earlier Era interview colled the towns emergency service a foolish and a way doing things Once she realized she should I call police they arrived within but a serious disaster could hive occurred in the in- J traffic continued to I flow perilously close to fire- fighters Mrs Buck told The You have funds for every frivolous application Hint comes before you yet you continue to corners on serious matters told council Hate of rowing in riding OTTAWA An antiFrench Canadian backlash has gained considerable strength In York- federal riding a recent survey conducted by Ml John Roberts revealed I It Is a very dangerous tendency In this country said Roberts in a special stale- issued early this week lightly -type- ivritten statement which went jut to all bis constituents re futed eight of the most frequent and rumors thai are about tills The MP ended by saying he think his constituents hate French Canadians think when we get a bit lis- runted or unhappy the things arc going then i far fields look greener J lie urged riding residents o treat with scepticism these ague assertions that somehow She the open forum for citizens before Mondays council meet ing Mayor flick Mho defeated Mrs Buck election been detained at a function in Toronto and was not present for her accu sations Mrs Buck was driving St shortly before fl run Erhhj when she saw smoke from a window in tlie Textile Bargain Centre She parked rushed In a telephone booth and called Newmarket Answciing Service which lakes Auroras fire calls Firefighters were on the scene almost immediately But police werent After watching for almost eight minutes as two lanes of traffic into one to avoid the firemen and their equipment it sud denly dawned on mo lhal the police had to be called too she told Era next day When she phoned York imd the dispatcher said hers was the first call t answering service recorded her fire call at pm police dispatch r her second call at the told Davis first I mo lie virtually took his life in ids hands laying out Hie first hose The people didnt even stop for him Newmarket Answering Ser vice does inform police after noticing fin mi but ClerkAd Rodger repor ted Monday lint tin- answering See DELAY page Given the history of ten- ion between French speaking English speaking Canadians is easy to convert our Ions Into hostility based on or sometimes on he said FAMILY NEEDS HOME BALDWIN A Baldwin family which was burned out last week needs a home Mr and Mrs lornc Prince and their five children arc be ing accommodated temporarily at the home of Mrs Swan but they urgently need help in finding new quarters who provide for Ihe famil should call Mrs Swan parking tags wilt cost if torn up town warns NEWMARKET illegal In the past the tickets will be Issued to be Other offenses such as a offense and 35 for a second who rip up their have been placed on the wind- by lie mailman or a man fine for parking too close f Marking offenses NEWMARKET Illegal 1 who rip up their tickets wont gel away with It so easily any more The own has decided to Issue summons o parking of fenders who do not pay the In the past the tickets have been placed on he wind shield and If the offender In not paid the fine the hue limit several reminders were mailed Town officials say these In the majority of instances were Ignored Now a court The parking ticket will 95 for ob structing driveways will In crease correspondingly when they reach the summons stage The fines could reach as high as and costs for a first lug tickets those which warn he offender his meter has expired will still he Till VOL NO PAGES ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 19 1972 IS CENTS PROJECT WILL TAKE YEARS MAYOR Launch plans to turn river banks into crosstown park Fee hike may veto community school use NEWMARKET If the York County Board of Educa tion adopts policy of mi a night for the use of schools it will cm In many of Newmarkets recre ation sponsored programs would most definitely the Scouts Cabs Newmarket firemen Dick Robinson grimaces as lie pours water dentists office above Matter Shoe Store during Friday night fait while Aurora firefighter Jack steadies the hose of fire and more photos on Page 13 Photo in calling police endangered firemen at Aurora blaze Buck AURORA A needless time lag between fire and police alerts forced firemen to dodge heavy St traffic for more than seven minutes last Friday night former reeve Evelyn Ruck has charged Mrs Buck turned in both the fire and police alarms for the fouralarm blaze that destroyed four businesses And Monday night she returned to the council chambers to bitterly criticize town council for falling to adopt an answering service that proides notification of fire and police departments NEWMARKET The Hol land Ilivcr banks in Newmarket could become green recreation pastures and adjacent flood- prone lands could be freed for development under a longrange scheme unveiled here last week Work could begin within a year and will lake a long long town councillors York Region planning and engineer officials South Lake Slmcoe Conser vative Authority members Also present were consult ing engineers for two firms bidding on a preliminary study choose between the two consult ing firms and set up terms of reference for Ihe study speaking during at hearing the Inn approaches to the flood control and land- lation plan firms