Problems or the Old Folks It would be difficult to find one that tackles frank ly and knowledgeably the distress and difficul riddleaged The same is true of TV 1 know he would lectures even plays Clubs inics and institutes designed ex- old spring up almost daily look for the guidance and help he so mortgage Macs Milk I and realizing that there is the street The out lace open had ready cash liv apartments and credit rating Now who already with mortgages an excellent money We had personal loan our souls long sold Il I I two girls who are the up kept two by to get any So have our cars and learn to love them as we cannot live without the beasts And cars or our cars need to be loved and cherished M wile claims that they are like spoiled men although they friendly think we become a ear have the off the hank lie sounded like a car in hi in 1 car say a wagon I started wonder who he worked for In Ihe cud we settled on the car the dealer arid our hank was happier fnr they had an even larger chunk of our future a large slice of our post I kept asking my thai In fact they are like spoiled children anything else Yon have to wash them change the oil feed them constantly repair signed the Silverman Wc don people and you arc having an identity sold the dogs ho said our on are so noosing Mr I knocks and scrapes and generally accept that Els a continuous expense You also learn to hear car the knocks grinds hums each one tell- lug you that more time and cash is required All we found out When we moved up here we had two cars liny beat up Rambler which deserved a campaign ribbon or services rendered was sort of the walking wounded in the regiments of cars was all there we had a second car a fcWoolsley which was slowly falling apart each f The lights would go out when one drove gravel road Ever be going along a con- In fact one Swish swish the furnish our name forever in the bank records My eyes become glazed my signature seems to take on new ele gance More more the whole thing becomes un real Why not go for the bigger car another swish swish another couple of thousand Visions of our loan man running to the vault shovelling bills at us while I was crying enough enough Have more he would yell More more The last signature brought the last of the daydream We had our cheque all we had to ly needs Where is the municipality which has professed the wish lo develop parks or build zoos at the publics expense for the inbe tweens The answers lo these questions reveal an almost total disregard for what is perhaps the most vital bracket in all our agegroups What are the facts The last figures avail able show thai there are approximately seven million persons in the ages of and No precise definition so far as 1 has ever been laid down for middle age but the above limits will probably be generally agreed with some dissent from those in their late and early 60s Out of a total population of million over a third belong to Forgotten Bracket But mere numbers are not a conclusive argu ment What is of far more consequence is that the Middle Croup is without question the most important of all to the nations daily life The Future is said to belong to Youth and they are welcome to Rut it has not arrived yet and when it does they will be middleaged The Pre sent which is a far heavier responsibility is in the hands of the and 50s will not dwell on the multifarious duties and burdens the high executive posts directorships headmaster- ships colonelcies the financial strains all the intolerable stresses of life and leadership that fall upon tins age group at a time when its phy sical and mental powers are on the decline A single pointer wilt serve Were it not for the middleaged who would exercise that constant care of the Young and the Old upon which so much emphasis is placed Is it to be supposed that the Young would serve soup to septuagen arians or the Old arrange rock festivals for the teenagers It is not Only the middleaged bus iest and most harassed of all brackets can find time and energy to manage other peoples lives And yet for this splendid sec tion of the population despised by the young and pestered by the old frustrated balding rushed dyspeptic overtaxed and indispensable next nothing has up to now been done They are left unprotected from sex and violence in films and novels They have to pay full fare on the buses And now they are told they will have to wait twenty to thirty years before anyone particularly those whose wages they pay wilt shovel their snow for them Members of Newmarket Council seeking reeleclion in December could do worse than make a note of this By the way in case there is any contusion- about what is and what Middleage think