WE HAVE NO BANANAS WE HAVE PONTIACS WE HAVE VAUXHALLS WE HAVE GMC TRUCKS ALL AT YEAR END PRICES 2486 Examples 1970 SEDAN II lamp minor mop light and block NEW from NEW ACADIANS from NEW 1970 TRUCKS EXECUTIVE DRIVEN DEMONSTRATORS DRASTICALLY REDUCED PHONE KESWICK MOTORS LIMITED KESWICK ONTARIO For your convenient Newmarket line to 4764341 MOTORS LIMITED KESWICK ONTARIO 8953422 44 Building Trades and Household Directory Building Trades and Household Directory RENE J BRAY CONST BUILDER Alterations Additions to Residential Commercial Properties Fireplaces Chimneys Rec Rooms Repairs FREE ESTIMATES 8958144 STONE SAND GRAVEL FILL TRENCHING EXCAVATING Tank Trie Bed NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Doors Windows Awnings Sidings lr FRED Brick block and stonework Fireplaces a hone BARR CARPENTER BUILDER MASONRY CONCRETE WORKS FREE ESTIMATES REPAIRS NEW HOTEL M01EI MANAGEMENT TRMNING PROGRAM easily Waif Motels Resort ftaw fi TRAIN YOU FOR THE JOB WE YOU GET Write or phone collect for FREE Career by return mail 4166308420 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Of CANADA Or Oft SO Sales Register Auctions auction sale furniture and walnut fewzw like 3 century Eery stereo 53 Personals Mar Mv and mind Tent Awn ing Co Ltd headquarters for Tarps New-Used-Ren- c6w34 Group can help Newmarket or Aurora Legal Notices I Lloyd Walker Newmarket will not be re- contracted in my name hat Manilla on head of purebred and grade cattle cows fresh and sarin yearlings purebred hull Suffolk ewes ram num- teas putter etc kitchen swivel chairs refrigerator like chesterfield nest of tai lor TV beautiful oil 1th century new leather chair Ann chairs green desk lamps chi na lustre pic s- and Car Tied ith birds eye maple i walnut bed room mite bedroom furai- Jure Lawn furniture gar den he if Mr and Mr- x- ali Terms and of 1 ISO hales f IKI Volkswagen good con- throughout Phone I morn Irfeor custom auto matic road tested Make offer Mount Albert lie sold door Very goo tun engine and lies offer ii irk ieiliiil Ii on 1965 lira phono after 7 pm r Mercury Rambler dr BARGAIN BUYS Sedan Ideal economical family trans portation Fully and reconditioned License Ambassador Convertible Certified and reconditioned VB onto radio License lS1H Plume 888173B or 7274768 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE ESTATE good A tractor mower farm trailer 49 Miscellaneous Misce fully I I jmi llin Kurd II ylii dei ILL 701 Trucks for Sale im in iij Illy day Travel Mil ihiiuiiHi i ii dux i JI raits iiilth liirt- and I until I miles of go rtwaa mi tVvymuuiii iV i Ill Bleeps s good as trailu- in Phono K Vfur end halt mi II litillis law i SI inw Air J a IIS St a a mum IIMITtlt rom- and sklential ARABIAN HORSE FARM No Davis and R OPEN DAILY JOSEPH SMITH LATE OF THE TOWN OF NSWMAF OF YORK RETIRED E- Creditors of the a named deceased who died at the Town in the of York an or about toe da- of Julv 1970 are hereby notified engine ISO Mercury LtdUop Farm sold Terms Trustee Act to undersigned proof a thirteenth of October 1970 after which the assets of the Estate be having regard to the of Ahivti the will then DATED at day of Victor Eevuior by his Sob Stiver Vale i Erriugtoii Barristers and 195 Maries Car Reg Johnson phone Gerald Graham Cera Saturday Sent hold ing corner riiatnol upboar bras etrigerj ft w gtd bedding Barryn chair dump cupboard with a Pet Stock A Supplies HARRYS HAULAGE LillHlbCIIHIlfi mil Gas A Oil Heating Coal A Wood li Ill work Hum- Albert No l per lh hag Jdhii toes Ltd New market Feed or ale John IoialOfS Ltd Newmarket re Is LI Vi to down town Toronto Plume after delicti ant hew AkS in dally AURORA GREENHOUSES Vunir Aui4 now open In Sharon Phone Pamelas Antiques 47B4048 SAVE Town Country School DRIVING SCHOOL inula and unround 8956435 WilUi- LiOLll hUI- tpl Full paw At O A iaihUj Hall Saturday J rt iu in sale Mo unt Albert Community Park Combination stove ifrigurator washing table and chairs hall table desk ijniu ill far- framts tools l In ton truck Kpniisort i by Mount Albert All work eds for wYvhatUK on l it in l lL folW1 IUK HI midiil l aiittlon phwe IgMt sal lbs NO J milk Tim sale P broil and 1 jiiilirv mill en- properly I lloluwr Con airrVS on Shirley or south miles west head of Hoi- stein milk cows 13 bred heifers severs fresh and springers Note this Is a S lie you need some good producing cows J C Tend Champion bulk tank can lbs milk him to OM MB J No H- mower J- etc Owner go out of toe buSmeueriM Rale at 1 D sharp MUX at IsW Cat Reg Johnson and Son Phone land sstano ji A1 jy wheels AUCTION at 1Mb Davis Dr Do-it- Tire balance iin ibiitii wj Mar ft- iJbJvV ii- s Ma kWTji ether Terms CAiA iiV AX Jihi and Si SiKtkuieer I hone i ta727D erdkl iatuin clerk tlques be property Norton ham clerk Auction alo of furniture J1 fllJUv of Howard Newmarket at washing machine i cleaner toaster telephone table combination storm and screen door tires space beater wooden spool beds brass bed lamps churns butter bowl ladle and butter W J l old clock j kitchen chairs Number of old clocks dumber of kitchen chairs Number or roekins chairs box stove 1 nail old pins hall ror with hooks ok radios 2 picture frames as sorted sizes wash standi number crocks 10 gals J boot lack steel bed mattress Quantity aaU cue china sad glass ware of and garden took- of old articles Terms casta Sale at ftmsUl aticttoa-