Newmarket Keswick THE ERA Serving York County Sine TERRY A brighter tax picture in 72 Its not often one can say nice things about taxes but perhaps this is the year In a period when the cost of everything is spiralling higher property taxes in a targe portion of Newmarket as well as in Aurora East King and will go down In those areas where municipal councils havent been able to lower them the increases But more than that the Newmarket budget gives evidence of sound municipal man agement during the past two years For instance A longterm road reconstruction and maintenance program has been established and in line with it a good deal of road work is underway The longterm plan it covers years assures the town only takes on what it can afford in any given year without necessitating a tax increase Similarly it assures that by its end the towns longneglected road system will be completely updated The road plan also Includes a road and works department equipment renewal scheme designed to make sure the towns vehicles uul other equipment dont again fall Into the slate of disrepair they were found to be in lasl year Newmarket lived within its means in 1972 The town issued no debentures during the year Action has been taken to reverse the dis astrous slide in the proportion of he towns assessment made up by industrial and commer cial properties In factories ami stores made up per cent of the total assessment picture In 344 per cent per cent in and only per cent In Plans for a new industrial park and a new- shopping centre are on the boards and if com pleted these will give the town a much healthier assessment balance The library almost doubled reflecting Ihe Hie school I regional levii from the las hilt town only cents of in of a nineman council to do The question arises do nineman council to spend 17 budget 4tj NEWSROOM NOTES No easy solution to decline don liernurtl Old Ontario Jolm Let of THE Readers ERA The decline the south shore of Lake Simcoe as a prime tourist area the past few years is alarming to many people who depend for their livelihood on summer residents and visitors his decline can at least partially be blamed on the deterioration of Die quality of the water in Lake The main topic of conversation In Jacksons Point these days resolves around the lack of people coining to the point In spite of poor weather the crowds have traditionally been larg er than they are this summer The green slime which has been a problem this summer is gradually covering larger por tions of the lake The reason for this increase in algae growth is large amounts of phosphates flowing into the lake The solution to the Itiologisis say that a lake system like that use a technical term This process simi lar to the aging process in a man takes many centuries and even without man being around will happen eventually Over the centuries nutrients build up gra dually in the system and it gets clogged with algae which when it decays uses up valuable oxygen near the bottom of a lake or pond Nutrients are constantly entering a watershed from natural sources Four main nutrients contribute to the growth of the common bluegreen These arc car bonates nitrates phosphates and magnesium If one element is missing then aglae cannot grow In natural rivers and bodies of water the limiting compounds are phosphates Phosphorous will still gel into a water sys tem for Instance through erosion hut the pro cess is a slow one which lakes many centuries cording to a Pollution Probe booklet entitled Keep It Clean the most severe and long last ing threat to our recreational lakes The point is that nutrients never break down or are from a once Ihey are introduced into it I Ian aiummlaU ami levels get constantly higher and higher Event ually oven in a completed setting the lake dies Man however has complicated the natural process as he seems to do wherever he goes Phosphates pour into rivers in quantities greatly accelerating the process to the employee of Dear Editor In viow the pub- recently accorded to their the Newmarket Library ions in matter and ate efforts lo improve the quality of life in this an 1 final a I lne policy In jiciutiturc of public any event the circular BILL SMILEY This is the year for a nonnovel Dont hold your breath wailing for its publication but this is the summer Im going Its the tenth summer in a row that Ive been going to write a book but this year will be different its the year in which Im not going to write a novel Other summers I didnt get around to writing a play or an expose of the educational system or a series of pungent essays or an attack on marriage This year its the novel That doesnt leave too much docs it Maybe Ill write a slim volume of verse Any dam fool can write poetry these days The secret is to avoid capital letters and punctuation make your lines all different lengths toss in a little erotic imagery and make the end result a visceral experience which nobody understands Here just to show you what I mean If you dont get a real charge out of it a profound emotional experience that is and havent a clue what its about youre a connoisseur of modern poetry Oh one other thing no please Well just call it yesterday a vivid personal experience which I attempted to convey to the reader Its got everything Theres