Launch Lake shoreline study SINGER AGENT sreaATTiiiEETIiiiTiiBlMiirHT BEST DRUG STORE Conservationist showed US film to Sharon girls badges at lunch and a happy fate performers clowns and hate a good lime lion tamers More Guides earned animals Cub badges for their talents responsible for Hall took bis own costume AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics Of The Town by Emma Purchase meeting on May rmait Mrs Mar nous lest chairman so villi Mrs Jail Rogers ml Mrs Dianne Hopkins the meeting ami Mrs ted the club on its suc cessful Initial year is 1 m My boys in Newmarket and Aurora are mighty tidy Sir fried chicken Yonge St Auror weekend at Elgin ami Mrs were met Burnslde presen ted pins to Misses Kim Gilbert and Explorer graduates in Hark Beverly V PRESCRIPTIONS doane hall Convalescent Aid Centre NOW OPEN We would like to la this opportunity to troduce you to our it Aid 1 and a largo range of wheel crutches etc for Our Convalescent Aid from 10 am Centre It is a completely separate department of Doane Hall equipped with fitting rooms and is staffed by well- trained qualified male and female personnel who will be able to assist with all kinds of convalescent aids We have a complete of bra and trusses a complete colostomy and Ileostomy Centre will be open to A pm Monday to Friday or by appointment It can be reached by telephoning or by calling doane hall PHARMACY at now open and invite you to premises at your earliest On duty to servo you will be Mrs Lois Creelman Mrs Jean Levers Mrs Sheila and Mr Ted Day 8 YONGE ST N at WELLINGTON ST AURORA New York Prints Jersey tec The People Probe Thee O God Christian Science Sunday Services J am WEDNESDAY EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS 8 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am Sharon Society Itev Victor Hall NEWMARKET CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE Gospel Hall Is Drive Breaking Sunday and Bible Study Rev VICTORY CHURCH Fellowship THE SALVATION ARMY Thurs Bible Study Prayer Meeting St Pauls Kindergarten u Morning il Heading by FRIENDS MEETING Pioneer Encampment Christian Service E Sun 945 Family B Scliool Jesus is Coming Agab Communion Sharing Meeting Testimony RB Jones YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT GRACE