THE ERA Serving York County Since DAVID R HASKELL TERRY CARTER JOHM survived but King Council shouldnt There are two main theories of how an elec ted official should fulfill his duties Under one an official faced with a decision tries to make an honest assessment of public opinion and acts not necessarily according to his own In stincts but in the way he believes the people wish him to act as their representative In the other the official believes he was elected to make decisions that his election re- the peoples trust and he acts according and act in a totally prejudiced manner aban doning whatever trust the public has Invested In him And this is how King Township Council has acted In the Infamous Tom Affair as well as during the public employees strike suspect for some time have been totally do- point for handling of the strike and the Arlidge Affair remains an Indelible blotch on its record Mayor Ken a weak leader at best has left little doubt regarding his ability to fulfill his public trust His public comments not only reflected poor judgment but also arro gance and a lack of common decency towards ye who served the municipality well for The mayor accused Mr of siding with the union during the strike Yet he offered no evidence and his council refused to provide Mr Arlidge with terms of reference the roads superintendent repeatedly requested before the strike occurred The mayor accused Mr Arlidge of handling poorly in short of being incompo by the next week Severn councillors Inllmated that indeed reasons why Mr have been fired reasons Hie public doe- know Yet the council has boon forth with these reasons leaving public no choice but to assume liny do not The arrogant and selfserving altitude the council towards its public hi gaged in a legal strike ami its rends December elections With the possible exception of Councillors Vail and Rough and it it should be noted Except for Councillors Jack Van and Ben Hough who wore able to ascertain the obvious fact that Mr Arlidge was being treated In a malevolent manner the rest of council seem ed not bom on Mr dismissal but Decision on hydro needed throughout his ordeal speak for themselves But councils integrity and credibility which in the view of this newspaper have been Park The hydro authorities are a loose end of re gional government and for a lot of Newmarket residents an expensive one Because Ontario Hydro and the Ontario mu nicipal affairs department have put off a decision whether local hydro authorities should remain authority residents In one part of Newmarket are paying more for hydro than residents in an other part of the same town and potential ex penses of a future consolidation of the two are climbing This loose end of regional government seem a small detail to the mandarins of Park who are daily faced with much larger sions but looms much longer when looked from our local level NEWSROOM NOTES The Owl offerings from another age 50 don abandon with which she dashes around with that car shows that she fears no evil She apparently has great confidence in her ability So said The Owl for a number of years The Eras correspondent in Baldwin His col umn entitled Baldwin Breezes appeared during chance He sure you look before you leap You might catch a tall old bachelor if you look sharp Jan The Owl was a bachelor himself named Gerry Graham who had been a teacher and lived just south of Baldwin From what I can gather his the Owls column one begins to gel to know the people who appear in the column Since Baldwin is a small place the names were re peated many limes Some examples are more entertaining than anything I could say of the week in Baldwin and area The Owl had to retire in when eye lid 1923 And his sight gave out Mrs Crittenden our postmistress caught on tho fly by lumbago She darnt or shed be a War Whoop plasters doing yeomen service Jan Fortyeight years ago J Davidson was that he didnt know what he was do ing Eliza had consented to be Mrs Davidson Mar 26 1920 Mrs Mord Chapman had an unwelcome visitor viz an ugly which caused her al most unbearable suffering She is now rcjoitnig the doctor bounced it out May 1920 The sad incident when Waller Comer was the head by one of his horses from The Owl did The Owl describe the accident in detail but he chronicled Mr Comers recovery At the earnest request of his friends Wal ter Comer has parted with the horse that gave him such a crack on the head Jas A is the coming Bee King BILL GAMBLE Make enemies it will improve your image The late Dale Carnegie claimed to be a man who graduated from letter utter failure to start ling success merely by making friends He later passed the recipe on to the world in the form of a book titled How to Win Friends and In fluence People This little piece of advice sold over million copies In fact it is still selling In many parts of the world Despite Mr Carnegies apparent wisdom however I for one am somewhat dubious of this method of becoming successful High on my list of people to distrust are some of my closest friends and although some readers may very well censure me for saying so I believe that after a bit of serious soulsearching they may see my point Ingly friendly towards each other would be almost unbearable When you pause to think about it starting a friendship isnt the simplest thing In the world You have to walk around wilh a permanent grin on your face a pose that not only gives you an utterly absurd appearance but also makes your jaws terribly tired after a while You have to develop a brilliant flair for deceptive narrative always prepared to give mis fits a verbal pat on back when your real urge is to give them a physical hit on the head You have to learn to keep a good range of sup erlatives on hand at all times to lavish on your to always have a few spare rooms ready for Making enemies on the other hand is not And think of all the ways you can prof by use It as a mirror to strengthen your tie then tell him to get lost In doing so you will have made another enemy but you will also in effect made another quarter In this manner alone a million or so enemies could make you a rich man And besides youd be a belter Christian in the long runforafter all the Bible says Love thine enemies It doesnt say a thing about lov ing thine friends And how on earth Is one to love thine enemies if one doesnt make a few enemies to love If you disagree with me consider how Dale Carnegie really made his fortune not by win ning friends mind you but merely by telling people how it might be done of Baldwin His bets a now anil making lively fun June 1920 the living of Baldwin his birthday in De cember and when I talked lo Frank he lioned The Owl According to Frank The Owl was widely rt ad in Hie and in fact the Mr Frank is getting ready rebuild his dam better than big piece of work before him July The Owt was nut In comment The wurk on our county bridge now about complete I here is one lluni lliril lips from which the sound money be a lot belle After consulting my than they are We Councillor Simmons may beating on Buns have been referring to WINE CASK kind one of two things The first reference could Major cask lhat will hold from Commanding Officer to HO gallons of wine Queens York Bangers or ale The second 1st American Real