Era Oil Debbie Mark finds Sweden a wonderful experience By MARG EAST HEIGHTS Mrs Marg Zeal 1st East Air Ranger Captain met Debbie Mark in Montreal She was the young girl to repre sent Ontario Youth at the International Camp in Swe den and the group of eight girls and two leader stop- in Europe She landed in Got henburg Sweden stayed for two days then went by train to KiUt where her group met all the interna tional girls boys and load Rams a Ten days were spent a girls from Japan England Sweden and American girls from Germany Two Swedish translat ors accompanied Debbies group both years of age These girls are among the many penpals Debbie has acquired Varby about miles out of Stockholm was next on the agenda a Hos pitality of one week was held where they were invit ed to stay in Swedish homes Debbie stayed with Mr and Mrs Birnt Stigbirt and three children Eva Lars and Stephen Two days were spent in Copenhagen Den mark and from there they flew to London England to Edinburgh Scot land where they stayed for two days during which they saw Edinburgh Castle and toured iiiilinl a practice for the Military a trip to Hampton Court iHt Tattoo where visited forget They visited the Radon dm la nil English Lake District and Debbie helped Iwi Board of Education Briefs The York Coun ty Board of Education will refer a request for lists of principals and librarians to the Department of Ed ucation The request came from the executive secret ary of the federal Progres sive- at Associa tion who wanted to advise schools of the availability of members of parliament and other senices of the associ ation The Board considered this a matter for the De partment the areas of the county have been arranged by the Board representatives in the area In Area basic ally north of Aurora up to Sutton a meeting is plan ned for Wednesday Sept at pm at the Briars Inn near Point Area 2 will meet in King City on Sept at the same Bailie Thou Hatfield and It by collecting happy with the Dont delay decisions chairman urges board had been advocating a type pool which is to Olympic standards There are three categories baiicalh pools of this nature man of the York County Bo ard of Education John cautioned Board mem bers that they must be careful to make decisions of any possible change in the boundaries of the county under Regional Government Mrs F dies MOUNT ALBERT Funeral services were held Saturday August The former Flo rence Irene Meyers was She lived north of Ze phyr till 1929 when she married Frank The Board ap pointed five trustees to work with members of York County Council regarding the possible establishment of a campus of Seneca Col lege in York County questioned the possibi lity of Tbornlea School be ing taken out of the juris diction of York Region Mr McKay thought they should make decisions re gardless of any boundary but the Board was advised that it would be better to contact Township council to ask them if they would contribute about to draw up Aurora Hydro workers Friday supplied Reg- Acres residents with w transformer of and removed the old of only SO KVA Area left Ray Shane Hitchcock Barry Scott Holly Ctlve Cindy Nancy Reed Jeane Reed Colleen Price and Janice White White Photo NOTICE Dutch and his entire staff ate from their St location to his We will still he handling ducts and have the same credit fat is jus the same only the Watch for our Grand Oponing in the near the Centre Road south of Mount Albert In 1967 she moved with her husband to Newmarket where she lived till her death Mrs Is survived by her husband Frank Newmarket a bro ther Carl Meyers Zephyr and a sister Mrs Harold Rose Mount Albert SHARON WHOLESALE LTD Mills Raid IK Mi Davis Dr PEOPLE AHE SAVING II pays lo shop for fruit anil vegetables Sharon Wholesale of III utile PROVE to highway pick ALL PRODUCTS NO GRADE I Canada Ha Carrots hi Peaches CRISPY CELERY 227 Potatoes 33 Ealing Mlbo Canada Ha VALENCIA ORANGES SI GRAPEFRUIT SEE OUR THRIFT BUYS IN HEAPING ST BASKETS PLUMS PEARS CONCORD GRAPES TOMATOES J APPLES SHOP SAVE AT SHARON DAY SUNDAY AFTERNOON Sept13 2 THE LIONS PARK NEWMARKET A Festival of ROCK POP JAZI COUNTRY AND WESTERN MUSIC FREE to h NOT Fairy Lake a previously advertised NOMINATIONS AREA MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF AURORA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS OF THE AREA MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF AURORA THAT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKACT AND REGULATION 34270 I REQUIRE THE PRESENCE OF THE SAID ELECTORS AT THE AUDITORIUM AURORA COMMUNITY CENTRE AURORA HEIGHTS DRIVE IN THE SAID TOWN OF AURORA AT THE HOUR OF OCLOCK PM ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER FOR THE PURPOSE OF NOMINATING PERSONS FOR THE OFFICES OF MAYO COUNCILLORS ONE PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF AND ONE SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE YORK COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE YEARS AND- 1W1 FOR THE AREA MUNICIPALITY Or TKS TOWN OF AURORA- OF WHICH ALL ELECTORS ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO TAKE NOTICE AMD- GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY NOMINATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BETWEEN THE HOURS Of pm AND 830 pm EVERY NOMINATION SHALL BE IN WRITING AND STATE THE NAME RESIDENCE AND CUPATION OF THE CANDIDATE BOTH THE PROPOSER AND SECONDER MUST BE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS AND BE PRESENT WHERE A PROPOSED CANDIDATE IS NOT PRESENT HIS NOMINATION PAPER IS NOT VALID UNLESS THERE IS EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE RETURNING OFFICER THAT HE CONSENTS TO BE SO NOMINATED A CANDIDATE MAY RESIGN IN RESPECT OF ONE OR MORE OFFICES FOR WHICH HE IS NOMINATED BY FILING HIS RESIGNATION IN WRITING BY PM OS HE SHALL DEEMED TO BE NOMINATED FOR THE FOR WHICH HE WAS FIRST NOMINATED IF A GREATER NUMBER OF CANDIDATES WAN REQUIRED TO FILL THE SAID OFFICES ARE NOMINATED AND MAKE THE REQUIRED DECLARATIONS POLLS WILL BE OPENED IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES IN THE SAID MUNICIPALITY OF AURORA ON MONDAY THE FIFTH DAY OF OCTOBER FROM THE HOUR OF OCLOCK AM UNTIL OCLOCK PM OF THE SAME DAY POLLING DIVISION AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE VOTES OF VOTERS WHO EXPECT TO BE ABSENT FROM THE MUNICIPALITY ON THE DAY FIXED FOR POLLING AN ADVANCE POLL WILL BE HELD AT VICTORIA HALL CORNER OF MOSLEY AURORA HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH HALL GEORGE STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL WELLS STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL REGENCY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL AURORA SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL CNR RAILROAD STATION WAITING ROOM Wellington Strut Aurora AND VICTORIA STREETS ON FRIDAY OCTOBER FROM PM TO AND ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 3RD FROM PM TO PM DATED THIS DAY OF SEPTEMBER KB RODGER RETURNING OFFICER