YELLOW CRUISERS AT SPEED TRAPS CRAWFORD which should be in op eration by April The public resents being chief told York Region Police Commission If they get caught by a marked car theres no ar gument In a 32 vote Monday the commission approved the de sign concept and markings for the new cruisers Tenders for new vehicles are being ad vertised this week The commission was divid ed on the chiefs suggestion that the slogan To serve and pro- do be affixed to all Commissioners Stewart Rumble and Gordon Cook op posed the idea going men advertising you catch anyone said Mr Cook Mr Rumble agreed with the slogan but felt it would be a little too much on the Commissioners Ray Twin- ney and Harold Voted with Judge Lyons on the To serve and protect issue Church group protests liquor in town parties when taxpayers paying NEWMARKET hearts to show the towns ap- from a church group to tax money being spent on li quor at a town Christmas party found only one supporting voice on council Monday night Councillor Doris Blair said she absolutely agreed with the objections registered by the annual meeting of the Chris tian Baptist Church in a letter to council The letter cited a report of over being spent by the town council for a Christ mas parly of which about The letter called on coun cillors to pay for their own par ties when liquor is served and THEER pages Since I 1852 VOL NO 6 CENTS ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10 Anton Newmarket 15 CENTS She said she knew of several such council parties around Christmas Well its up to council to control it and Im sure nobody is going to throw a big drunken brawl said Mr Twinney assure the group it will hand le such matters with circum spection Council agreed Mayor goes over TO PAYCOUNCIL 4800 Winter carnival heading for climax pay without paying for big liquor party Full text of letter which the meeting sent to The Era as a letter the editor is on page Id like to go on record it future councils who choose have parties over and above inaugural party cither pay out of their own pockets or sell tickets said Mrs Blair Regional councillor Ray challenged Mrs Blair He said Christmas parties are put on for town employees and for members of committees and boards who served the town often without remuneration and out of the goodness of their Set 4 tax bills the NEWMARKET Property tax bills will go out in four in stalments in town council was told Monday No dates have been set yet but town clerk Grant Blight has been authorized to start the wheels turning for a mill in terim tax levy payable in two instalments The dates will be set as NEWMARKET Winter carnival week winds up day and Sunday with a full- packed schedule of activities ranging from hot dog eating to I hardwood curling from free skating to sculpturing in snow I and from playoff hockey to copter rides reprint of last weeks freeze one whole block of the Main St mall for outdoor skat ing and other events Town works department of ficials say if the cold weather holds they will be able to build will start tonight and there should be enough ice for skating by Saturday In case of a thaw the ev ents for the rink See CARNIVAL page that will probably be ready about March said town trea surer Parks COUNCIL WORRIED Child hit at crossing AURORA Elizabeth Staines was struck by a car while crossing the road at Queensville Public school Mon day morning one week to the day after a statement was made at the East GwillJmbury council meeting that the adult crossing guard has no more idea how to direct traffic than a Iwo-year- the York Regional Police Commission that the commis sion would be responsible for hiring and supervision and Its a wonder there hasnt Demolition to cost 7172 NEWMARKET It will cost the town to have the Newmarket Motors building on St demolished Council called for lenders for the job last week and voted Monday to accept the lowest Councillor Henry Vanden explained the engineer- In committee decided to find out how much demolition would cost because the building Is an eyesore If we use the land for a new municipal building the de molition will make the go ahead simple If decide to sell it we could add it to the price wo start about April 1 A report of the accident was received Monday at York County I I dm meeting The child had been laken to hospital by her and it appeared thai had serious injury the report stated Though it was disclosed thiil Michael princi pal of Public School was concerned about the age of the crossing passengers There a shoulder for buses to pull off li dded to continue efforts to per suade the Department of High ways provide legislation that would allow bus drivers to use their lashing lights within 35mile an hour speed one Find body at SUTTON The body of man who set mil from Station halfway two lee Jan came back was found Sunday at Point Pnnimin Park Halman found the body of John Kenneth burled in snow on the shore about two miles from the spot where abandoned snowmobile hud been loralcd on Hie Ice near Island last week irkel Optimists will be throwing a pancake breakfast this starling nm on Hie St mall A crowd is impeded two Optimist flapiuck flippers Joins Van Den Klcn club president left anil Henry flip right out of the picture in practice Merchants are counting on their anchorman Al Hoffman