Dick gets irritated when he isnt given answers he needs at Region THE READERS ERA Ban digging in Indian burial sites White Owl Stupid Ridiculous Timewasting Those are three of Aurora Mayor Dick 1 1 in worth favorite adjectives during his frequent blowups at Re gional Council meetings Frequently enough they are the same three adjectives flashing through my brain as he is putt ing them on the record ling worth talks fast and frequently at Council and often with such an over riding lone of bombast that much of what he says gets lost In the blase of the words Talk to the man though In private school boards is doing his damndest to make the mishmash that fa the Regional Municipality of York and the new Town of Aurora work No suspicious reader Mayor Isnt uncle one of his children isnt married to oat of mine and I am not a delinquent taxpayer the Town of Aurora This is merely the first tan doll goes anyway to find out what Ibey intend to do He also agreed with a suggestion of mine that protestations to the contrary once anything is laid down In black and white especially with a body as sneaky my word as the Province of Ontario it could someday be as binding as a three- foot piece of rawhide But the conversation kept drifting back to Board of Education perhaps because at the time we were silling less than four blocks from Church St Aurora which archaic noon shillyshallying on Bayvlew Ave Its because we dont have the answers in many cases The provincial act setting up the Region of York Just wasnt explicit enough in they sidestep the issue he explains Conversation drifted to delegations before Council two of which had wasted an hour and a half of precious time the previous Thursday One In particular a spokesman from the On tario Department of Municipal Affairs who had been summoned before Council to explain exactly what the Province meant by requesting fiveyear budget forecasts from all municipalities may hap to spew through its computer and spit forth facts and figures on where Ontario would be at pocket book wise by the middle of the decade First of all we dont know even If there will be a Region of York at the end of that time this blame he feels Is because of a the municipal and Regional governmental lis council However t responsibility lies Official Plan all of which will be about that time we cant provide any kind of figures Mayor Illlngworth told Coun cil Then the nice young man from the Province admitted that the figures were Just guidelines they didnt mean a thing and could be shuffled am changed al any time It was then that I feared for the roof of because I thought Demon Dick was going to go right through it I was cowering under my seat following the NYMs next comment that its quest for figures the Department of Mun icipal Affairs hadnt checked out possible school board spending over that period of time Jurisdiction of the Depart cation and there en the too bodies me Mayor a that i keep supporting things will be so Inle- ilngs stay the same as they basically are now there will no longer be I It wll just like planning as a representative of Regional Councillors have to be appointed our money wo have to raise it we have t the people as to how its spent we while grated that icy basic health Either that or a School Boar couple didnt know what control Think about that Idea The law moving can be budged it enough And while hating to come on like a outmoded and something should be do them If enough people agree wc can to the right authorities and set wheels in Only snag Is with municipal elect year the whole shebang could change when things arc rolling well whole new set of dumdums to deal Summons unserved Burnie Councillor Ger ry expressed dis ci meeting that York Regional Police had failed to serve two sum brought by township building Inspector Char lie Chimslde oration building In Pet who was alleged ly in violation of certain township regulations When Mr took the person to court he found out the police ins has been Issued in Mayor George Bur added that Inspec- Hill in charge of 17 Shopping Days Left Dont Panic DO IT ALL AT DOANE HALL TOOL BOX BENCH 797 SCOPE Mouth Wash LISTERINE Mouth Wash Eamnqan 20u LISTERINE Lozenges CREST TOOTH PASTE Decongestant si New CAMERA Outfit GAF doane hall PHARMACY Lowest Prices Always YONGE ST N at WELLINGTON every week night til 10 PM Open up and see what she can da Open the where most compact sedans Youll find our Type stores luggage Open the rear where Volkswagens Youll find our Type 3 luggage Underneath ihe For bei our inly ihe you absolutely need gal What you won have any trouble finding are front disc brakes Theyre up ffont as standard on every single Volkswagen 3 we make And heres no problem finding gears Since our stick is synchromesh you can go through speeds 1 and 4 as easy as I 3 And with its h engine the Type 3 will cruise all day at 84 mph Bui donl take our word for it Close er up and see she con do for yourself Thefolkswagenlype 3 H J Pfaff Motors Limited