Nematodes costly burden however is the caused by nematodes vealed the amazing fact that thousands acres of one highlyproductive Michigan farmland have been abandoned because adequate yields could no longer be obtained This land has been mislabel led exhausted or tir ed soil Nematodes are Adult plant parasitic forms range in length from to inch Some nematodes spend their entire life outside the host but feed on the plant tissues by inserting its spear or senior female classes to Allan Bradford The winner was David Herd Manager at Farms presents the trophy free When you buy a new Chain Saw Right the tlmo to buy the HOMEL1TE XL at participating dealers you il jet this litjtitwciiiht laminated hooded Jacket FREE Theyll go today At participating dealers for Ml Albert Hardware Ml Albert HP Rowluk No Newmarkel Marino Rumble Form Equip Seed stem and bulb nematode Reproduction of ne matodes occurs through the production of eggs Female nematodes depo sit anywhere from less than to more than the soil but most arc left within the plant which attack plants arc true parasites meaning that they live entirely responds to the feeding and giant cell fnn Root lesion net spots stubby root A generalized of nematode damage symptoms in cludes stunted growth root galls root lesions excessive root branch ing injured or root tips and leaf on Thursday next Tuesday and next will be the main topic They are com plex maybe even confusing but every producer should know his own situation exactly Shipping under quota find losing It can be costly and losing Si per hundred for shipping over MSQ shouldnt Invited loo and their costly to overfeed tic will give the Minerals should phosphate a one to on ph with the the deal Don t a known weight out at around dry weight and simple t it i Business Directory Cheryl plows to secondplace win Timbers OH Helton division tirrol it in 1 1 1 Im- Trophy for boys and girls 19 tin host land by 200year old division and East York was won by and Ken Brown Vongo St match held he nth Mill PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR TOWNSHIP OF CLERKS NOTICE FIRST POSTING OF PRELIMINARY LIST TOWNSHIP OF REGION OF YORK Not ilK Section THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT I have posted up my office on he do of October lire lis of oil persons vole in Municipality MUNICIPAL OFFICE ONT The lime which the revision will HON AM PM I rills In OF OCTOBER NOMINATIONS ELECTORS I OF YORK that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act Chapter the period for nominations in the said TOWNSHIP OF is the period from THURSDAY November until MONDAY November far the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the offices of MAYOR REGIONAL COUNCILLOR COUNCILLORS 7 SCHOOL TRUSTEES 2 of which all Electors are hereby required to toko notice and themselves accordingly and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices ore nominated and make tho re quired polls will bo opened on the dates stated below for tho purposes of faking the poll from oclock in the forenoon until 8 oclock In fhe afternoon ADVANCE POLL FIRST DAY MONDAY NOVEMBER Seven ADVANCE POLL SECOND DAY SATURDAY DECEMBER 2 POLLING DAY MONDAY DECEMBER TOWN OF NEWMARKET PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS Municipal Act section 2 Notice is hereby given I hove with Section of Tho Municipal Elections Act I hove op my office 171 Mom Newmarkel on day of October fhe lisl of all persons entitled vole in municipolily municipal elections thol such lisl remains thete for inspection And I hereby coll upon all electors immediate to have any errors or omissions correcled according to low The lost dny for filing complaints is the 3rd day of November The place at which the revision will commence is the Clerks Office Main Newmarkel will commence is the doy of I which the Doled this of October 1972 Gronl Blight Clerk IS YOUR NAME ON THE LIST OF ELECTORS Tho Preliminary List Electors moy bo checked at the following The Municipal Office Main Street The Post Office Main Street Nowmarket Copies of the List for each polling subdivision are posted in places in the polling subdivision for which it is THE CLERKS OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR REVISIONS ADDITIONS DELETIONS CORRECTIONS AS FOLLOWS OCTOBER to NOVEMBER MONDAY TO FRIDAY INCLUSIVE 9 5 pm WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1 7 pm pm THURSDAY NOVEMBER pm to pm QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR If during the period of enumeration a person was a o resident in the municipality I Canadian citizen or other British subject of the full age of eighteen years Nonresidenl If during the period of enumeration a person was not a resident of tin municipality bat was a the owner or tenant of land in the municipality or the spousi such owner or tenant a Canadian citizen or other British subject c of the full age of eighteen years to he on the revised Lis of Electa but sine Ilea attained the full age eighteen British subject the Clerk THE LAST DAY FOR FILING APPEALS IS NOVEMBER 3