Our Own Bradlord Brand COMPONENT STEREO SET SALE- PRICED 88 Compact size price I Solid State stereo- FM with 2 balanced speakers in separate walnut llmshed enclosures PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER 1738 Powerful Solid State amplifier with speed turntable Needle is compatible Willi stereo records Popup P adaptor tone washable case Bradford AM CLOCK RADIO 88 I treat tilt idea I own clock radio with alarm and timed turn on Powerful radio with avocadobeige cabinet Zellers O Bradford AM POCKET RADIO D96 In ideal jilt for the teenager Ill transistor Solid State delivers superb sound an where I Equipped with batteries and earphone for personal listening CASSETTE RECORDER PLAYER A take unit Plans and records cassette tapes Easi loose controls Complete with microphone Operates on batteries or household M ADAPTOR