notes What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett NORMAN ROWAN Victory Baptist Church Newmarket Firstly because of a Godgiven call I because of deepseated convictions i ind Mrs recently ted their Golden Wedding b anniversary receiving gifts minds soul and spirit that this is their lifes work flowers numerous cards Secondly because of the freedom to speak your m0 telegrams letters mind as you speak from the pulpit teach in class or con- duct a wedding a funeral or minister a the id Mrs Fenner during the after- their personal guests were Hodgson who his congratulations and from whom they friends Fenner i e the parents of bowling and takes them Cutting and home So far eight ladies grandson Gary contribute their tilne as vol- congratulatory letter homes organizations etc in church life My use of this freedom is not objected to by any church I have served In fact the congregations have welcomed the real free- flmon many gifts was a beautiful Mr Grant Blight bouquet from the members Sr eJ tended best wishes to the and a u g of Boston Mass The happy coup le are former residents of Pennsylvania but have resided several years in Newmarket Zone Commander Roaring Twenties at- Tne Newmarket Gloria was MC tending The 375 Avenue Blwd clmic for a delightful evenings Speakeasy The Newmarket entertainment It took the ma i pastor has Gods work Thirdly it is not true that people in the pews dictate what the pastor preaches This happens in your behalf of the church fellowpastor fellow churchmember It could raa of be the socalled dictator is trying to communicate a truth Newmarket to you that you have overlooked or is just anxious to be of help Or you are in the wrong Church Fellow church member Or adherent really worshipping in a church t Out Lords teaching that One is your master even Mr William Hodgson MPP Christ and all ye are brethren Matthew A 50th Wedding you Anniversary plaque was from Panted to couple your master couple on behalf of the chairman of the Town of Newmarket Tele grams were received from Ihe Prime Minister Pierre Fall Frolic was held Oct at the Legion Hall sponsored by the auxiliary Proceeds go to the bawling The auxiliarys annual euchre and bridge will be held Nov at the Training Centre Mrs Bet ty Ruddock and Mrs Ann Marsh Lords Gods tage In York North on behalf of Prime Minister P E and Premier John Roland and 1 Peter 53 which says to all Christians Neither as be ing Lords over Gods heritage but being examples to the flock Why Not Exercise your freedom in Gods work to see to it that All the people in your church have free dom to worship and work in the capacity of their talents and the pulpit and pew will be a viable force in the church home and community Some pastors slam the church door after them when they leave they could have been wronged but thats no reason for slamming the entire church because of a few or one person Isnt The Lord The Judge who will bring all things light in the day of judgment No pastor is perfect Who ever said they were Likely some person who never read the Bible on this matter with a desire to know the truth The Apostle Paul said Brethren pray for us I 525 Surely this great man realized his limitations as all pas tors do and requested PRAYER Most pastors stay in the ministry because its an everyday job I know the usual jokes and stories that are told its a Sunday job or an easy living or an es cape hard work Where are all these people who are looking for such socalled easy occupations as the pas torate Those who talk this way in my lifes journeys are the kind that never face reality in secular work so how could they face reality in Gods work Most pastors can use their talents in other vo cations but choose to use them INSIDE THE CHURCH to glorify God and do the work of God I cannot speak for the pastors who have left the Ministry so they have no right to speak for those who stay Have you ever heard the bewhiskered old story that pastors are in the ministry because tbey are not fit ted for anything else If you believe that He just dont try pitting your knowledge against theirs You will be a loser So Im bragging Try me out Write or phone Try out any pastor at the same time A pastor doesnt enter the ministry to gain Amid money If he enters the ministry to get money thats all he will get wont get appreciation support or love Or the blessing of The Lord There are times of tension and pressure in a pastors life Theres a tension and pressure in other of Wnda Margin callings with this difference a pastor has the pressure daughter of Mr of Gods Holy Spirit inside his life to offset the pressures in everyday life Thats real God Power and Mrs Lome I was told by my pastor when I yielded my life to The Lord Jesus Christ that I was not to buy a Chester- iAKURi W field to lie down on because I was called to the work of Charles son of the ministry not Ihe rest of the ministry This statement committee to the Ad ult Training Centre is try ing to organize a table ten nis program for the school pupils and the trainees j They are in need of table tennis equipment If chance anyone has a set not in use The Newmarket they would be very grateful Legion Ladies Auxiliary 31 if you would contact them strong attended the at Birthday Party of the The Ladies the Training bowling for the trainees numbering this year The i Club is transport ing the trainees to the Od- Bowling Alleys until the first of the year Then it is hoped some other club will contribute the transportation to bowling for part bus picks Ihem up after MISSIONARY NOV 14 15 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Q men Ardor Newmarket Featuring Mrs Alice Taylor from Formosa Saturday YOUTH NIGHT China Miss Ramsey from Egypt R Robert Winona Colored VISA FILM Friday 730 Lake Indiana By the Trie mi- Phone The I Coop guideline in my life then Florida resident visits parents in South Beaches By BARB Sympathy Is BEACHES tended to relatives and Mrs Lowell Waller Fort friends of the late Thomas Meyers Florida flew home Hirst who passed away this Mr and Mrs Waller Druery of New market was solemn in Locust Hill Uni ted Church by Rev Bruce McNeill PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR No Extra Charge BEST DRUG STORE 8954091 Mabel Rob- don Stephenson Fonthill Bill Henry Ont visited relatives in the the weekend Old Don Mills Rd FOR PROMPT DELIVERY off PIZZA FISH CHIPS COUNTRY FRIED CHICKEN Elsie Burgess all of Kes wick are patients in York County Hospital Doris Hanks are busy re hearsing their Christmas show for the Cub and Scout Ladles Auxiliary Advertise weekly for best results KETTLECROFT Antiques OPEN DAILY 9 SAT SUN i KettVby Ontario TOMORROWS LOOK IN YOUNG FASHIONS ALL SALES FINAL 8953551 KiilicRi ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS TIME IS GETTING SHORT DONT MISS OUT ON GOOD BARGAINS Drapery Slipcover Material Regular No yd Regular Now yd Regular 295 Now Cotton Lining Rep 198 yd OPF DRAPERY HARDWARE IN STOCK Main St NEWMARKET 8959505 KS V