Mr I lffR THE ERA Courtly Since mlii Chlllltl This meeting open to all Tonight the Of Newmarket will have an opportunity to air their views on how the town should grow and develop materially during he next decade The meeting will be held at Huron Heights school at pm and wry Newmarket Is welcome Under discussion will be the key segment of the Newmarket Official Plan the landuse portion Two In the making the land use plan If approved In present form will eliminate subdivision outside the urban boundaries of the town everywhere except directly to the north The meeting therefore an important one for anyone Interested In the future of the town The Era urges cltlieni whether they are opposed to or of the land plan to come out and their views Change the law The confrontation between York Regional Police Chief Bruce Crawford and East Township Council last week backs a again that old saying that the law It The detail of this meeting and an opinion by The Eras News t should not be scrapped because It protects the municipality and taxpayer from unscrupulous truckers who would overload fire trucks milk transports fuel oil trucks and others to travel on Class B roads East Council would do well to follow Chief Craw fords suggestion to have this law amended And perhaps council members should get their colleagues on York Regional Council to back them up and thus present a united front to the Province of Ontario w- T Sfflw r John of Pork hot much of hli I time during his Ontario foil dlopptorlng old building Hr 1 Si Andrwi Church In E loy built In which ilondi vacant rodoy II ll ilium on St Ml a mil of King Irlrood john NEWSROOM NOTES A police chief breaks the code of silence Its rare that a police chief that hes not going to enforce a certain law because he doesnt agree with It In the police business its part of the unwritten code that police dont criticize the law of the land Their job is enforcement if a law is unfair or otherwise discriminatory there are legislative and court avenues for change Lett Friday at an Council meeting York Region Police Chief Bruce Craw ford announced he would no longer enforce the 22000pound load limit on Class B roads Act ually his department had only been enforcing that regulation for about a week and Chief Crawford admits that protests from neighbors of the famed Slderoad gravel pit In King Township pressured him into ordering the crackdown Regional Chairman Garfield Wright appear ed at last Fridays meeting and claimed the measure had effectively halted all construction In the region It seems a horde of construction executives had called the chairman and other regional officials to complain that the polW were depriving them of their bread and butter The chairman also claimed that construc tion on Highway ll between Aurora and New market had ground to a halt a claim I trucks in her township So Bruce Crawford law that had been put on the books In order to minimize wear and tear on dirt roada from overloaded vehfcles On the surface it might appear that Bruce Crawford was bowing to political pressure and the almighty construc tion industry when he In effect said Go ahead keep on breaking the law We wont stop you But It wasnt political pressure the chief told me Monday If it were policial pressure Id be fighting like mad Id be out enforcing it twice as hard he said What changed Bruce Crawforda mind was a ticket for more than which police gave a private trucker in East My eyes were really opened when I saw that fine against a little guy in East bury who Is trying to make a living he said more money than hed make In a month Really and truly I had no Idea there were so many people whose livelihoods depended on use of these Class roads Yes there are many Sod farmers Milk companies Fuel distributors School buses And of course gravel pits All these entrepreneurs have been rolling merrily along lo these many years breaking the law And when the police began enforcing it they howled they could have applied for BILL SMILEY What you wont see from a DCS Theres nothing more unnerving for an old pilot than to be flying with somebody else Es pecially somebody who he thinks could not come in fourth in a threelegged race And thats exactly the situation I found my self in last Saturday morning I was Just gag ging over my first fag and cuppa when the rang and a cheery voice sounding as it had been up that it was going to fly over and see me For a minute or two thought was in the backyard and rolls to prove that hed seen dear old there waving her sheet However it turned out that mi The only tiling that reminded me of the good old days was when after wed Jogged about for half an hour he said Where the hells that airport That was always one of my troubles find ing the airport I said blithely Oh I think Its And sure enough it find He before his mortgage and I jacked up the interest rale He hadnt ad a statement lor two years Well pulled myself together and agreed pick Mm up at the local airport I knew per- when the control shooting off J Jan tilt us go around again Weil I took guest home for lunch and figured out some kind of financial arrange ment that would a lawyer look him bark to the airport and saw htm off As far us I know lie made it Mi wobbly Then we spotted some young fellows pre paring lo sjjie skydiving One of them an oJd student joshed up said In Ho mid volunteered this wis his list special permits to exceed the 22000pound limit And they likely wobld have been granted such permission But the police worent bother ing them so why should they go through the red tape My contention la that they should have and that York Regional Police have every right to enforce the regulation But 1 must agree with Chief reasoning and commend him