ick March THE ERA Serving York Since DAVID HASKELL CAB DONALD JOHN LOT A series of fumbles bungles and bumbles Meanwhile back at the ranch To refresh our readers minds about the continuing hassle over the location of the York Region police headquarters building lets go back to the end of January Yorks police commission after viewing and talking about other sites decided that the Office Specialty building in Newmarket was the best choice for the location of the police headquarters But this choice and despite what members of York Region Council think the choice is up to the commission did not sit well with councils engineering members suggested looking at other The police headquarters football was tossed into a Regional council huddle early The police headquarters debate then took on a nearcomic aura when it was discovered there was a missing document an offer to sell from Office Specialty The discovery of the missing document was made after individual regional council lors made pleas for the headquarters to be located in their municipality There the de bate stalled only to arise again towards the middle of February The Office Specialty building it ap peared was finally going to be the site of York Region police except King Township Mayor Ken voted Yes when he meant to vote No thereby sending the issue back to the police com mission The commission was faced with the charge of ordering architectural and engine ering studies for another site A week later the police commission decided that the old County Farm on St near Davis Dr would be a good location but wisely delayed hiring an architect until Regional Council had given its approval to its latest choice Things were left in limbo for a few weeks while the police commission settled wages with its policemen and Regional Coun cil discussed its 1971 budget Last Thursday council members rever sed themselves and decided that the Office Specialty building was what they wanted for a police headquarters after all provided that they would have final say in how much it would cost to renovate furnish and equip This was whit llicy voted for but lo and behold thai mil what told the police commission The police commission at Mondays meeting had before it a copy of the Thurs day resolution now wail for it a direc tive from Regional Council ordering the com mission to go ahead and purchase the Office Specialty building There were no condition- ichcd to the resolution just go ahead and buy the build ing for a police headquarters But through past experience the police commission is too wily and wary to be trap ped into that So members of the commission agreed to prepare the necessary cost estimates not withstanding that Regional Council NEG LECTED to inform them that purchase would be conditional on approval of those estimates Now the political football is back in the Regional Council huddle after the biggest series of fumbles bungles and bumbles in It makes us wonder whether the next editorial we write will have to start with Meanwhile back at the ranch NEWSROOM NOTES Georgina Council deals with speculators don Land peculators have been a big prob- This was not a serious problem for municipalities wherever there fa- peeuhtor came into the area Mini development and more land is needed for in the south were clamping dow school- and homes of Georgina this probleir Serious way and last week town took its fir steps in the battle for control of have gradually worked their way north from Toronto devouring land as kind of random development But Georgina was easy pickings Land that had been unused and ielitive- Something had t Georgin territory in this respect A developer could formed to a plan of subdivision registered with little trouble A number of ibJi ion plans have been i- of the pi At its meeting Feb concerns the time element set time within which lln subdivide start developing the land Speculator w be able lo register a plan then and ell it at a high profit The bylaw covers any were never acted upon although still under a plan of subdivision This erected problem- for the the A ubdivider could build but v a- not bound to provide any of the service The township was then stuck with pro viding what service- it could to the people in the subdivision which provided inula for all further subdivid ing Geoigina Townhip The agree net an provides a model the it e ieh must sign with the Township The developer has to supply storm BILL GAMBLES TOWN CRIER This is my opinion del Tims i opinio in Ill 11 In lop ill ilii Ml i 1111 is liny Hi I oil in a ilin lafore till bylaw anil III in free In devclnp II wishes and lo BIL SUGAR AND SPICE Troubles and this is only half the list close Him loo II begun will of a Inlaw Ia1 ill which a hit 1 1 I III- Old 10 Mum iimI allowing a my subdivision II has I I Ian l foi mid Dm suih phis known m Iliili hih w Ml in ally alls 1 Canadians a hit more psychotic than other March is as iinpreilictahle as a pregnant as is an eccentric n Mini a- I All yon have to rlo is look at the body department anil I The cat it again on Hie floor lasl night noil is going to Hie glue factory If it happens mole Tin- N It has phrninl five limes In tell me owe Ihinl which was their mistake in the first place The guy who shnyels my drive with Ins plow hits put Mayor maile III I was only Hie of III ho Others will lie wi The problem was staled In Ihe Hie last council We rain clour I Plans nil people lo make a The council has a duty In prnlie taxpayers from developers who will with III with Hie In this the frightening ace of nuclear took weapons nl morals it 15 l Wedding column is mi just us mil tilled dlih lliat i piece el mail ed lie a woman in IVnecat Irelaial took that years a reach its a distance lid illy insomnia ill all wi but if Im paper lie to be this paper knows that its readers can have too much el violence drugs and illlernatiolail conflict and that man Iv yearns for human stuff dy diet of Bloom lilt need he said adequately said I ah 1 It i l in building up the prcstigi of tin Office bill have also done much to enhance the tradition of for everybody not paper fun be to receive piece wielding the loin no Hind in I to find that youve been siippoiline sua Hi bum walked nut on there are many her yours ago tin could III it such win kl outnt items are put mil Public shall lomr Mill and w service than lis fur in hook of human virtues fifty and out and you get mad I have dubbed the set mid littlcsl on my right fool and Ihe nail in dangling by it painful hit of gristle or I missed did lost out on big in cm ling Imnspiel The All takes is a note from a friend in the south how high the snowbanks still are ami says he expects to come home about the first of May All you need to do is think of next month that the average third of his income in right around the bend Our nerves arc stretched to the snapping point by the rigours of last four and it doesnt take much to break lis Even a little thing like forgetting to your license plates before the leadline or forget ting to pay your hydro bill in time for the discount can make the most stable of us crack and go roaring after the nearest person with the nearest blunt instrument has been off her oats since Christmas Hav ing two kids in University is like wall lng around with two large leeches clinging to you Half a dozen people want me to speak to a similar number of dissimilar groups nil over the geography have a hundred letters to write My instead or locked nut So all in all if you hear a small one of days wont be Hit wax in arseiaekiiig It Utile insignificant about half of Ihcm off my chest Anil must feel better lo know that someone in the Id has as many troubles in you be winter break us i what used lo be aster holidays A whole week In which to nothing hut mark exam papers Theres the prospect in about six of getting the leeches off my back and into the unemployment lines Ami theres the sheer pleasure of not getting up In the dark every Tim sun shines watorily and occasionally Theres ft glimmer of hope that thai peculiarly Cana dian monster winter having vented his orgy of rage Is beginning to die of sheer boss is bugging me for a detailed plan for senile but devaluating blow at a moment to gin through laws of South would appeal superficial that the West- on Powers an barking up the wrong bamboo tree The law to my way of thinking is the Family Bill in 1058 which outlawed polygamy concubinage As himself would probably have told yon at the height of his profligacy never hurt a To those readers who have phoned enquiring why I have failed to comment the increase in salary to local councillors and legional representatives I say simply wait In some cases the money they are getting is equal to that of experts in industry If they prove worth it fine If not we must ask them to show their credentials before we vote next time And we will