Festival involves hundreds Ms- I Grant standing to right of the stone cairn a a of rebel Jesse cut the rope thus unveiling the plaque marking the founding of by the Quaker settler To the left Is Ross Mojo also a descendant photos turn out Sunday to honor Rebels of 37 LLOYDTOWN My grandmother was the youngest child of Phoebe the distinguished doctor from Barrio Dr Edwin Wilson told The Era He was standing beside the weathered tombstone of this famous rebels wife Sunday after all the band ploying flagunfurling making and pioneer refreshment eating was over And he like hundreds of oilier visitors had found his way back NEWMARKET Hundreds of Newmarket citizens have become involved In putting on the second Festival this weekend The festival which will centre around activities at Wesley Brooks Conservation Area and Newmarket Plaza but occasionally will spread out to parks around town and to the arena Is being coordinated by the Newmarket Parks and Recreation department BOOTHS DISPLAYS Members of at least eight community organ ization will be working in booths at the Festival They will be from the Canadian Mental Health Association Newmarket Horticultural Society East District Guides and Brownies St Pauls Anglican Church Bogarttown Womens Institute Catholic Womens League the recre ation department and the Newmarket PENNY CARNIVAL Children who participated in the recreation departments summer playground program will restage their successful Penny Carnival this time on the shores of Fairy Lake the Newmar ket Lions will hold a childrens parade Saturday morning the Optimist Club and the Legion will be putting on cookouts at the conservation area and the Chancellor Car Club is holding its annual rally in conjunction with the festival The Legion Pipe Band will give a concert Friday night and Sunday afternoon the New market Citizens Band will perform Rock music concerts will he going both Saturday and Sun day afternoons at the Amphitheatre in Lions Park to honor the among them Jesse Lloyd He charming old cemetery the plaque It was estimated that upwards from 1500 rebels Sunday in this try King hand many dignitaries and descendants of the founded the town was a lieutenant under William Lyon Mackenzie in the rebellion and eventually lied to the US where he died and was buried in an unmarked grave He left his wife Phoebe and a large family at The wis Sun lav In two of Grant Lloyd and Ross Lloyd Guest speaker was Lloyd of Out a great great grandson of the rebels The unveiling was made into a twohour festive occasion The King Secondary School bind MI John I Soccer Club dance will bo in the Legion Hall Saturday and the Hills Community Association will sponsor a youth dance at the town hall the same evening TV childrens star Uncle Bobby will be performing under the big top at Newmarket Plaza Friday and Saturday there will be carni val attractions at both the downtown and plaza locations and of course festival food For the grand finale an opener is scheduled the opening game of the Newmarket season It will be in the arena to be left llirli Robinson arc that as the practice cob lit preparation fir hi Mint I mm One of tin highlights lic festival is hound to be the world record den race Above Robbie Fry eft and Kent Green get their entries ready DERBY RACERS Souping up Iheir soap lini derby rieer Derby down Main St hill are Mike a held during Festival Great Newmarket The race will be White photos fearns off to Russia for game Tuesday night Teim Canada Wednesday for the Sytema is attending Miss Heather Rule is ll Thunder Bay heres the Renault 17 A sports coupe with electronic fuel injection for instant go and Renault roadology for total travelling comfort GREENWOOD RENAULT INDUSTRIAL Save Get a 72 Renault at the price of a manual PRESENTING THE UN 73S NOT ONE CAR IN THIS AD IS A 1973 MODEL With so much emphasis on the new cars days the buyer market wo pleased an excellent lineup completely roebnditroned used cats at prices everyone con LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENTS LOW LOW INTEREST RATES LOW LOW PRICES This s an outstanding opportunity trade now and set your COROLLA SS7 COROLLA 1971 TOYOTA CORONA TOYOTA CROWN VOLKSWAGEN TOYOTA CORONA MARK u 1972 TOYOTA CROWN ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL SAVINGS OH COMPANY DEMONSTRATORS Satisfaction Service Sincerity Ltd St South Newmotket SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN SATURDAYS to pm