on having the fortitude to stick his neck out and say when he thinks a law Is lousy He makes another cogent point that reflects the discriminatory nature of this law in tho Regional Municipality of York The Class B roads limit can be applied only In townships of which York has threo King East and Whitchurch al most completely rural Is officially a town Newmarket Vaughan and Markham all have rural roads which dont come under the limit because they are towns Im not going to enforce that law unless told otherwise by someone higher than I Chief Crawford said I realize I may hang myself on this Ill stand or fail on It Before the uproar over the King gravel pit Yorks police were not enforcing the law and Chief Crawford replied that he didnt have enough men and equipment to do the job on an equitable basis throughout the region Then Sue Stewart and company got the chiefs dand er up and Its now ironic that their beefs have resulted In just the opposite of what they want ed My feeling la that Die chief should have quickly stuck with Ills original decision not to enforce the law Ills reasons were sound eno ugh enforcing it then calling off his minions it will appear to some that the law doesnt apply equally to everyone that when politicians mid construction companies get into Die act they can sway police chiefs Tills too is Ironic because Bruce Crawford prides himself on not being responsible to whims of politicians In this Instance hes open ed himself to criticism by sticking up In for the little guy lie Looking about as sly as Peter he asked How about a little ride J knew I wasnt going to get any money out of him so thought I might as well hum up some of his Wo got Into Ms flivver I looked around for a parachute None I looked around for safety bells to strap myself In like a mouse in harness as wo did in the old days Nothing hut a seat belt The scenery was fantastic lakes and swamps and Islands I even picked out our high school which looked like a devastated area My wife nt out in the yard waving a sheet so or steep turns when your guts go down Into your crotch Sedately I think Is the word that would best express our flying Rather like an Old running a washing machine Dont think didnt enjoy it Theres nothing Dear Editor hell make sure Roberts performs on his promise fur similar meant vice supporter wa Its wasteful why is it difficult when my am finished at Sinclair Is so simple yet i veils sour reaction ami a sour snipes RON MARRIOTT St With sheer delight needed around here If the wind of change ever blows our way heres what I would like lo see changed First the system of dealing with gravel trucks con- mixers etc which are apprehended for overloading In my opinion it is not only ludi crous It Is downright Illegal for a police offi cer lo the driver of an overloaded vehicle a ticket then permit him to carry on with his delivery Such a practice is to some degree compounding the offence for doing so Some hazard ling and hazard is no because the officer hands the driv er a piece of paper Lolling him how much mon ey each extra pound is cost him They should be made to discard the portion of the cargo which is in excess of the legal load be fore liilng allow In proceed Itid I hear some- line yell impossible Well not so There is such a in i vehicle This is the way it is handled in many pails of Europe Still on the change kick I think its about time did something that atroci ous little prefix semi am perennially expos- Wed known Mm bit of alter boy I tried to re leg In- life It even opened An I it I mi b iMfif lih drifted itow an In I I rigid in Hut ml dl Of Win Hint inl he hohh I hi my wife to filler that was AA our young ml ft was A nut tod it alchemy I knew it was John Id Hied to ill in English o wasnt hurl and it ws a flu lay and I think I lake up flying again mi Belles of York Out Hallo litis in KM ll Iltm I lot Flint SLlil Hit lull si louml II i alt mm In III Mid aim Bill l dull Silo llfls Irm M by V While by real estate people to that term semidetached How can anything pos be semidetached It is either attached detached But lets not pick on real estate men aloni Insurance people are just as bad For a more cash theyll grant us the privilege of bi ing sick in semiprivacy Now what Is vate 1 mean private is private and thats Some time ago a lady describing the di cor of her home said to me Im afraid it semi contemporary Im still working by two to find the date of t pose she could have meant it was last year style not so utterly out of date as to her Nowadays the word contemporary seem What other kind of children would shuttled off to a hospital I have long despaired of ever finding a gov application for employment without the asinine question Marital Status it correctly it asks fo For once Im on the side of the Women Lib Why should hurricanes those creators havoc and destruction all he named after men The latest one was called Agnes In past weve had Betty Cora Donna Hazel Will the people who name these pests pleas change it Lets have Albert or Bill or Dai Hugh After all fairs fair Is there a more irritating way of Im right than the phrase Its as simple a that This one is going to take a long tim to change Im afraid The final thing this week that i in which nobody ever says anything Instead they declare Insist swear protest plain observe announce prattle utter blurt ejaculate stammer stutter lisp drawl mumble mutter jabber gabble whisper purr pout gasp groan whine sigh snap holler bark wheeze cry wall yawn explode squeak snort growl exclaim rasp giggle titter snigger whimper blubber and even So help me Iti true apostrophize Oh by the way there is one last change Id like to see made I think Its about someone threw out that old cliche The of Change