but Mayor said his council favors tlie approach proposed by M Dillon of Toronto because their idea We requested thai they cease Immediately Mayor Dick lllingwoith said Monday But lit conceded thai the town has no authority to order such a stop page Clerk It ml Rodger told The Era York Sani tation officials said they would consider the towns request after residents complained about noise and trucks tearing up the road last Thursday But Monday when town works superintendent Angus York garbage wer Noting that the trucks were observing the roads half load limit Mr Rodger said I dont think we have any control over it For details of a much lar ger Operation GarbageLift In East sec story at left and photos Pag 10 point just north i addition a dike with flood taxed the box channel through tScc HOLLAND RIVIU page 1000home Albert scheme will solve sewage problem mayor MOUNT ALBERT A subdivision with a lagoon- spray Irrigation sewage system has been proposed for Mount Albert but it faces rigorous ftciutinv from regional and pro vincial officials before ever be coming reality If the plan or one like it is implemented the age system could help solve the present serious sewage Gin told The Era The pollution Issue in Mount Albeit is bad site said The Ontario Water Resources l lias recommended we have a sprayirrigation type of disposal system but we can afford it on our own We may have to use a Joint effort with Ihe private sector if we can get permission Permission will likely be contingent on Iwo factors the attitude of York Region and province towards the spray ligation system and a Queens Park verdict on whether the massive subdivision would be allowed under the provisions of the Toronto Centred Region ickciiiif site is factor said Mayor Rolling Regional planning Pound said the plan would about I Kill single OWRC approves plant their study Neither firm had been giv en terms of reference for their submissions last week They were to use their own initia tive to gather dala required for their proposals Ultimately the river banks from the southern to northern boundaries of Newmarket sho uld bo cleaned up graded and used for passive recreation the said Channelization mea sures should be implemented to prevent flooding and free i the present flood plain suggested by Dillon the river would bo realigned thro ugh a boxtype channel thro- ugh parking lot from City garbage trucks annoy Aurora residents week about tractortrailers haul garbage to the York dump on the Holland River north of Newmarket The plant is pari of a lot subdivision Flamingo Construction hopes to build south of ihe Landing Sharon lid It laud includes about sprayed an lagoon At the hearing commissioner Denim the project will be forthcoming until detailed study of the sewage process study is underway treated id March here York Regional sides of Centre ltd to a point onehalf mile north of Hie village Ulti mately it could include about I aim people he said Even if approval is finally granted 1000 homes wouldnt spring overnight The plan would be implemented gradual ly in phases specified by a sub- division agreement Mr Pound said The mayor added that the total project could take 10 years to complete Under the spray irrigation under the When the water reaches its highest lagoon level the sur plus effluent is pumped thro ugh irrigation pipes and spray through the recreation meeting last week Mr Shannon was on a discussion he bad board officials last month present board nates use of schools to creation sponsored programs community groups A At the meeting Mr Shannon was told the of education was subside creation sponsored Mr Shannon told last meeting of the towns committee the fee not board policy yet and of and meeting He said the Sit fee based on janitorial sen heat electricity and wear costs were there schools were being or not I also pointed of the tax back Mr Shannons icu to do hie to keep the school of liquid No town land available for Optimists building NEWMARKET Retreat ion Director Dan Simmon wants the Newmarket Optimist club lo build a clubhouse on town- owned land but there are few available sites In a letter to the Newmarket Recreation Committee last week Mr Shannon mged the town to assist the club in locating a clubhouse site and lisle d possible sites All but two were ruled by the committee leaving areas near the Cane Parkway and between and Ave However it was pointed out the Optimists would like to lo cate closer to the centre of lown We just haven land near the centre of town avail able but we should help Optimists look for some suitable property said Recreation The Optimists would use their clubhouse for activities but would make ihe budding available to the town for recre ation programs Mr Shannon said North York garbage dumped in York roads chewed up EAST TOWNSHIP North Yorks garbage and the spring thaw hit East at the same time last week resulting a quagmire of muddy confusion at Davis Dr and the Sixth All last week huge tractor- trailers lumbered east on Davis Dr from Don Mills ltd laden with garbage that couldnt be taken to Metro dumps because Paving Co were bound for Sanitations private dump on Hie Sixth Concession North York garbage also taken lo the companys dump on ltd and CERB igh fewer trucks than last week were In evidence At the height of the thaw last Thursday night as many See STRIKEBOUND page 17