Trucks for Sale pension good MA Snow Vehicle Mil Service Ski WWi With SktWhii Rumble Tractor ft tilt Snow Prince 19 I approximately phone after pm no ski Nordic 10E or new battery jjK Ski TNT Dead alia and Timothy hay Livestock for Week old pigs for Building Trades and Household Directory Renovate now with BOB WOOD SONS Insulations Bethesda Collect Crane Service NEWMARKET ReUpholstering Chesterfields occasional chairs etc Recovered epalred For material sample estimates 8ARGENTS Newmarket Building 44 Building Trade and Tradei and Household Household Directory Directory Residential Commercial By Season Fencing CONTRACTORS 8955240 Drafting House plans APPLIANCE ONLY or FURNITURE REGENCY ALUMINUM Newmarket Toronto Mfn 111 Queen St NEWMARKET Windows Doors I SANDBLASTING FURNITURE METAL CALL Gardening PRIESTLY BROTllfcHS Garden Centre Gas and Oil Heating Coal and Wood Groceries Meats Produce for Sale Monday to Friday Pet Stock and Supplies Kennels OLDEN DALE Pet Stock and Supplies Kennels 10 months the other 3 All breeds Free pickup For poEnlmcnt call usually available quality breeding good home phone NOTICE The Directors of the Newmarket Cemetery Co respectfully request Sot owners to attend She annual meeting to be held in the of Ag riculture Office Nov market Shopping Plaza laming to the Cemetery will he discussed and the SO Transportation from Keele and Ride wanted from GLOBE RAVEL SERVICES RICHMOND HI Perhaps Alcoholics or Family Group can hi Canadian monthly correspondence sec- be at home t Would Harry Young or reahouts please contact 54 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AH claims against the Estate of CHRISTEN ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Into of Newmarket Hol land Landing Ontario thereafter the tin will distribute the assess of the said tote regard wily this day for t NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby Siiiitst having the of the Tow I late day of March will distribute the if the estate re only to the claims which they shill then mi of December and rcderiek Ii ih I Hangar pair equipment etc property of Ed Lan in operator of Good- rod airport Lot S3 Twp Scotland auction north of Good- field suites stocking d new chairs filing cabinets of other and furniture Ilea compressor on cart ton truck is 1064 Ford Gala- car as is Ford Glider Wings wood wing undersigned tin the former Police of Kiln- Citv ins Kiiiljnnaudoi including eo portable Stereo excellent bedroom suite single dinette suite coffee percolator etc Refrigerator door excellent Moffat machine Ken more boys Mustang fine crystal Super cycle fine Olds mobile Delta windows etc excellent run order The properly in Aurora Sale will be held in the Church Hall Murray Cash No at pm Llo and MIL Lloyd Wilson nd At- llle Sale Late To Classify dniinis PO Ontario mi Clerk unship of King PRESCRIPTIONS UJflRRnBflTTV G6RTFR0Bf Two FRIGHTFULLY Good Films Kee lull she annul sec NO VIJL ADULT entertainment YOUR BEST SHOW VALUE MOWNS THISTLE SOCCER CLUB WISHES TO THANK those MERCHANTS in Newmarket wis Drive and Main St for their very kin donations to the THE BEST INVESTMENT WE EVER MADE JAN MON JAN 24 p CHANNEL MENS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP PRESENTS HON PAUL T HELLYER MP 6 to 8 PM MONDAY JANUARY DINNER MEETING FOUNDER ACTION CANADA AND FORMER CABINET MINISTER CAFETERIA HURON HEIGHTS SECONDARY SCHOOL DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET AVAILABLE AT WALKERS STORE NEWMARKET PLAZA ROWANS CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES NEWMARKET BELL TELEPHONE OFFICE NEWMARKET LAWTON BROS MOTORS AURORA 50 STAN TAYLORS MENS WEAR AURORA FOR CATERING PURPOSES TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BEFORE PM SATURDAY JANUARY WELCOME ALL MEN WELCOME special FORD WITH BRAND NEW 1QCC McKEE SNOW WE HAVE TO CLEAR OUT OUR NEW MANAGERS sale USED INVENTORY TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK SO WERE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AT SPECIAL PRICES TRACTORS INTERNATIONAL CASE 8300 NOW JD NOW MF NOW BL75DW2DR JD lH AG NOW lH NOW CASE 600 NOW FARMALL CUBSJ NOW FCRD5000DW2DR NOW lH 504D NOW JUST ARRIVED I H CUB CADET H P ABOVE UNITS INTEREST FREE UP TO MONTHS NEW 5 H P SNOW BLOWERS 8 H P SNOW BLOWERS USED SPRING MACHINES AC GRAIN JD Run Drill NOW MF 2 ROW CORN PLANTER NOW 450 Planter J Row IH 37 Disc Harrow Wheel Typo 650 Disc Horn COCKSHUTT Plow IH Plow JD 5 FURROW Semi Two IH No 8Culi Spreader HAY AND HARVEST EQUIPMENT Combine Combine Cose SPECIAL IH Baler Witi Ha Condi EARN UP TO 800 BONUS of NEW TRACTORS EQUIPMENT NO INTEREST CHARGES TIL JUNE Call for Price Good Choice Ideal lor on Crawler Tractor Ditching Jobs INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER STORE SALES SERVICE North Davis Drive Nowraor 8952338