Wed September YOU DESERVE BETTER GOVERNMENT THAN TRUDEAU HAS GIVEN YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE fl l PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR YORKSIMCOE SINCLAIR STEVENS Its our Canada lets get serious lnlir rars under Trudcau has resulted in extra Canadians being nil of work Our dollar has shrunk in buying power over and our federal i Our Inn lnu so it mam now feel are belter off not working von vote on examine the alternative The Progressive Conservative Party has made johs In priority And are committed to reducing your per sonal income tax liv at least while increasing per sonal buying power for all Canadians The IT Party region nits I iniinil ice for Ihe area Planning for Torontos facilities lias need from federal In our our programs must he realistic We illed to overhauling Ill system and wel- nils I isli Sinclair Stevens Ihis Riding and its He is the only lidale in this election who was raised in ives in and works ill York Sill and his wife are lawyers with offices Thev live on a farm in the Aurora area Sinclairs two nephews two Iors and a large er I sheep Sinclair Stevens has winked for ihe in election since his hut this is ii time he has ever wanted run for public lie believes lie can help give von the kind of government von deserve as vnur fulltime Member of Parliament SINCLAIR STEVENS PUTS PEOPLE FIRST IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP ELECT SINCLAIR STEVENS PLEASE CONTACT THE STEVENS CAMPAIGN OFFICE IN YOUR AREA AURORA 7271321 BRADFORD 7753343 NEWMARKET 8951287 STOUFFVILLE 640-5335-