TO Era Building Trades and Houiehold Directory Building Trades and Houiehold Directory NEWMARKET ALUMINUM MANUFACTURERS Automotive Indulilol Unit Curved Host ROWLANDS Radiator Service 1 PATIOS REPAIRED OR REPLACED FREE ESTIMATES HARRIS OAKLEY CONCRETE NEWMARKET GB Construction Phone 8956961 BUILDING CONSULTANT Pet Stock and Supplies Kennels Year round boarding of dogs and cats Inspcc invited Ref black pood Male puppies part Registered i a poodles silver- apricot Beautiful healthy good termpeament Shots de formed Phono 727- Puppies for sale female Shelties Minia turc Collies Registered want good home Phone Miscellaneous G HERKNER NEWMARKET and Girls area with riding swimming pool orcher arts ami crafts etc Also fishing able Pickup service re 3 4 Gardening and Gardening and NURSERY SOD No 1 Kentucky Bluegrass C SOD SUPPLY KESWICK Sandy top oil wanted by IIU ad Grovel 47 Groceries Meats Produce for Sale Lid It lb bag John Be Monday to Friday Sides of Ih wrapped wa and raspberries idles north of Queen bring own contain phone am or John 47A DO IT NOW Fatmlndusuial Residential Finns Now Mile CONTRACTING LTD Sunday including Pine and Spruce trees high your own or we dig and up Phone Open ev enings until Con deliv- filled box Bring containers 1M mile miles north Harry Vc Phone I 1 Ont Coll GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICES 85 St North WITH A Phono Aurora Adonis Largest selec tion of adult gay books- magazines mailed dis creetly in plain wrap For monthly catalogue Write Box 1110 Station Toronto Ontario I William A Wilcox will my wifes Jean Wilcox written without The children of Mr ami Mrs II Smith wish to friends neighbours and relatives rate Street ket on June between The family of Mrs cor of her on June afternoon and tietiina at her y 56 Schools Colleges Private -in- iii- usually available Poodle Groom in the heart of All and groomed Poodle Pups all LESSONS re Home pick Up Reasonable Rates 8952666 TOWN I COUNTRY Driving School TOWNSHIP OF EAST TENDER FOR DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS York Tenders for Ball Diamond Lights Scaled lenders will bo received until am El ST Friday Juno signed for the construe lion of a floodlighting system for the Keswick ball diamond located north of Keswick Detailed tenders be obtained The loest of any ten- is necessarily accepted TOWNSHIP OF P Engineer Administrator BALED TENDERS by the Regional Clerk Regional miles north of the Aurora Mailing he required for each s of the documents in good condition within HI fourteen days of the tune dosing date marked cheque for when submitting the t Tenders shall he or the erection of three In the Village of Building t Allinouiries to not necessarily accepted Public School addition Town of Whitchurch TFNDFRS plainly marked as to con tent for the of an addition Italian In the Town of villi- shall be Drawing and Spend cations lo General on Monday 19 it of tin- the A A tenders their tenders lo Gen- through tender shall be Structural Contractors the Toronto Bid later than by a made payable the York County llo- rcemeiil to provide a Performance Bond an mm Payment of ill and The Board reserves the reject all en or In accept any KnKArchftecl SALON ELECTROLYSIS PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL OPENING JULY 1st FOR APPOINTMENT OR CONSULTATION TEMPORARY NUMBER 8956589 PEGGY MUNDINGER Wo stock of icrihanlise and anil any lime ales 7 week thanks fur I property of DOW Will be lull in the Village of I of ft r law itove dry chairs Captain Si washing maeliiiu ants que roundliif eliria cabinet goi with rnir cor top Philips TV bed chesterfield d room suites table elm butch in red maple lintpninl dishes and chairs of other furniture Prop sold Terms cash Sale in Reg and bottom half Auxiliary Name A Warriors Day Brown liter Auction Sale FOR FRIDAY JUNE at pm Derek Osborne Cooltstown THURSDAY IIVKNING in Auction sale of furniture I I- in liiliu- Viscount deep frccz- and spin dry I k it arid double and dresser nation writing desk and wheels cradle platform Terms household I antique bed painted footed milking herd Atkinson sales includ if am stool grandfather ilnck Si solid brass hand car ealhedril kit then clock BR nits linen I motes and t this the i ten perfect condition have ever offered by this sale a must II I- b ropcrtj Refresh Mgrs Auctioneers i- HI Inrjc old AM s set lilt I iho fable saw ladder carpenter of fruit and pickles This is only list of This goods in excellent inndi ion this sale a must sold Re selling at Plaza developer makes belated bid for permit Thurs June 29 Dining room table hand buffet and li spring filled seats tood Walnut and pine turn nipt beds incom plete Kan est table or- colour drop front suitable for grinding cupboard of other and oh son Auctioneers Jiily of ICS the property of ltd pin spinning whe coach lamps dish- Reg table butternut ordinal nine cupboard pine lllti dark CANADIAN PR jUVSS signed compote signed breakfast set complete Nugget viator pitcher gl biscuit jar man other I set of graduat- i 1 1 a other Canadian pi of How blue chi li steeple clock largc but- ill tirlmitve tools I Iroi 1 n plate calendar This will be an excellent fall Preview from m Note time sale begins Not responsible for ac It t the south rough firm fail I day so tlid linns would consider building a store In pla za Hie letter mi A Aid Inn and the day expired June Following the failure of i build plaza and Simpson- store on the northwest r of the same intrrsttion Main Mumbling bloc receiving Una was the lna in produce a major depart tore tenant within the It could challenged store on April Mr about acres al use under an old King Builder plans 64 new horn can go ahead as far as the York County School Board is concerned The Board at a meeting June approved a report Avenue adjacent to mead School Trustees were accommodation for in this location at Prince Ch School Huron market High The has not been council yet marble new lighting fix- chandeliers etc includiiij com table chw foot I lull leaf goblets silver phi with mounted eagle silver plated set Vie tit old guns blue willow cut glass Dewier mil brass large lion kettle targe Greek Wilson Scott Co- ronlo Management responsible for to the public day of will sell In i- i ii Sale lists plaer I dishes kitchen Advertise Weekly For Best Results JAMIESON Continued from Page 1 skills will be engaged in the airport develop ment Others will find additional employment in the construction of services and urban fac ilities Added Mr Jamie- son airport employ- few- before value of other Land under paths will be zoned the noted of he land in activities to the region hotels for air passengers which will hotelrelated opportunit ies for nearby residents new industries in and manufacturing establishments Turning to the is natural that most airport related de velopment will occur k density develop me At a press affected by the alrp establish the am I compensation Mr Too late to classify eased to announce the r daughter Peggy Jean wedding to take pla- July at Kew United Church condition Co call 1 r SSrB Bulls Reg equipped a dill outdoor I a babysitting east of Newmarket The wholesale on affirmed Rut he said and local councils listen with regard the location of fluj paths and feeder I routes