Wed September MI Motor Cars Motor Can for31 Motor Can for Salt Sale 35 35 Services and Services and Repairs Building Trades and Houiehold Directory VOLKSWAGEN USED CARS Vitrified War rh 3000 n Verified Warranty 3 month 3000 miles Colors to choose Item Ii Wagons Automatic Mot limn cars to choose from at all I Motors Ltd 31S Yoiige St Newmarket 8952366 DOWN PHONE NOW ANTHONYS FOR DATSUN BRADFORD ma buggy fifed W buy old rllnl Monica Vega lou mileage or illy ill Bra- r radio Hi fiood one i I lifiilln hi i ml certified full power Ill one ilfkfSs ii 32 Truck for Sale full ml rear plow fully iliitilim Fowl Snow Vehicles pled horses and cattie Massey Ferguson 1 deals In he an Tradein Rumble Tractor Equipment stoufivllie Livestock for conveniently located Pull time a beautiful rid Toronto 8951004 111 Queen St DRAFTING SERVICE MECHANICAL ARCHITECTURAL FENCING PAIMBRIL CONTRACTORS rleUpfiQuvkruUf occasional chairs For material samples and estimates Crane Service NEWMARKET plumbing and Marshall BLACKSMITH AL t1 ft SIGNS NEWMARKET TRUCK letteriSg NEWMARKET ALUMINUM MANUFACTURERS ALUMINUM DOORS J WINDOWS Boy direct ram factory and save on Aluminum Storms Screens in Yonge St Newmarket Phone BUILDING CONSULTANT NEWMARKET 8957257 Pet Stock and Pet Stock and Supplies Kennels Supplies Kennels Dog Obedience Classes Starting Thursday October 5 pm Old Fire Hall Mai St Newmarket will be taker lis Fee 259 week course Fa Information phone Academy for Dags Co el Canada 5199253780 or Personals lUlll S IE im I tin- Pet Stock Supplies Ken and a Registered beagles sale also dog fro S Kittens free to good v York Gallery of Photography 8982421 ahorse Ltd as J of Point Large of new and it boards complete on of adult and gay magazines mailed in plain wrap Toronto Ontario Do You A Weight Problem JOIN TOPS Legal Notices Kit iirty Id slot went Review ivls Drive FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM NOTICE MARCO BREEDERS CANADA LIMITED Auction Sale Saturday mills of ii in furniture thin lin Horner Auctioneer Del 10 Audi hay straw Jerry Lot fori train SI 56 Schools Colleges Private Tuition CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH LESSONS phone 8955852 Piano Voice Theory Reasonable miss Mrs A Found Dog Beagle ion for at Iturklioldei in of of I fil iockshuM iiiiiiiu mm imli lvid iilitv iHHilnhs Luc hi- feet Mils 1 iii i- IMii I iMnn i 1 Ml f at mill- lii mil iiliii J t-iiciiiii-ia- i hi ills rtiu-i- of St ins I lin i i i site high ltll 1 1 mm TV hilnll 1 i liiiiufi inachinc Si lnifiii Will inllque art Hill inliques OMa