Open York Manor wing QUEENS PARK REPORT by Bill Hodgson I was pleased to welcome the Honourable John Minister of Social and Family Services to our Riding Nov 17 to of open the new wing to York Manor and to pre sent a cheque in the amount as part of the Governments contribution this very excellent ser vice to the senior citizens of York County GRANT Hon George Kerr and I are happy to an nounce that a Provincial Grant of to undertake a preliminary study at the headwaters of the Scbom berg River for possible fu ture acquisition of conser vation lands in the Conservation Area has been given to the Holland Valley Conservation Author ity CONSIDER A RAN Energy and Re sources Management Minis ter George Kerr is study- East Reeve Gladys Rollins bait presents a gift to Hon John Yarembo on behalf of the possibility of lego- residen of York the opening lotion to stop the littering Mrs Rolling chairs York and wasteprocessing Councils York Manor committee lems caused by non-return- PASTOR PREDICTS Parish church to decline KING CITY The parish church in the will decline greatly and be replaced by inform al small home worship ser vices an Aurora minister predicted last week Rev John Hunter of the Aurora United Church told the York Coun ty Branch or the Canadian Federation of University Women that the profession al ministry these small house groups In his speech on The Church in the Seven- lies Rev Hunter said its a wonderful day for religion and a terrible day for the church While interest in religion is increasing as evidenced by contemporary ship continues to decline 1 the liberals now taken seriously by few er and fewer people New theology new morality and ecumenism all of which are forcing people to reexamine tradi films books NOW OPEN GIFT SHOP SELECTION OF GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS The Advertise weekly for best results He indica ted that one of the obvious ways of doing this is to re quire a deposit on all soft- drink containers and that both cans and bottles be re turnable The Minister also indicated he is considering increasing the deposit on softdrink bottles attempt ing to achieve standardiza tion on three of four bottle shapes and letting grocers charge soft drink producers for handling bottles There tion about the to the public of able containers and the whole business of getting returnable bottles back to the grocer is a chore But White Photo have to weigh conven- population doubles every summer with the influx of visitors but there is still utilized with proper plan ning to protect the natural Mr Kerr added beauty of the landscape that he has been told that Island cans could easily be made returnable and reusable waerfront ASSISTING with dock facilities for Agriculture and pleasure craft fifty camp- Food Minister William sites in a 250 acre park Stewart has indicated that nature trails and trailer a joint FederalProvincial camps program under the QUICK ONTARIO ion of is assisting lie Island area its development as a va- Mrs Alex Georgas speaks to Bogaiitown WI problems of differen mate rials and showing slides on making of material from the washing drying spin ning and weaving of the wool to the finished pro- were opened this to give Ontario a total of 100 provincial parks in op eration Their total area ex ceeds eight million An additional provincial serve for future develop ment by the Department of Land and Forests Bogarttown Insti tute met at the home of Mrs Frank Williams Nov each member bringing a Christmas gift for a Mental Health Patient Reports were giv en by Convenors of Com tleby in October Mrs Penrose gave a very interesting re port on the Area Convention held at the Royal York Ho tel Nov and The theme being Let us share our bounty with the worlds less fortunate Guest speaker Mrs Alex Georga The make and bring a Christmas orna ment also an article for the talent sale PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR BEST DRUG STORE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Chapter amendments thereto Department of Highways of Ontario hereby gives notice it has under Section 7 of the said act deposited with the Minister of Transport at Ottawa and in the Registry Office at Barrie and Newmarket a description of the site and plans of the bridge proposed io be built over Schomberg River in the Township of King County of York and Township of West Gwillimbury County of Simcoe being adjacent to Lot Concession Township of King and Lot Concession Township of West Gwillimbury Highway No 11 Registered Plan No 330143 at and Registered Plan No 79858B at Newmarket And take notice that after the expiration of one month from date of the first publication of this notice the Department of Highways will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Transport at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans Dated this sixteenth day of November of Highways Marianne