BALDWIN MILLPOND Pollution keeps pond posted upstream It keeping To- Mr bought the ancient mill and pond last year and he told The Era foil week he would like to clean the out of the pond According to Frank people always sod perhaps by pig and sod Wo Police call off enforcement of overloading restriction chief continued from page 1 of the load gravel trucks filling the Side the Young Mines pit queens Park was a lev force this law on road in the region then If have to enforce It on ill roads Chief Craw- council gave him some indication that machinery would be set up stop to the load limit en forcement in the town ship Chief Crawford aid What about trucks coming with a load from another municipality In to East Mayor Rolling asked They would have to get a permit from the Department of Trans portation end Communi cations said Chief Crawford It was at this point that Mr Wright made about the andstlll in said that tho present leylsla Htm Is amended Chief Crawford Council members him they Students start job directory Opportunities For Youth grant a group of Aurora students has set provide and help for area residents who need some one to perform odd jobs pound limit In changing law per hour based customers pay Miss said Customers arc re sponsible for providing materials she added Revenue from jobs will be pooled and dlvid end of the project she tlonal purposes The pro perty It sitting Idle at present However he said he hit no pteni to go Into an expensive cleanup operation on the pond Recently signs have been posted around the mill and dam warning people they come on the property their own risk Mr ox- plained this is not an at tempt to keep people off Quite opposite It merely states that any one hurt on property He Is upset by the growth algae In the pond end feels the cause stems from agricultural runoff and raw sewage going Into the creek up from the dam Dennis Veal Region al Biologist with Min istry the Environ ment has visited twico Ho told The Era algae grow th Is largely a natural phenomenon Not so says Mr berian who claims that the upstream sources The algae problem might bo cleaned up when up stream pollution is cle aned up Whether that will have an affect on tho pond is another que Mr Veal said Ho added that the most likely cause nut rients which encourage algae growth probably tome from agricultural enquire obtaining of the Class load limit if this ell takes steps to The placement centre operates out of Trinity Anglican Church Rolling was the only rep resentative elected from York Region Members of the Aurora chapter Beta Sigma Phi recently resented a painting by Newmarket artist Raymond Gurr a Grannys Tarts Ltd an Aurora firm as a tribute to Beth of the firm and a sorority member died last year will present a painting Announce Hialing SubsUi Shrinks ss SPECIALS W ROUND POOL OVAL POOL 3710 ROUND POOL TOP SWIMLINE A50o TOP by the Aurora art show annually in Mrs Smiths memory Above from left artist Mary Gibson sorority past president Kiloty Jiuis president Jack I awe and Gib Smith both vicepresidents of Grannys Tarts White photo THESE SPECIALS INCLUDE Every Fool SPECIALS OVAL POOL 24 REDWOODROUND 8500 24 SPARTACUS DELUXE 1140 Pool one obvious waste sour ce but other times many farms all add a little bit pollution making it hard to pin down Mr would result In minimal nutrient pollution Ho sold he wilt study the finding sources pollution Mr snlt ho wants people to enjoy tho properly mid heavy algae growth makes fish ing and swimming im possible I brought It for my family and myself ti clean and i attractive than ho stated Ho added that child- Baldwin for a days out- and use his property picnics He is planting trees the property but ho PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED ANOOELIVEREO SUTTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY A HORSE SHOW Miss Sutton Fair Contest lo o pono b loci Club n h obo Con on lo oppo Finol Con In FORM DRESS FINAL CONTEST bo hold 1972 o p CommIojimo 1 led nolo ami female personnel Braces and Trusses 1 Complele colostomy and ileostomy hall Convalescent Aid Centre Si ol St AURORA ii nil in i Sure any sedan can have two trunks 72 VOLKSWAGEN Guaranteed twice as long as any other Economy Car 1972 VW BEETLE HJ Motors Ltd at Eagle St Newmarket Dont miss these moneysavers at doane hall PHARMACY HEAD SHOULDERS Shampoo GARBAGE BAGS CREST Tooth Paste Reg or Mint 50 More Special 99 FLEX Balsam Protein Treatment Shampoo SUDDEN BEAUTY HAIR SPRAY All Types OFF Insect Repellent Economy Sue 133 MENNEN BABY OIL J CHARCOAL LIGHTERS 366 QUELQUES FLEURS Cologne by Houbigant Special Value 300 BENYLIN Cough Syrup 99- ALKASELTZER 49 RIGHTGUARD ANTI DEODORANT doane hall PHARMACY LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS YONGE ST at WELLINGTON Open every week night til PM