Tie En win irk Aurora Out Wed November IrR Joe McGowan 800 triple TUESDAY LADIES Pauline wai the pacetetter in the Tuesday Ladies Ma jor League last week rolling a high single of 276 and a triple of Helen Nigh was second with a and 258 with Myrt Dunn notching a and for third Other top bowlers Ethel Winter a n d Marg Eves and Marg Auckland 624 and 247 Vicky Pollock and and 237 Gert Clark and 221 Ruth ann Williamson 604 and and Eva Cook and 255 OFFICE SPECIALTY Ethel Winters and 283 topped the ladies and 265 Naught to beat with Other top 256 Clayton Duniford and 335 and Pemberton 668 and HENS MAJOR Joe McGowan near ed the 800 mark in the Mens Major League Thursday evening roll ing singles of 342 209 and for a high tri ple of BUI Dunn Betty Hodglns second with and while a 682 and let Hope In third Dot Chapman and Kitty Ruddock and ST JOHNS In St Johns League action this p 305 Shirley 1 245 John War- and 251 Sts and 231 Bruce Rigg and 229 Harry taking high sing les Violet Mitchell sin gled Of 329 was part of her high triple Bert notched a 359 single a for second place In the singles bat and EAST GWI1LL1MHURY MIXED Tom had the high triple of while Ken Johnson rolled a high single of 351 The top scores Ken John- NEED A CAR Look At Our 1972 DATSUN 110 past week included John Don ion Shirley Ehlert Wednesday Carolyn Fletcher was second with 6T8 and 231 Lis LADIES Lit Roher notched a triple and Friday Night Ladies League Her closest com petition came from Man Jesseau In the In the mens section Eves with a 724 Entllng was the man and Pauline Me- League play this past week Cable led the pack with a and all comers in the Mount Albert Mixed League with a high triple of and a high single of Ed Mashlnter led the mens division with and 286 triple and sin- Ranking among the top ladies bowlers were Audrey Warren and 371 Ruth Eves and GIRLS HOCKEY LEAGUE Plays in Bradford Sundays By JOE BRADFORD The of organized girls I hockey In this area was conceived two years by girls who felt their I brothers should not have I all the fun It was brought to a head last spring by a few parents who agreed that girls should also have a chance to play An Executive was formed to plan a league that would accept girls in the years age bracket feeling that this was the age group that would most benefit from an active program of this kind Sunday Oct was day when about girls turned out for the inaugural session many wearing hockey skates cousins and fathers They had a two hour session in which they practised the basics of skating stick handling shooting and most of all falling When it was discovered that falling down did not hurt the tired but very girls went home to rest up for the next Sunday The girls will divide into teams in the next couple of weeks and a regular league wilt be pm and after that in Newmarkets new arena Members of the ex- PRESCRIPTIONS AND DELIVERED WHERE SERVICE IS KIN lowneTV GUARANTEED 22 WAYS CHEV IMFAIA DOOR HARDTOP 1971 Plymouth duster 2175 COUNTRY SEDAN GA1AXIE HARDTOP I 01DS HARDTOP 196 DOOR HARDTOP WHOLESALE SPECIALS us BRAD WALK 3750 I fisjsss sjgggg DAVIS DR NEWMARKET TORONTO ENQUIRE ABOUT BRAD WALKERS CAR PLAN MAJOR OIL COMPANY REQUIRES LESSEE TO OPERATE Large Service Station Restaurant if desired seals Quarters bedrooms il desired Major Intersection High Volume Potential Income WRITE BOX 1564 THE ERA ANTHONYS for DATSUN Hwy 11 BRADFORD phone 77533912 Advertise Weekly For Best Results Lowest Prices Anywhere I Check around your last stop will be McLeans OLDS Cutlass CHEV IMPALAS CHEJULEGAS COUPE CHEV FLEETSIDE 12 TON PICK UPS OVER MONTHS INTEREST RATES SAVE TIME BUT THATS NOT ALL CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CHAUFFEURS CONTEST YOU COULD WIN THIS BIG JACKPOT CASH FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING A DAYS USE OF A STATION WAGON WITH A CHAUFFEUR TO GO ON YOUR SHOPPING SPREE CALL US TODAY HA Mr LEAN Let us drive you happy Aurora 7279444 8812772 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LIMITED