Legion dumps Bradford downs Newmarket the mound to take the In Newmarket Town Softball League action Burling stung York Roads 142 on the six last week Legion dum ped Lacal 31 but the game was called after hit pitching of Boh Skel eton CM Giles led the Burling hitting with Sam Kyle smacked out a home run a double three Innings because of Ken Sturgeon hit a and a single with Giles managing two trip- with Doug Brown adding a triple John Stevenson played a solid game on- PETER GORMAN SWIMMING POOL RECREATIONAL SWIMMING JUNE Monday fi pm pm Saturday pm Sunday pm pm family swim Admission children 25 students adults with Rick ticker hitting two singles and scoring a run In a losing cause Carl and Bob Woodcock also got hits for the losers In other action Brook lin Concrete crushed Bell on the strong pitch ing arm of Bill Collier Gopher Thorns led the hitting with while Jim HIndorff Linn also got for the winners Randy Skelcher was on the mound for the losers with Herb Mays swinging a big bat He hit two singles and City SS The York second cam completely overwhelmed Scottish at Victoria Square Bernard photo RICHMOND 8846663 PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED BEST DRUG STORE Sports still undefeated downs Annies Lunch 106 HILL l 8896662 J Relax and Stay Cool INGROUND POOL 128800 Complete Stock Pool Chemicols 12900 op HARDTOP TRAILERS TENT TRAILERS SPORTS CENTRE SI lie Don Mills Rood 4784929 Shop 4784062 NEWMARKET Sports and Cycle contin ued its winning ways in the house lea gue last week dumping previously unbeaten An nies Lunch 106 Mark Sutherland led the way for the winners sharing the pitching du ties with Chuck Brian Pollock Chuck Sutton and Steve Wood ruff played well defen sively for the winners Mark Sutherland also hit a triple and a double Norm Cowal hit grand slam while Danny Barker managed a ho for he losing An- Lunch team B Currle and K McLean shared the pitching du ties to take the loss tion Glenville dumped COFFA Rod Peter- Cam Fitzgerald all took their turn on the International Har vard in the tyke house league racking up a 131 victory over hapless Cre dit Union Harvester managed seven hits in all with Kevin Dunham hitting a double and pie driving in six runs Steve made two fine folding plays and knocked out a single and a double In a losing cause Stewart Beare nosed out Phecol on the fine pitching of Todd Ad who NEWMARKET MINOR SOCCER batters Len also pitched for the win ners and struck out five Ho also knocked in two runs Todd Adams man aged a triple for Other hitters for the winning side included Kevin Mike Mark Pres ton Phil Scott Jeff Bond and Kevin Wright Clarke hitting a John Fortune hit in a losing caw less Traffic GIVE DAD A Happy Summer friendly games with Ro bert Armstrong dumping Hempen Jewellers Dave Jackson potted two for the winners Kevin wielded the big bat hitting a homer and a double knocking in a eves lumber DAVIS DRIVE NIWMARKtT m mm mm mm Mm Slim 5m CALL 7279444 Hi SUMMER DRIVING SERVICE SPECIAL POINT TUNE UP ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Wheel Caster Camber Check Front Suspension Adjust ToeIn Components for Wear or Defects Ro Limited Time Only 111 YOU SHOULD BUY A DATSUN NOW YORK NORTH DATSUN 69 Davis Dr