The Era Pork prices continue to decline in September House prices level off in Metro realtors Night school offers wide course selection motherinlaw The York County Board of Education might be assist yon in doing any one of those three and dozen other things in the educational field if yon register or one of their Adult Education classes this coming fall and winter There are secondary schools involved in the courses sponsored by the board and the list of icademic and technical subjects ranges from drama driving This is the first year for Don Head Secondary School to be included in the courses but all the others have been holding adult classes for a number of years Schools available this fan and winter are i Dr King City Sutton Don Head Stonffvffie and OTTAWA Increasing pork supplies on both side of the U S Can border will likely force prices down next month according to the September Food Outlook issued to day by the Canada Department of Ag riculture Prices for other meats will re main steady PORK With supplies increasing prices are expected to weaken BEEF With supply and demand almost balancing little change in pri ces can be expected EGGS Adequate supplies with prices advancing seasonally POULTRY MEAT Chickens and broiler turkeys will be in ample sup ply with little change expected in pri ces Heavy turkeys will be in ade quate supply at steady prices APPLES Supply less than last TORONTO 23 percent House prices have stopped months I going up in the Toronto area at least temporarily year but above average Prices may according to the Toronto in Interest rates and other reaUie they can no longer reasons house prices are expect an automatic In- down in some areas and crease in real estate values vendors are beginning to from year to year the PEACHES Supplies about same as last year in east Prices will bold fairly steady in east but may drop in the west GRAPES Ontario crop down prices will likely he higher than last year in the east and lower in the west PEARS Supplies are down and eastern prices will be higher than last POTATOES Late summer sup plies are about the same as last year Prices will remain steady TOMATOES Supplies will be slightly lower than last year with pri ces continuing about the same ONIONS Supplies will be high er in the east and about the same in the west Eastern prices may remain below last year Metro Toronto doubled in the last 10 years and has gone up per cent in the last five years Because high AUCTION SALE SAT SEPT PM At MT ALBERT COMMUNITY PARK A wide variety of articles antiques tools and many other items Sponsored by Albert District Lions Chi Ail proceeds for community NOTICE Dutch Elliott his staff ore moving from Eagle St location to his George St location We still ho handling Eiso Pre- duels and have hi same cradif Everything is just In torn only location Watch tor our Grand Opening in the near future Advertise weekly for best results The first term will begin on Monday Oct and l last for weeks A second term is scheduled for Jan and it will also last for weeks Some of the academic subjects will continue for a further eight weeks schools except and Registration is from until On Sept 29 registration will be held at Bayview lurnhHI Don Head and Stouffville at the evening times Two more registration dates are Sept 30 for all schools except Sutton and and also on Thursday Oct I for only Each class will meet one night each week and most cases will last for about two hours Some technical for three hours COST LOW a terrific deal which doesnt appear to have been caught In the inflationary tread The course in English for New Canadians Is registration fee Defensive driving a fournight course costs and all other courses are plus the registration fee Mr Lloyd B Morrison Administrator of Adult ucation for the York County Board has the complicated of arranging and scheduling the adult courses We aim to have a most cases of about 719 students he said According to the regulations re must have a minimum of in a class and we try there are dropouts during fees returned As well as the general courses taught in the adult lasses like maths history science and English there are springing up every year and 197071 is no exception At there is not only a course on St tin Ambulance work but a special one for medical contemplating this work also has special sessions devoted be found interested is the courses Dr G W Williams School at Aurora will hive classes hi Grade II and Grade 12 English and Mathematics Mr Morrison is also very proud of the only course and shop of its kind in York County the one in refrigeration and air conditioning at Dr G Williams LEARN GOLF Three other classes at Williams sound exciting too For the sports enthusiast there i seeker of cultural and for the conscientious driver a series of lessons on defensive driving King City Secondary School also includes golf in adult class curriculum and added to that is a course in music appreciation and another in social dancing Sutton High School win have its share of interesting national So whether its photography physical health or practical electricity Its a pretty farout course if isnt contained in the schedule for the Fall and Winter Adult classes arranged by the York County Board of Education and Its Adult Education Department The Board is planning an advertising campaign fore registration dates to enable prospective students to plan their evenings this fall and winter so if you have missed a subject or need it to either advance your salary advance your knowledge that evening course could be most economical way of killing a couple of birds i ammunition supplied by the York County Board of Education Mr Arthur J White No New market are happy to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Joanne Cecilia to Lieutenant Kenneth McMillan Esquimalr BC son of Mr Mrs Gordon McMillan Montreal Falls Northern Ontario The marriage will take place January 2 at Holy Martyrs of Japan Church Bradford Both are graduates of University of Western Ontario London CABLE TV Only 16 days left call now 8955169 SAVE During the next days you can save the usual 10 installation charge Cable TV will install your cable free 2nd Set Get that second set in your home installed free SEE SEE SEE SEE Hi full rang of Television vie TV youll find on Coble TV great all the sports events hockey pro football golf wrestling SEE hour TIME WEATHER HEAR 8 FM stereo Superb rece I KEA I your family to real entertainment ENJOY to fa peridable pictures oil the time on every TV channel HURRY This FREE Cable TV offer will end very soon VISIT BREENS for a demonstration in Bradford cable tv JARMAIN CABLE TV NEWMARKET