Extra costs force Authority to shelve machine foreseen for the next may be much farth would Inject liquid alum Into he river in sufficient quantities to make the water of Fairy Lake clean enough for swimming was to have been Installed last sum- 80000 more than the Auth ority could afford The liquid alum which was tested in Fairy Lake in August ruled that If the alum Into the water system on permanent basis the sludge treatment plant or upset the balance of the riv er below the plant Therefore it required the settling basin be i the treatment plant In effect said Mr it asked for a small treatment He pointed out the province recently announced plans to large collector Holland would only be from Lake Ontario to New market and Aurora before 1885 much of the pollutant In Fairy Lake comes downstream from Aurora and so any ex pensive water treatment process installed now o clean up the quality in the up- and Fairy take be sewer Is built he said If Aur- Us plan for effect will definitely bo felt so He pointed out that six storm from surrounding now empty Into the lake and these make it nearly till water a there is no Inflow and said It might he used In future to clean up polluted Kike Slmcod beach THE ERA VOL NO Keffer to manage King centre By DON BERNARD Era Staff Writer KING CITY Larry Kef- fer who has caused some ex citement himself around Au rora In recent months was named Monday a ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JULY S lot of as arena manager for the new King City Community Centre Mr Keffcrs appointment was announced by Dill Curran chairman of the newly created King City Community Centre Hoard No salary was disclosed but Mr said that the re- would depend on Mr Keffer for the past two years lias been president of Au rora Tigers hockey club which was recently sold to a three- man team headed by Itrucc Rut- lerworth of Sports Ltd Aurora Building across York halted so police quit enforcing SHARON Enforcement of the provinces controversial truck overloading law was stopped In York Region last Fri day after Police Chief Bruce Crawford learned all construc tion in the region had come a standstill who were standing nearby Four injured when cruiser blows up at Holland Landing County Hospital Friday night following a thunderous explo sion which destroyed a 34foot cabin cruiser at Alberts Mar lna three miles north of here The blast could be felt two Smiles from the explosion scone on the Holland River Miraculously nobody was led but debris was thrown 150 feet from the boat Taken to hospital were John Dickson Holland Landing Fire Depart ment which had the blaze under control in seconds Bradford and Newmarket firefighters also ans wered the call along with three ml in marlnas owner and Debbie of Toronto Mr Dickson received mul tiple lacerations and burns and passenger led daughter of the released Firemen hosed the dot area and water with foam prevent another possible plosion and Fire leaves families homeless NEWMARKET Fire Sunday night gutted the former home of the late Newmarket artist Ittnius on Prospect St leaving three kill wli lltliig part iim In I ml hi i li I Damage was estimated The building Is owned by Ian Scott librarian at Newmarket High School spokesman for the Newmarket Department which fought archaic law Chief told East fiwillimbury Town ship Council The chief made the state ment to council after he was told by Regional Chairman Red Barn fate is undecided JACKSONS POINT The Red Barn may yet be saved own er Vilaly told The Era last week He said he is presently negotiating with Town ship so that the barn might be preserved The centuryold barn in Jacksons Point has been one of Canadas best known summer stock theatres since the 1950s but ils stage is dark this summer Mr who has 1 ready called for field Wright that all construc tion in the region had been forced to a halt police had been en forcing the Class road limit whieli prohibits chicles weigh more than lbs loaded or unloaded All roads in rural townships nut under the juris diction of the region or the pro vince are Class 11 roads Council was told this lb limit if enforced would stop oil truck deliveries milk truck pickups school busts sod trucks gravel trucks and even fire trucks ordered their drivers to park trucker has a sum mons for and his truck was empty added Councillor Chap Queens he forced to enforce I limit law The ratepayers who wis applying the pressure at Queens Park But in King Township Mrs Sue Stewart and Rev Donald complained of hop the A cloud of the blaze for three hours said t No one was In the building when I noticed on the lower floor by undetermined fire broke out Flames were firemen and it might be saved hut He added be had one appli cation to rent the barn for the summer but that the person In would be willing to He said that some mens might bo found t keep the barn In use as a theatre It Is specialized rccrea- a function and should pi Train runs out of gas NEWMARKET A engine and asked about the Nil freight rain bound The engineer said he ground to a halt near here Inst week when it ran out of had run out of gas The police officer thought It was a joke but apparently the CNR didnt York Regional Some two hours after said the rain was at a the rains halt David standstill for more than Priestly of Priestly Bros Aurora was awakened and by his time it was about at night He man- attempted find a dealer aged pour gallons of fuel info the dry tank fuel oil One York Regional The train then appar Police officer saw he train ently made it safely to Tor- slopped and walked to the Juveniles peewees win weekend tourney titles the laid said that from I of view the barn has no value but she ell be used as a summer thealn workshop in the It would take a group with outside financing lo make It go nth in the summer time f thealn school Mrs Mars- den added She added that it would be NEWMARKET lnr Jack son was named most valuable player al the llinbmok loiiroaniuit list weekend is he hurled East w market Juveniles to Hie tour- in hi rill eh iinpinnsliip hurled 2d Innings In Hirer games mil gne up hits and struck nut t7 The in sponsored Burling In other out Hie Newmarket Legion peewees took top in the Bolton Centennial Tour nament whining ill Kirn gaim biding i tough dieisioii our Midland Keltic was For di I ids of both I Plaza merchants oppose new stores NEWMARKET Newmar ket merchants are opposed lo any new mulliplcslore in town during the panslon of tin wn Public meeting tonight will discuss towns growth guidelines NEWMARKET A public meeting to discuss guidelines lor the towns growth during Hie next decade will be held Huron Heights Secondary School auditorium Before the meeting will tic the landuse portion of the towns proposed official plan Other portions of the official lines hive not been torn will be Hit sub ject of future meetings The major impact of the liiid use plan will not be in areas of the town but rather will be felt in the newly annexed areas west Sutton ltd AH undeveloped land west of SI wild tin exception Similarly most of Hie farm land between the present south ern urban limit of the town and he Aurora boundary will re main as is for the foreseeable future The only major change east of Sullon ltd projected In the plan Is for the much talked about industrial park If the land use plan Is It will limit growth in the n to hud north of the pro vincial arihitetls of the Centred Region 1 1 in lo The now assigns about The official pi has been prepared by York planning department dcr the instruction of kct planning committee win mi Engaged couple killed he man led Aug were killed Sunday in a violent crash on Highway II just north of here Barbara Mint ID of Booth bay Cr- who had only last month won two bursaries when she graduated from a nursing smashed into visit Mr Dougan cottage Provincial Police igan was apparently a line of north iake a lefthand Miss Mini and Mr attended high school In inrkel month when a registered nurse Parba Mm of I top Anna Memorial Award for Professional Development and the Bertha Kitchlng Award for proficiency She was the eldest of four daughters of Mr MmU Mr bad recently moved to where he was employed as an electric ians apprentice