left to hang during the with Legion members Above team member Big Red Rubin makes his point with a noose during a test of the rope lo be used in the lug The mulch will he While Era at top wins two awards NEWMARKET Newmar ket will pay Mayor Bob Forhan 8000 this year regional coun cillor Ray and its councillors each In addition the town will allow the mayor expenses and he will be paid by regional council for a total of plus expenses He also Mr also receives as a member of York council making a total for htm Last year the mayor was paid plus 450 as a hy- commissioner the the depi and councillor each In addition the deputy earned as county councillors or If they were committee chairman This makes a possible total for the reeve of 4700 and for the de puty of Under the new political setup the deputy reeves posi tion disappeared Town council established the new salary scale In commit tee meetings from which press and public were excluded new salaries were tabled and explained at Mondays council meeting but were not debated Councillor Henry Vanden sponsor of the motion on the mayors salary pointed out that Newmarkets increased area and population up from 10000 people 17000 have substantially Increased the may ors workload this year He said town councillors have to attend an average three meetings a week and the may or must attend many more He said the expense allowance is primarily to cover Ontario Weekly Newspapers As sociation The lira was awarded a first prize for feature writing and placed third in the overall general category for the top circulation group mem bers of the association editorial excellence a first for front page the best column a awards first and a second for sports Inland newspapers swept pages and second for editorial the first three prizes in the page excellence category for The Bras awardwinning the over circulation class entry for feature writing was a sensitive article written by Let Safeway in Twinney urges NKWMARKKT Safeway Stores still want lo have a par cel of land the corner of Da vis Dr and St reamed lo allow a small shopping plaza to be built there town council learned Monday The firm asked iwilliiulmry Township In reone the site presently oc cupied by Dave Woods Motors ami zoned highway commercial last year An objection from the owners of Newmarket Ilaa forced an Ontario Municipal Hoard hearing on flic applica tion The bearing started last fall was adjourned anil has never been recalled The site is now part of Newmarket I would like to see this council approve the rebelling lt8 for a Safeway storo and a Regional Councillor Ray Council asked town clerk rant to find out how the Bast re ining lias progressed mid re- nine Hills Academy a residen tial treatment centre for emo tionally disturbed children in Aurora The Sutton West Advocates Minnie named petitions was the Ec onomist and Sun which won a first prize for class Using excellence The Aurora Manner failed lo place In the competitions this year because of a In sub- milting entries REBUILD EAGLE WATER AND Services to cost town 270000 St Water St and fiorham St will be by York Region this spring but Hie Sown will have to spend at the same time lo replace old sewers wa ter mains curbs ami sidewalks council learned Monday year town council region and I this spring Part of the money 216000 will be borrowed and the bal ance- will he charged against the 071 general levy YORKS COUNCIL CONCERNED CITIZENS IN SEARCH OF AN ISSUE By JOHN Era News Editor AURORA York Reg- and coordination All three seemed lost among tlio hypo thetical musings that pre- In search of an Issue After Monday nights meeting It became apparent that the own Is the first Issue It must face The council was not called together ta tackle a specific to foster greater grassroots involvement In fighting social problems In York Region to help eliminate duplication of services provided by existing care agencies and to see that more people who need help get It Those gaps In the regions conference took on the job Ills response was to call together more than con cerned professional and lay people from across the region Councillor Randy added that the increase In the mayors salary Is a step towards a fulltime mayor for Newmar ket something we should have In the near future Councillor Rill Steele who moved the resolution establish ing the other salaries pointed out the new council has taken over the work previously done by both planning board and parks and recreation pltal board without Mr Steele predicted the new salaries will cost each New market resident 28 cents a year feci the people of New market dont mind cents to support a councillor whos car rying out their business he their 4000 a year and that urn was added to the reg ional councillors salary because he must act as mayor on Councillor Randy said at councils request he sur veyed six of the nine York mu nicipalities Ho found that the mayor of makes plus car expenses plus expenses and councillors paid and expenses pay to the mayor plus expenses and councillors and ex penses In Markham a mayor earns and expenses regional councillor with expense and a councillor with expenses and In the mayor is paid Bach mayor and region al councillor of course paid 6000 by York Region The two Newmarket salary resolutions passed unanimously