EG bantams in final of Oakwood tourney SUTTON JUNIOR CHAMPION season Shown here In the front row left to right Is Toll Debbie Wilson Barb Payne Kim Trlvett and Marie Contort in Back I untie assistant Cyanamid Aero Fertilizer bantams made It Into the cham pionship final of the Oak- wood Tournament Satur day but lost out to Wood vllle 72 In the final In the first game EG thumped Port Perry with Frank Kelly Brian and Ricky Dale scoring two goals each Brent notched the In its second game EG ihumpcd by a resounding 120 score Gerry Harrison recorded the shutout for EG while Jim Collier scored a Dale Show and Scott EG MINOR HOCKEY t Gwlllimbury Furniture Barn were slung by with Mike Peewees win series Borden in three NEWMARKET MINOR HOCKEY Minor Hockey As Newmarket Arts and Mark Alder- sociation quarter finals Variety novices in ad- son The other goal for to winning the the losers was potted by Annual Newmarket no Steve as Mur won the right to reprc- ray got the assist tent lone eight In the Little to lie and Carry bantams won in Co bo it rg during the the North York champ ionship last week after being behind in the beat Borden then ma rkcl goal Aurora for the right In another game to go on According to New market shut u t The team tied the manager Roy Kcyes the scries with Base Borden got solid de on the strength of a fensive efforts from rick for Newmar decision last Monday Beadle Scott Kettle ket in that game To Richard Aikman ami Rick Lucas and Kevin night the novices host Randy scored for Saunders Cam Fitzger Barrio at the Newmar Newmarket ald played well In goal ket Arena at 830 In for Newmarket- what should be the last gam East and came away with t Aurora 30 Danny dumped the Newmarket scored EG Proctor and Fair Mites tied Keswick 11 on the strength of Craig leys goal then knot- ijil and Fred hell scored for EG ley scored in that game vices thumped Wood- bridge with Ian John son scoring three goals to lead the attack notched ITI Huron Heights Sports tie scored for New mar- goal for Newmarket as Strikes and Spares days later led by King while the defeated the le Thursday Both the Newmarket High ville while wluh will Kevin Dow victory TUESDAY LAMES I In front In the last week rolling a te triple and a 306 single high Second down The juniors The first went City the to by defeating PRESCRIPTIONS BREAK THROUGH THURSDAY MENS rge Keroff tc the Thursday Major League last we with a 791 triple I and a single high of Thompson and S malic y a Dot Chapman Garnet Williams top- the men In the Mo- it Albert League last Other top bowlers included Martin and Bill Eve LUXURIOUS SPORTS COUPE COMPARE PRICE ONLY TOP 2599 BROS MOTORS LTD RICHMOND HILL OR DATSUN is all you really need ANTHONYS FOR DATSUN RENT or BUY PHIICO FORD PROUDIY PRESENTS COLOUR TV PORTABLE STEREO RENT or GOOD CREDIT BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT PHONE NOW COLLECT 4762521 PHONE COLLECT and your set is on its way SHERWOOD TV SALES see whets Soulll