FOR NEWMARKET RESIDENTS A new arena by Christmas Cedar St The developer will also provide 3W acres of parkland NEWMARKET Residents Newmarket should have a hockey arena for Christ- Under in agreement signed slightly smaller than the pre- list week Del Zotto Homes build the town the new are- about 15 acres of j build a road to Its lopment and pay all legal In return the firm will be a construct 329 homes and semidetached and east of the present In addition the subdivision lew Hills development agreement provides that Del will turn over acres of land to be used as a park In the Bayview Hills development also calls for lot levy fees total ling to the town as well as per dwelling unit chase trees if the individual The hockey arena will have six dressing rooms and seating facilities for about 200 Parks and Recreation Com missioner Dan Shannon will have his offices located in the i There will also be conference room which cai used by community groups The construction of Fatter i St the main road into the development is estimated The whole package about to the town said Regional Councillor Ray VOL Ml NO PAGES ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1972 Bertha passes obscenity test JOHN LOTT Newmarket cinemas first regular show But this wasnt an or dinary Friday afternoon for Grant Hed come to work early to supervise an exclusive preview of the film Boxcar Ber tha for three top police officials who wanted to determine if the movie was obscene and therefore unfit for viewing by the gene I ral public of York Region Two weeks earlier Chief Crawford had judged as obscene Playboy magazine preview of Boxcar Bertha He said the offending photographs represented undue exploitation of sex and threatened to charge vendors who sold the magazine And last week he indicated the movie Boxcar Bertha might puty Chief Bill Staff Inspector Harkr this reporter the chief said the film could be shown because it didnt contain the scenes published in Playboy And he added If anyone goes to see a lot of skin theyre going to be sadly disappointed look at it a Ill have is all about said Chief Crawford had the right to to ban the film if he desired but indicated such a move likely wouldnt survive a court test When asked if the courts would likely over- turn such a ban because of the Censor Boards prior approval Mr Cunningham replied dryly I think its very obvious what the answer to that is so Im not going to give you an answer The only such precedent he said happened several years Roberts chides Hydro planners CCK plots brief By ALICE KING TOWNSHIP By the time hearings resume into Ontario Hydros proposed transmission line between and Picker ing the Concerned Citizens of King Township ratepayers group expects to have a brief that will send Hydro scurrying back to their drafting boards to come up with a route they can justify This was the essential hope expressed by Chairman Don ald Stirling last Thursday when the group broke summer recess to plan strategy for the Aug 21 hearing Man gets a rude awakening Here are 12 of the 13 contestants in the Miss Sutton Fair Contest to be evening following the official opening top of stairs 17 sponsored I CG1T Debbie Ford Ruth lo 17 Institute Garage Leslie Hirst it Teen Club Johlin 16 Sutton Sen nil Kes wick Trade Fair Wilson Jacque line Dawson 17 Dawsons Marina Keswick and Stein Hi North Absent when photo was taken were Ellen 17 Stevens mil leii and Marilyn Hunter Miss The lursi- show has added another major jumping event the 2000 KESWICK J must wonder what a man has to do to take a Saturday afternoon nap in peace He was asleep on his couch here Saturday when a car slammed through the front door Police said the incident on Dr when a started from a parked no on and proceeded 72 ft on road before looping into a for ft The car to the road for a short went into the car then went back on I went out of control 1 roared across a front several people re- picnic chairs went for cover The vehicle finally tore through the front door And on Monday MP John Roberts while fall ing just short of blasting the proposed route criticized Hy dro for bizarre planning It seems a bit bizarre of pursuing this when they dont know where theyre going after that Mr Roberts said in reference to the fact that Hydro has no spe- Mrs Buck blasts Harris for questioning donation to fund estimated at impaired driving and failing t pass a breathalyzer t Smashup on lake driven over the middle of an other causing damage The damaged boat was owned by John Volkenstien of Toronto John Willowdale was charged with dangerous Its a bit like building a bridge halfway across a river he said Im surprised Hydro hasnt sat down and rethought the whole line rather than pro ceeding with half a line of Concerned Citizens has he Hydro has acted without regard to public opinion char ged Kings colorful clergyman He said Hydro first evolved the route then later developed a complex matrix system assess- I by points of land according When questioned at the hearing Hydro admitted this matrix system was just one month old It just happens very con veniently said former Coun Margaret to fit in with a line plotted three to five years ago AURORA sue of the worst possible She referred to Councillor Harris suggestion that council contribute to aid the two survivors of mass drowning near Midland July after councillors in Councillor said week he would raise the issue at last nights council meeting tends to bring before the whole i be measured in terms Of pub- mind council there are still sniiie him an iffurs which do nut within Hie arena I regard it as the worst possible taste that a i ml id- urge you most sincerely the twofamih drowning tint claimed lues Councillor liar ris said that if council could spend on a farewell dinner political lit drowned ildrcn deposited 1020 to the fund last week Campground approved SUTTON Plan ning Committee gave tentative approval for a camp- Cava Holdings the railway tracks in He said the project would be developed with a franchise Kampgrounds There would be a main building constructed first flush toilets showers office laundromat store and other con veniences Also 10 serviced campsites would be built the first year The total number out the United States and Can- Mr Mayo said he and his three partners hoped to be able to rent or buy acres adjacent to their tract for further expan sion There is a KOA affiliated campground in and one in he said He hoped tint const ructtp proci by I would proceed this fall with a Planning Commit tee agreed to the necessary and Chair man Rob Pollock added that the township was preparing a by law to set campsite levies for such developments low standard plans which falling Into the hole which Site supervisor is charged after tot falls into excavation Tim Is the son of Mr and Mrs Hubert who filed the complaint with police Police said some plywood aid across several studs had been placed over the hole but had been moved when they arrived The was alone at the lime His father went look ing for him and met his wet and muddy son on the way home police said I of Investment NEWS superintendent has been charged with railing to pro perly safeguard an York Regional Police who laid the charge under the Cri minal Code said Tim of 650 MounUIew Place man aged to get out by himself after Woman dies of blood clot after armsaving operation NEWMARKET A Wes ton woman whose mangled left arm was saved by surgery July 20 died in York County Hospi tal last week Mrs Moore who was seriously injured a single car accident on 48 near the Sutton curve died of cardiac arrest resulting from a massive blood clot near her heart Death came shortly after 6 am last Thursday performed the autopsy said the death was apparently unrelated to the fourhour operation Dr Warburlon said the size of the clot indicated it came in her left leg Mrs the accident Up to last Thursday morn ing Mrs Moore was unking an amazing recovery and had hand and fingers said hospital administrator When she was admitted to hospital Mrs Moores arm was attached only by a sliver of tis sue just below the shoulder and one consultant advised Mortimer who headed the team that per formed the surgery discovered to attempt the operation driving in the accident in which a car went out of control slammed into a ft light