Newmarket Aurora Keswick The Eras election meeting for mayoralty candidates The Era every voter should have an opportunity to compare the policies of the three candidates for the top job So we asked the three men to answer questions that we feel any citizen might ask at an election meeting MAYOR TOM REEVE CLARE SALISBURY COUNCILLOR BOB FORHAN 1 Newmarket council chopped a major portion of its roads construction program at a closed meeting How do yon feel about 1 I feel the cancellation of the major portion of our 1970 road building program is a Early in 1969 the council after very careful consideration and dis cussion with our then engineer and the Dept of High ways of Ontario set a seven year reconstruction pro gram and order of priority Along with the engineer outlined I I completely disagree with the chopping of the road program and have stated this on many occasions I feel we should have continued with the road program that was started by the Council under the di rection and guidance of our former engineer Mr G O We have many old streets in the Town that need to be reconstructed on a similar basis as Pros pect St to handle our modern day transportation and service requirements 1 The road construction program is inadequate and by the looks of many of this towns roads it has been this for quite a while There must be a program to Should municipal councils have a larger say in school boards planning and construction do not believe councils as such should have a larger say in the school boards long range planning However I do believe the school board should have representa tion on the local planning boards and the regional plan ning board They would then be able to evaluate the pressure of development of all types and if sufficient capital funds are not available developers could be given an approximate time or the developers could be required to build schools within the terms of the subdivision development agreements or at least con tribute to the capital costs feel there should be a belter liaison between Council Planning Board and the School Boards so that not only the use of the schools but also the proper planning of the schools can be coordinated 1 reel that schools should be standardized somewhat so that costs of con struction can be minimized and also a better use can be made of them for recreation and playground Definitely The municipal government and the school board should be working together to plan develop ment of residential areas so that schools and parks are located where they will best serve residents of the area They must work together lo make sure that new development is selfsupporting This should include schools and parks 3 What can Newmarket council do to stimulate renewal of the towns downtown core The downtown core area could be stimulated in a num ber of ways First the reconstruction of the older streets leading to the downtown area such as Church Secondly let us have the zoning which has been fro zen since along Church St and on Main St from Millard to Queen designated Thirdly the town is badly in need of a new administration building The erection of this could be used to stimulate Provided that Council was in agreement that the down town core was of prime concern to the Municipality re newal could be stimulated by a concerted effort to pro vide a suitable road construction and reconstruction program which would improve the traffic flow in the area making it more attractive for private investments by the way of redevelopment think council should stimulate renewal of the towns downtown core by encouraging private development of this area think they can do this by considering changes in zoning of this area The town owns proper ty in this area and they should make it known that this property is for sale to anybody who will put a proper plan on it and who will work their development into an overall sound development of the downtown If 1 am elected to the regional council I would first strive for cooperative effort for the common good of the region I would also attempt to have the regional seat established in Newmarket on a permanent basis would ask that the regional council assume the de velopment of the water source on the east side of town and complete the program established by the town as soon as possible I would ask that the regional plan ning board designate industrial lands within the boun- dary of Newmarket as soon as possible 4 will strive for the reconstruction of Eagle and Streets the immediate erection of a water tower on the East side of Town and the installation of water mains to clear up the water problem of the residents on the East side of the Municipality As a taxpayer the first thing that worries me about regional government is the cost 1 will work hard to make sure that regional dollars spent are investments in the future of the region and therefore helping to look after the future of our town Should Newmarket con tinue to hold up further large developments industrial Newmarket council has no choice but to hold up large development until an official plan for both the town and the region are approved We do not have sufficient water or sewer capacity to service large developments The problem of school capital costs has still to be re solved Infilling of good commercial and industrial as sessment should be encouraged to help remove the bur den of high taxes from the home owner I am of the opinion that we need all the Industry we can possibly obtain and that we should strive to get it We have an official plan at present that may need up dating to include all the new areas and I see no rea son for holding up industrial growth until the New Of ficial Plan is completed We have over autos leav ing Newmarket and area daily to commute miles each way to work so let us strive to get jobs locally for these people that they can live and work here in the community In areas of our town where we know that there are adequate services and proper zoning we should nego tiate immediately any proposed development In new- areas where we don know the proper service plan and zoning information 1 think that we should wait for the new official land use and service plan The planners have shown us their work schedule and pro vided council will work cooperatively with the complete plan should be ready by the end of this year or the early part of next 6 Should the town unload the for mer Newmarket Motors building as soon as possible or keep it as a dropin centre or develop it In a new downtown complex 6 I still believe the