IB Wednesday May The Great Outdoors right at the doorstep of York Region pools the Great backyard trend towards fami lies taking their summer holidays at of all parks within are within 100 miles Overnight your doorstep I pop have been pulled from deep channels are caught In the summer too by theyre doing Catches of more than Numerous fuel for the propane marinas You can take a surely trip down the r York Region has numerous points of hlsto- Pcrhaps the most in- Temple on Don Mills by suggestions where can spend h days without At Rogers theres a 100yearold lock which is now part of a dam or the Holland River A walk along the ri ver banks will produce the sight of huge turtles and the odd be aver All kinds of birds twitter in he branches of the huge willows and maples which line the until Monday ou leave Friday Drop anchor or drift catch a fish Refreshing will For those who don supply tackle and as well And if you you where the good fish- tell they started with a boil- or because the- was no place to pitch On holidays lunch and after s d head for the Lake Simcoe has Simcoe during II find the public bes h e backyard becomes boring thats the day equipment Will thc- to do Will the cooler keep things cool Do the flashlights need Pick up camp all mouthed bass at the largest pick caught in caught ii I This caught in the Schombcrg River not five miles from Bradford Lake Simcoe while for its low shore and And thats out lurk E pounders markers which will from the youngsters attending a nearby theatre By the ie you get home the will be asleep municipal Stayathome by nightfall On Thursday a to Midland and Fort for lunches all shed probably li a change spread throughout Region and to nami of them here A variety from those most have childrens me day After church hot and tiring why how peaceful and else in the neighbourhood is out of nit on the front porch tired neighbors home after thcir way through cighbors unloading and if theyre swimming i Valley and Met- tors Authorities is always their ieasanl especially if August of the tobacco dont mind will show you A drive Ike circle two boars Coat From Page 2 jammed at harvest time to pitch the tent or trailer for the night If might be able to get a farmers permission to camp on his land On Tuesday its a short drive to Lake Erie to sec the fishing Lake Erie despite its polluted condition Is still one of the best fresh water perch pro ducing lakes in the steam out of Pott Dov er Port Rowan Port and other har bors They leave early best port just boats through 1 Toronto Stop off in Toronto supper whole lot cooler Don Valley Parkway by dark and asleep in On Thursday head for SIbbald Point Provincial Park on Lake You con be home for supper by the and drive home in the cool of the evening On Friday ex plore the back roads of York Region be countryside and homes youll see when you get off the beaten old farm homes ions which envy And there is all inds of fresh produce to bought from roadside If strawberries are hy not make a supper roads though because its Friday night and the highways are jammed afternoon theres nearby town If it the backyard and lawn and garden you neglected For a change let mom or the young sters barbecue supper SOON TOPIC 72 the original newsmagazine will have more than 175000 readers Thats ad power Well also be coming out more often with publication stepped up to twice a month starting this month This has been made possible by advertising client and reader acceptance We think our story is so good well buy space in a competitorssupplement to pass along our happy message TOPIC 72 is a full service publication and to find out what we mean call Brian Maurice at 7752213