sex in it a secret yearn for fat ladies the word metatarsal Theres plenty of concrete images Theres symbolism how about seed wart a fertility symbol if I ever saw one masochism social criticism and a deep They wont all be so deep and bitter of The lawn aint mowed Hut Ill be If shes going to goad Me into doing any of them Then therell he the fragile tender little lyric that makes real poetry lovers just wriggle and almost lrh themselves inside out Some thing like I A tin- past hut one thai excessive use of fertilizer by farmers Once phos phates are introduced into a system it is very As the ImN ivisc- the amount of algae increases flourishing on the slime that has come lo infest many beaches on Like and various parts of the gels in be a greater and greater problem After all nobody wants to swim in a lake covered by this green slime When the algae dies and decays it uses up valuable oxygen in the water and as the Pollution Probe booklet says if large amounts of algae are decayed the lower waters can he completely stripped of oxygen Tills results in the death of most aquatic life and fish Thus even if all sources of phosphate pol lution were removed magically tomorrow the green algae would continue to multiply anil grow because of many years accumulation of nutrients in fact all towns on the watershed of Lake are required to have phosphate removal systems the end of HIT At present only Newmarket lias such a facility As one can see the future of lake as a recreation playground is in danger Not only will the slime make beaches uninviting it will eventually deprive game fish of oxygen and Hie lake will lose its at tract ion for sports a lions since the fit Ibis year to pub- a report on Huh as was done of Die quality of J given by the treatment The Hoard have re- defined policies Shi was given a copy e vvhkli l lory retirement of all therein was adopted the Mailing point mmloyees at age sixty next day and informed Mike rive A similar policy thai her civ ins would believe K then Newmarket GAMBLE I disagree with the police chief it is my opinion that Police Chief Bruce is setting a pretty precarious precedent when he refuses lo enforce Ihe rh lav Whether Hie law is as he calls it impractical and archaic it is nevertheless- the law and as it is Ins duty to see thai it is enforced on his beat the i the The only answer would be to drain Lake and fill it with clean water and start vor again An absurb notion at best Even Ihe phosphates would only be passed on to J other lake system perhaps Georgian Bay Doubtless there are mam laws on Ihe more which may seem on surface arc repealed by legislation should sorry baby but maybe Its not even i maybe she wasnt really I guess it was her buggy laden with a quarterton of and snacks and four cases of non- returnable bottles and twelve pounds of and unlovable super Now dont tell me that s just c And of course therell lie some dramatic narrative stuff Im working on a sort of called The Day I Shot the Black Squirrel Thinking It was a Black Bear But it will needs a little polishing in the last twelve cantos Maybe you think this is just advance pub licity for my book But I guarantee therell be something for everyone though some of it will he pretty strong stuff and you may have to hide it from your teenage kids I was think ing particularly of a couple Down fly the Old Gravel Pit and Let Me Call You Meathead Rut theres also some stuff coining up that is really haunting One is entitled simply Puke It is based on a great storm on the Great Lakes when I as junior porter did great things with a mop after people were sea sick Its been haunting me ever since anyway So theres a delectable foretaste of my summer project I can hardly wait to get started Except that I have a golf date then Im going swimming then theres a barbecue and somehow after a day like that the Muse and I are both ready for the sack Belles f York This is crown Queen of Keauici 1 to o h operate nyns ins and in c ml m ml in Mil J Roller ile tnk M ii Again let us suppose that the officer honor the law and punish the culprit what Is he to be reprimanded tor disobeying If a motorist parks in a no parking or drives utiles per hour in a miles hour zone the police will feel no about giving him a ticket and it is taxpayers prerogative to den that what is good for the goose is good for gander But let US briefly examine some of absurd reason put aid si me of the pic we inadverleiilly voted into office Region Chairman Garfield Wright is a said Millions of dollars worth of stopped in York Region this morning pulling hi entire cost of all si ruction projects in the region dont inn ll in millions of dollars a sides the i have been rainel using class B road I in a bit of exaggeration and I seriously loaded with children v oil truck I a fire I appear that the main trucks but that someone is goin tot of trouble to protect them a this impractical and archaic law The continuance of commercial progress not Chief Crawfords official concern There a other politicians paid to take care of Enforcing the law as it is laid dowr chiefs concern and I endorse the demands bnlh Mrs Sue Stewart and Rev Donald Stirling that he perform his duties in that Materialism is fine so long as it is aim but it towards be of ihe power of the law