Newmarket Motors Building could be used as a stimulus downtown development either as a municipal building or a prestige office and apart ment complex It still requires rezoning before any thing can be done The dropin centre usage will cease as soon as this can be done or until it becomes too cold for use it requires a new furnace The value of this land has not diminished but could appreciate with pro per zoning As far as am concerned the building should not have been purchased in the first place A municipality should not acquire property with the thought of rezoning it to a higher land use and selling it for a profit I feel we should now immediately tender for the sale of the pro perty with the idea of entertaining presentations from private developers and deciding which one will be the most beneficial development for the community dont think that we should unload if but that we should consider any proposal for proper development that will stimulate the renewal of the towns downtown What happened to the Cane Park way building program and was its shelving a good thing for The Cane Parkway building program was shelved at the same time as your question number one We are still negotiating to acquire lands for its extension northward to Eagle St The storm sewers and rough grading were done in It had been hoped that the water and sanitary sewers would have been installed under the Highland Heights subdivision agreement leaving only the final gravel and asphalt to be by the town The funds for the Cane Parkway were obtained from the developer of the Eagle Hills SubDivision in 1968 and these monies were used by the Council for other purposes The shelving of this program was un fortunate as I fee it is a necessity for the proper de velopment of an internal road pattern outlined in question and would provide an improved southern entrance to the heart of the Town as compared to the overburdened Eagle Street entrance 7 The money that was supposed to be used for the de velopment of Cane Parkway was used to help develop ment another area of town 1 feel that any new de velopment should be self supporting and not put on the general mill rate think that Cane Parkway should be finished to Lome Ave and that council should study the proposed extension to sec whether it is necessary at the present lime I believe Newmarket should give the most emphasis to the development of industry or commercial develop ment Firstly to give an opportunity of employment within the area to our existing population Secondly industry and commercial assessment pay a double tax ation realty and business They require less thus a balance of taxation which in turn will reduce taxes paid by the home owner Apartment develop ment when properly zoned would provide the next revenue for the town 1 think we should strive for a combination of these developments to give us a reasonable balance of as sessment 1 agree we should build apartments for cer tain people that do not wish to own a home for one reason or another also think that we should strive to develop a lower cost home for people that cannot af ford the large down payments and heavy interest rates on the homes we arc building today This can be done by using smaller lots and having the developer supply Industrial and Commercial present con ditions indicate that emphasis should be placed on In dustrial and Commercial development to minimize the tax burden on the Homeowner I think that Newmarket should control its growth as much as possible and that growth be balanced among industry apartments commercial and residential de velopment At the present time we have an improper balance which has led to such high taxes for the home- 9 How can the Holland River and its banks be made more useful to the community The improvement of Holland River and its banks is most urgent Steps have been taken by the Holland Valley Conservation Authority to study this project Newmarket participated in the cost of flood plain map ping of the river basin and now that Aurora and New market have a common boundary under Regional Go vernment perhaps a joint project can he worked out The possible trunk sewer referred in question four would be a big step in this direction We live in a beautiful valley and with proper planning we could make this area the nicest area between I iiMlin- lie Idl ing made into a recreational area for the people of Newmarket and region all the way from Aurora to Lake Shncoe for walking swimming picniclng etc Instead of having to be cramped on a single public beach at a lake we could have miles of shoreline along water tower be Should the emphasis on develop ment la the new town of New market be the other aide of Vonge St or be directed into wine other area 10 The proposed hike in water rates was adopted to permit Newmarket to qualify for a capital loan of being the estimated cost of the develop ment of the well standpipe and arterial mains for the water project on the east side of town This debenture is an open debt and can be repaid at any time as funds become available If subdivisions such as the Watson farm the Farm or the Crossland farm are allowed to develop impost rates could be levied The 11 Emphasis for the development of Newmarket should be directed in any area where proper zoning has been established good assessment Is assured preferably in dustrial or commercial and the town is economically able to service such development The cost of trunk sewers and is tremendous any develop ment in any area is going to require great capital costs the town should recover these costs from developers 10 It could be avoided by putting on the general mill rate however 1 feel that the best way is to increase the cost of water and by doing this the user will pay for the and not just the homeowner One of the many functions of regional government Is to develop regional waterworks The region is to be re sponsible for source treatment and storage of water The municipality will have to pay its share so that this service is financially selfsustaining The 50tf increase was based on Newmarket financing this scheme by it self Since potentially this well may service other areas besides Newmarket we might not have to pay to tally for the development of this sight But again I must stress that this large increase in rates is mainly due to the poor planning and inadequate subdivision agreements I cant answer this question until we have our new plan and services study finished I can assure you that we will only develop in a way which wilt be beneficial to the town