oil Wed April It A Word For The Week HOOK ARGVLE Albert of Ike Nasarene la tat of Stanley Cup playoff and u hopefully contemplate our coming be an appropriate time to tat christian attitude to port Thli I rigorously avoided until trade union nan no doubt glad to back Unto lime Bui in today leisure oriented aoefety when much work la tedentary we need to develop a Christian philosophy toward tport May I principle to consider tome of which nay alto be applied to other areas of our interest How my sense of relative values affected Writing to Timothy Paul laid Keep yourself spiritually fit Bodily fitness has a certain value but spiritual fitness Is essential We must not give our mala attention to something which is compara tively unimportant In this life and useless In the I priority far Instance there li a proportional decrease in and our time spent In devotions leave in danger of becoming virtual Idolaters Seek the Kingdom of God not of sport In similar manner how my Christian ste wardship affected If I cut down on my gifts to God buy better equipment or to pay ees if I can spend any amount on especially motorized ones which required of money to run without batting an and yet at the same time consider myself I put a fraction of this on the offering plate I am not acting like a spiritual man and of the place which sport hat taken in my life Then most importantly how reactions and attitudes to others affected If I win at any price if other get their bead chewed off when iorrn it not too much to me too much spiritually When Jesus taught that we are to love our enemies He surely did not exclude our opponents on the field track rinks etc but if a Christian cannot do this If he finds himself feuding like the Hatfield and the McCoys he would do well to quit competitive sport A few week ago in The Era Bill Smiley vividly described how such attitude may be even In minor hockey and in Maclean October John counted how he had been by the coach for not deliberately incapacitating an opposing forward already painfully Injured Can a Christian act this Finally how Is my Lords Day observance affected realise even many Church people consider this subject to be almost antiquarian interest In our present world but it highly irrational to talk of sins forgiven and walking with Christ and then to deliberately and habitually break one of His commands This is of course a more general subject but It of first Importance in the world of port where much competition both team and Indi vidual ll based on Sunday scheduling The Christian had better think what he may be letting himself In for before he makes anv first moves which might lead to conflicting claims on his loyalties